Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  with the  Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present: Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Road Manager Alden Shute, plus Kim Felton, Rod Sorgaard and Cindy Kleinschmidt.    April Meeting Record:   Paul read the record of the April meeting.  Mike moved to approve; Gary seconded.

            ROAD REPORT:  Beaver Damage on Town Roads:   Alden said beavers have plugged up the culverts on Eagle Head Road, causing flooding.  He will be cleaning them out.  Mayfield Road:  Alden had to get Hopkins Gravel out with a backhoe to clear out the beaver obstructions.  The road is ok now.

            Grader repair:  Alden got new filters for the grader. 

            Supervisor’s Road Inspection Meeting:   Date for inspection.  Alden is back at work and can’t take a day off.  Glen said Tuesdays are best for him; he can’t do it on a Saturday.  Mike moved that Alden and Gary do a road inspection this weekend, either May 8 or 9, and take good notes that the board can refer to on their inspection and flag areas or note the mile markers.  And then the board do a formal road inspection on Tuesday, May 11 at 10 a.m.  Gary seconded.  Paul will post it, notify Jason Palme and Cheryl Wickham, and Glen will put it on the website.

            Anderson Acres Easement:   Property owner at the end of Anderson Acres Drive wants to ditch electricity to the end.  He wants to know who got the original easements for the road and how he can get an easement to use the road for his electricity.  Mike said he needs to go to the county.

            Rod Sorgaaard asked what is going on with Schmedeke Lane. Mike said that Carlson Timber is selling parcels.  Patrice said her nephew bought one.

            OLD BUSINESS:  WILMA ESCROW ACCOUNTS:   Mark Sauter Logging, S. Duncan Road: He is still working on this project, so board will keep the escrow active.  Carlson Timber, Schmedeke Lane;  Patrice returned their full $500 escrow.  Wermerskichen Timber: Escrow transferred to Road and Bridge.  Patrice can’t delete a fund but can put it to zero.  Midwest Hardwood Corp.:  S. Duncan Road. Patrice returned the full balance of $276.   Hayward Land & Logging, Tamarack Pine Drive, $500. Their escrow was put into Road and Bridge. 

            T&T: The board had directed Paul to contact the MAT Township Attorney about the $1,923.25 of T&T’s money we are holding, some for roads as long ago as 2009. Karl-Christian Johannessen, Staff Attorney for the Minnesota Assoc. of Townships said:   “I believe your first email indicated that no one has reached out to the town regarding the funds, if this is the case, it may be best not to do anything with the funds at this time.   It would be best to keep the funds in their designated escrow account and not to use or transfer the money until the town has consulted with its town attorney. If the town would like to move to some of this money, finding the legal method would likely take consultation with your private township attorney.” Glen moved that we amend our Weight Limit Ordinance to state that if any logger/hauler does not schedule an inspection after their work is finished and request a refund of their escrow moneys within 24 months that their escrow is forfeited, and to make this retroactive to the date of the original ordinance, and that the T&T Logging Escrow account moneys be forfeited and put into Road & Bridge. Mike seconded.

            Garbage Pickup Increase:  The Tri-Township Disposal District Board sent out a Notice of Proposal (attached).  They cannot refund payments on more than one parcel so are proposing restricting pickup to improved parcels only, with no refunds, at $80 per year, $3.08 per pickup day.  Mike said he has concerns that people who are used to having pickup after a weekend but who don’t have improved parcels will still put out their garbage and won’t know about the change.   Gary said refunds can still be requested until September.

            NEW BUSINESS:   Diesel Fuel:  Duxbury VFD filled Big Red Saturday night after the N. Duncan Road fire, about 37.3 gallons; the fire department will pay the town.

            June Board Meeting Change:    Paul requested that the June board meeting be changed from June2 to Wednesday, June 9, so he can go to Puerto Rico.  Glen moved that the date be changed; Mike seconded.  Paul will post the notice and it will be on the website.

             Treasurer’s Report and Claims:  Patrice gave the treasurer’s report.  Total bills for April are  $4,410.19. Total to transfer  from savings to checking, $4,400.00. 

 Motion to Adjourn:    Mike moved to adjourn the meeting; Gary seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

                        Report by Paul Raymond _________________________________



Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm  with the Pledge of Allegiance.  County Assessor Lorri Houtsma attended by telephone conference call;  Wilma Assessor Bob Brewster and Supervisor Gary Vink and Clerk Paul Raymond attended in person, plus Wilma citizen Lynnea Miller from Tamarack Lake.

            Meeting Record of 2020 Board:   Paul read the record; Gary moved to approve; Glen seconded.

            Llynea Miller, Parcel 32.0209:  Her valuation went up almost $30,000. She had been communicating with Bob and he checked her property and said there were no changes, although the Tamarack Lake Neighborhood all got a a 5% increase for being lakeshore. She checked with her neighbors and their taxes did not go up in 2021 over 2020.  Paul said taxes and valuations are not the same thing; you can have a big increase in value like everyone else but your taxes may not go up unless the taxing districts increase their levies or assessments.  Wilma has not increased levies in over 10 years.  Lori said this hearing is only about valuations, not taxes, but Paul asked her if her taxes went up this year over last.  She checked and said no.

            How Values are Determined:   Lori explained that estimated market values are based on a sales study of qualifying sales; the assessor has to set values at 90% – 105% of sales in the previous year, October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020.  The assessment records are stored at the assessor’s office in the courthouse. Qualifying Sales have a CRD, Certificate of Deed filed with the Auditor who gives it to the Assessor. Excluded sales are family sales, forced foreclosures, and token sales.  The increase in EMV for the 33 townships in Pine County is set by the sales in each township the previous year and a half ago, and must be set between 90 – 105%.  Ours are at 93.3%.  Lori said sales are going through the roof in Wilma and all over the state. Bob said wait until next year because Jeff GrandPre’s home was valued at $163,000 and sold for $319,000, not in time to be included in last years qualifying sales.  Another property, Daniel Albafore was valued at $216,000 and sold for $245,000.

            Gary Vink,   Parcel R32:1041, the Farm:  Gary said he put the land under the county 2C forest plan two years ago, and his 2020 taxes went down $698, from $2,270 to $1,578.  But this year the value went from $80,600 to $90,600 and he asked for a new appraisal. Out of his 200 acres, only $400 is in buildings, Bob said.  High ground went up $50 per acre.  Swamp went up $25/acre. Gary does have electricity to the meter even though it is disconnected, but no well or septic.  Lori asked if there is an old well that hasn’t been filled in?  Gary said no well for 40 years.  Bob could reduce it to a half site since he does have a driveway and electric, but no well or septic.  Gary said he was satisfied.

            Schmedeke Land Sales:   Bob said to prepare for some major sales off of Schmedeke Lane and Pete Anderson Road.  Carlson Timber has developed several parcels with new driveways and they are going to sell at a very high price, a lot more than they paid to purchase it.   Paul said he looks forward to the road inspection to see these new parcels.   Bob also said that Tim Fornengo who got have of the T&T Logging Business has plans to build an RV Park just north of Markville, with spaces for many dozens of trailers and RV’s, with holding tanks, wells and electricity.  Bob said they have to get an environmental impact survey since Arna has strict zoning.

            Trailer Value: Dawn and Jason Bickle, Parcel 32.8900.   They did not have tags at the Two Creeks Campground so were valued at $4,200 as personal property. They did get the tags so the value was dropped.

            Travel Trailer, Shawn Durand, Parcel 32.5061:   Same situation; no tags. It is a new trailer and was valued at $62,400.  They told Lori they do have tags but they are inside, and they will send her proof of the tags.  Lori said she doesn’t want to change it until they do.  Glen moved to accept Lori’s decision and leave the values on until they show otherwise.

            County Meeting to Appeal:   The County meeting will be June 14 at 6 p.m.

            Gary moved to adjourn; Glen seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.

                                                                                    _____ _______________________

                                                                                                Paul Raymond, Clerk



Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  with the  Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present: Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Road Manager Alden Shute, plus Arna Supervisors Pam Berg and Jan Proffit.  Patrice made a pie and shared it with everyone before the meeting.

            BOARD OF REORGANIZATION:    Mike took the Oath of Office for Supervisor, Patrice for Treasurer. Mike nominated Glen Williamson to serve as Chairman; Gary seconded.  Passed.  Mike moved that Gary Vink be assistant Chair; Glen seconded; passed. Treasurer Patrice designated Northview as our bank of deposit. Mike moved that The Evergreen and Pine County Courier and the Town Hall and the township website be our notice-posting and publishing places.  Mike moved that the wages and salaries for 2020 as proposed at the March meeting be adopted:   Chairman $105/meeting (over three hours, $22.50/hour);  Supervisors,  $100/meeting (over three hours additional $20.00/hour);  Clerk and Treasurer $100/meeting. Special reports and paperwork  $18/hour.  Election judges $16/hour (including head judge).  Grader Operator $25/hour for grading and plowing; $20 hour for inspections and reports;  Assistant Grader Operator, $20; General labor $16/hour; Major mechanical work, $30/hour; Mechanic Assistant, $16/hour; Annual Meeting Moderator, $75/meeting; Out of town meetings, $150/full day; $100/half day. Mileage at Federal rate, now $.57.5/mile.  Hourly rate, Chairman $22.50; Supervisors $20 (Supervisor Labor $16/Hour) . Zoom meetings $20 per hour for all board members.   

            Mileage:  Federal rate for officers, judges, delegated township representatives, for judges training, township officers training, and association meetings, etc.  $.56/mi. For 2021. Gary seconded; passed.

             Monthly Board Meetings:    Glen moved that we meet the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in 2021/2022.  Gary seconded.                                                      

Township Donations:  Requests from OSAC, Family Pathways, Pine County Historical Association and Seven County Senior Federation for continued contracts. At 2018’s annual meeting, a total of $300 for all requests was approved by the voters for 10 years. Mike moved to give $75 apiece to each of them; Glen seconded.  Passed.

            Snowplowing 2021/2022:   Mike moved that we keep our private drive snowplowing rates for the 2021-2022 season the same as last year:  $75; Drives over 700′, $100;  1,000′ to ½ mile: $175/season; over ½ mile, $350.  Gary seconded; passed.

            BOARD OF SUPERVISOR’S MEETING:  March Meeting Record:   Paul read the record of the March 3 meeting.  Mike moved to approve; Gary seconded.

            ROAD REPORT:   Pete Anderson Range Line Road:   Arna Township Supervisors Jan Proffit and Pam Berg asked to speak about the invoice for road work on the Pete Anderson Road, to get clarification on the charges. Jan  said the copy she saw was so faint it could not be read, but it was for $1200 for ditching on Pete Anderson Road.  She said they were never contacted for approval for this project.  Alden said he took responsibility for that omission and will contact them from now on for major work.  Paul gave Cheryl the addendum to the old Arna Agreement that said Wilma would do all road work on Pete Anderson Road and bill Arna half. He said the invoice he sent Cheryl Wickham was very clear, so she may have made a copy that was faint. Paul apologized for misplacing his copy of the invoice he sent to Arna and will ask Cheryl to send him a copy. He will ask if Arna wants us to mow Pete Anderson Road or if they want to do it.  Alden  gave his report on plowing/grading, repairs, etc.   Alden inspected all roads for winter damage and bladed some roads but most were too wet.  We didn’t have too many frost boils this year.  Supervisor’s Road Inspection Meeting:   Date for inspection will be set at May 5 Board Meeting. Alden wants to put some gravel on some roads, to be finalized at the road inspection. 

            Jerry’s Roadside Mowing Bid:  Jerry Telker says his original bid of $1,000 to $1,500 will likely be lower depending on what roads we want done; closer to $550 – $750.  Mike moved that we hire Jerry’s Mowing to do our roads in 2021.  Gary seconded; passed.

            OLD BUSINESS: Escrow Accounts:   Patrice does not want to keep carrying over escrow accounts for long-completed road projects. Attached is a report of escrow accounts and roads they were for; some going back to 2013. Board decisions: T&T Logging was dissolved and the two Fornengo brothers formed a new company. The board directed Paul to contact the MAT Township Attorney about the $1,923.25 of their money we are holding, some for roads as long ago as 2009. Mark Sauter Logging, S. Duncan Road: He is still working on this project, so keep the escrow.  Carlson Timber, Schmedeke Lane;  return full $500 escrow.  Wermerskichen Timber: Gary said he remembers there was some damage 8 years ago. Mark Pallow was Road Manager then and no report of damages was given to Patrice or Paul. Gary moved to take their whole $500; Mike seconded.  Midwest Hardwood Corp.: S. Duncan Road.  Some damage was taken out in 2014; Glen moved to return the full balance of $276. Gary seconded.  Hayward Land & Logging, Tamarack Pine Drive, $500. Gary said he remembers there was some damage 7 years ago.  Gary moved to take their whole $500; Mike seconded. Patrice will put these escrow accounts into the regular R&B Fund.

            MAT Spring Short Course:  They were changed to online only.  All sessions were  free and are all still available on the MAT website, including downloads and power-points.   Supervisors Day 1:  Cyber security; Easiest Catch:  the Dark Net;   Weed Inspections & Noxious Weed Law;   Understanding Your Fire Department;  The Danger of Nature: Town Powers and Obligations with Noxious Weeds and Destructive Animals.  Clerks & Treasurers:  May – What a Typical Month in Clerking Looks Like?  “Treasurer 101;”  Junk Drawer of Questions & Technology Options.   All Officers Training: Special Meetings;   Personal Injury Claims Against the Town.

            Pine County Township Officers’ Meeting:   Was Saturday, March 27, 9 am at the Community Center, Hinckley, hosted by Wilma Township.  Four board members attended.  Good attendance with at least 50 officers and speakers and reports by Senator Jason Rarick and Representative Nathan Nelson,  County Attorney Reese Frederickson, County Auditor Kelly Schroeder, Caleb Anderson from Zoning and Septic; Commissioners Teri Lovgren and Steve Hallan, Brett Grundemeier from the DNR.

            NEW BUSINESS:   Board of Appeal/Equalization: For voters to appeal 2022 property tax assessments, will be Monday, April 12, 2019, 1 p.m. by Conference Call for County Assessor Lorri L. Houtsma and Supervisor Mike McCullen. Glen will have a speaker for his phone.  Wilma Assessor Bob Brewster will attend in person.  So far we have received no appeals.

            Garbage Pickup Increase:  The Tri-Township Disposal District Board has sent out a Notice of Proposal (attached).  They cannot refund payments on more than one parcel so are proposing restricting pickup to improved parcels only, with no refunds, at $80 per year, $3.08 per pickup day.  Our board has concerns that people who are used to having pickup after a weekend but who don’t have improved parcels will still put out their garbage and won’t know about the change.   Who picks up all this garbage, the county?

            Unemployment Accounts:  We are not being billed for unemployment this year so far, and may receive some help from the stimulus bill so we don’t have large payments if our appeals fail.  We won’t be billed until July.

            Application for Utility Permit on Vink Road by East Central Energy:  Starting at existing junction box on east side of road north 1,550 feet, 3 feet deep underground cable. Glen moved to approve the application but to ask for $1,000 escrow against any damage to the road.  Mike seconded.  Passed.  Glen and Alden signed the permit.

            3.2 Beer License for Duxbury Store:   Glen moved that Duxbury Store be given a beer license; Mike seconded; Gary abstained.  Glen and Paul signed the County permit and Gary will send it to the county.

             Treasurer’s Report and Claims:  Patrice gives the treasurer’s report.  Total bills for April are  $3,572.01. Total to transfer  from savings to checking, $3,500.00. 

 Motion to Adjourn:    Mike moved to adjourn the meeting; Gary seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.

                        Report by Paul Raymond ___________________________________