Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Road Manager Mark Pallow, and Eldon and Dennis Schmedeke and Bill Savanage.
Paul read the record of the February meeting. Patrice corrected one of the claims, for Deep Rock, as she had and paid bills from Deep Rock Bruno and Deep Rock Askov, but it was for the same delivery. They tore up the check for $907.35. February claims were actually $3,104.48. Mike wanted to commend Deep Rock for their honesty, and moved to approve the amended record. Gary seconded.
OLD BUSINESS: Town Hall Addition: Rod Wilson from Dairyland General Contracting presented plans and blueprints for an insulated, heated addition to our town hall, with kitchen, bathroom and plumbing. He said our present foundation is unstable and needs new footings, for an estimated cost of $15,800. The estimate for the 16 x 50 addition is $86,970, not including appliances or painting. He gave an estimated time frame of 20 work days to complete the addition, not including the foundation repair. The board discussed options, including building a completely new hall. Rod thought this could be done for about $130,000. Glen asked Rod to come to our annual town meeting next Tuesday, and present both options.
Wilma Weight Limit Ordinance: We had asked Scott Quady for input on improving the ordinance so that it would not affect the garbage truck or school busses, or private trucks. He suggested that we adopt an axle limit of 7 tons, which would still cover lumber hauling rigs. Mike asked Paul to check the wording on the sign on Co. Road 22, which bans axle weights over 5 tons. The board will revise the ordinance and we can order signs at the next meeting.
Schmedeke Lane Extension: Glen spoke with Commissioner Steve Chaffee who said the county would lower the hill and add class 5 gravel to the road if Wilma would give assurances that we would adopt the road extension. Eldon said he has had many fights and discussions with the Commissioners over this road, demanding that it be made to the full width and standards of any township road. He even offered them $10,000 to purchase the road, but was refused. Eldon suggested that the board wait until the road inspection and the spring thaw to check the road and they will see how mucky it gets. He said the county should straighten the road before we accept it. Eldon said the County also didn’t build the extension as long as they had originally proposed. The board appointed Eldon to chair a committee to draw up clear requirements and minimum standards and specs for the Schmedeke Lane extension that the county must meet before Wilma Township will take over the road, so that the town is not burdened with any costs of building or correcting the road. We will write Steve Chaffee and tell him that we have a committee studying their proposal and determining our requirements.
NEW BUSINESS: Claims: Glen questioned a claim for several hours of labor at the major mechanic rate of $30/ hour to repair the garage door. He said we need some kind of control over what kinds of repairs are done without board knowledge or authorization, and that building repairs should be billed at the labor rate. Gary said this was an emergency situation where the door would not close and we were losing heat, and that it still doesn’t close tight, and we would have paid more if we had hired a contractor. Gary also said the fire hall repair contractors kept the fire hall open 7 – 8 hours on some very cold days, and turned on the heat in the town hall without turning it off. Glen also said Gary shouldn’t usurp the duties and authority of the road manager, but they should work together. Patrice questioned why our electric bill would jump so much in one month.
Pine Co. Highway Dept. Bridge Report: The County inspected the culvert bridge on Heller Drive and included photographs and findings, but they did not ask us for any actions
Road Report: Mark has plowed township roads three times this season, and gave Paul the details for the Range Line Roads to bill Danforth and New Dosey. He also plowed Pete Anderson and Langstrom Roads, but we alternate routine maintenance with Arna Township every year but do not bill each other. Mark will present a road report at the annual meeting Tues.
Annual Meeting Agenda: The Board reviewed and discussed the prepared agenda for the annual meeting and the proposed budget and levies for 2014. There are no increases planned, but Patrice asked that the treasurer’s meeting pay be equal to the clerk’s, as they both have to work hard during meetings. Glen moved to increase the meeting rate for the treasurer to $80 per meeting. Gary seconded.
Pat Story Mailbox Request: The new postmaster drove out Lost River Road to check it for mail delivery before we had plowed it, and she said the road was rutted and too narrow for safe mail delivery. She also is hesitant to extend the route to the end of Lost River Road for just one resident. She did authorize Pat to post a mailbox directly across from Lost River Road instead of down the road like Postmaster Leif had required. Paul will talk with her and assure her that we do maintain and plow Lost River Road.
North Pine Hospital District: At the County Township Officers Executive Board meeting last week, it was noted that Wilma, New Dosey and Arna do not participate and are not members of the district, although we are served by and rely on the hospital. Mike said the people voted when the district was founded not to participate, and he doesn’t think we should now. He said we support the hospital through his and Shawn’s first responder duties, and by our hospital bills. The average Wilma taxpayer would pay $30 per year if we joined. We will present this to the voters at the annual meeting as this is a levy. Cathy Clemmer gave us info on the ordinances involved and the taxes participating townships pay.
Spring Short Course: The course at Black Bear Casino in Carlton is Friday, April 5. We can discuss it at the April meeting for car pooling.
County Township Officers’ Spring Meeting: Saturday, March 30, at American Legion Hall in Hinckley starting at 9 a.m. Glen is Clerk/Treasurer of the Association and will take good notes.
Board of Equalization and Appeal: This will be Wednesday, April 24, at 1 p.m. at the hall.
Board of Reorganization: Will be done at the next monthly meeting, April 3.
Treasurer’s Report and Bills: Patrice gave the board copies of the 2012 Financial Statement that will be given to the voters next Tuesday. She gave the treasurer’s report (attached) and claims were presented:
Dairyland General Contractors $ 3,150.00
Little Falls Marine 34.39
Patrice Winfield (expenses) 23.24
ECE 71.03
Gary Vink (expenses) 75.00
Mark Pallow (expenses) 135.60
Paul Raymond (expenses) 20.32
Mark Pallow 448.82
Mike McCullen 24.94
Gary Vink 220.25
Paul Raymond 190.24
Frank Rehberger 78.27
Joe Vink 210.55
Patrice Winfield 247.49
Glen Williamson 28.39
Total Bills $ 4,958.53
Gary moved to approve the treasurer’s report, pay the claims, and to transfer $3,800 from savings to checking. Mike seconded. Mike moved to adjourn the meeting. Glen seconded. Meeting adjourned at 10 p.m.
Paul Raymond, Clerk