Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Road Manager Mark Pallow.
BOARD OF AUDIT: The Supervisors inspected and compared the books of the Clerk and Treasurer and signed Schedule 1, the Statement of Receipts, Disbursements and Balances for fiscal year 2012. They also compared Schedule 2’s, the Cash Control Statement for 2012, and the Investment Reports. All checked out.
OLD BUSINESS: Road Signs: We had not ordered the signs yet for the weight limit ordinance because there had been no vote on a dead end sign for Lost River Road. Mike said he had a call from Scott Quady who had seen the ordinance online. Scott said this could prohibit his trucks, the garbage truck, and school busses. Most road limit signs refer to number of axels, not arbitrary weight limits. Mike moved that we not order the signs until Paul can talk to Scott Quady and have him give his input into a better worded ordinance and signs. Mike also moved to buy a dead-end sign for Lost River Road and if the county will install it with the others for no added charge, to have them install it. Otherwise we will. Gary seconded. Passed.
Old TV and Dumped TV: Gary said someone dumped an old TV on one of our picnic tables. Patrice said that Phase will accept old TV’s if you call them ahead. Paul and Glen can bring both our TV’s in when they go into town to deliver Barb Smith’s kiln to the OldSchoolArtsCenter for classes.
FEMA Hazard Mitigation Project Payment: FEMA gave us an extension to complete the work on the Mayfield Rd. Hazard Mitigation Project. The total proposed cost for that project was $626. We already purchased the gravel, $266, so the balance for the rip-rap and work on the road is $360. Mark said he will do the work in the spring. We have until June 30 to complete it. FEMA still owes us $900 total, which they’ll pay us after the work is done.
Fire Hall Repair and Town Hall Addition: Rod Wilson will finish the weather-stripping and replace the east man door on the fire hall before our next meeting in March. Ron Proffit will have a completed proposal for the town hall addition by then also, with plans, blueprints and the estimated cost. He said the existing foundation will need some repair before the addition can be built on.
NEW BUSINESS; Seven County Senior Federation: They want to renew their contract with us for services for another year. Last year we paid them $100. Mike said this was decided at the annual meeting, and we should bring it up at the March annual meeting to see what the voters want to do.
Township Officers Life Insurance Policy: Mike moved to renew the policy for $2,000 coverage for officers and deputies for next year. Glen seconded. Passed. The total cost for everyone is $391.32.
Township Officer Dental Premiums: Patrice said the premiums are due, and she needs payment from participating officers.
March Election and Annual Meeting: The regular March board meeting is March 6. The election for Supervisor and Treasurer is on the 12th. Paul so far has two judges, and needs a third. Gary said he would serve. Paul will train Gary. Voting is from 5 to 8 p.m., followed by the Board of Canvass, followed by the Annual Town Meeting. The board can decide what levies to propose to the voters at the March meeting. The unknown is how much the estimate will be for the Town Hall Addition, and we may need to get a Certificate of Indebtedness, and the voters would need to approve a levy to pay it off.
Treasurer’s Report and Bills: Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached). Claims were presented:
Mark Pallow $ 99.73
Mike McCullen 24.94
Paul Raymond 247.87
Gary Vink 98.82
Glen Williamson 23.67
Patrice Winfield 203.17
The Evergreen 13.50
ECE 54.62
MN Benefit Association (Dental) 229.00
Askov Deep Rock 907.35
Robert Brewster (2012 Assessments) 1,518.00
Security Life Insurance (Life Ins.) 391.32
Gary Vink (expenses) 100.00
Patrice Winfield (expenses) 79.89
Paul Raymond (expenses) 19.95
Total Bills $ 4,011.83
Gary moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, to pay all the claims, and to transfer $4,000 from savings into checking. Mike seconded. Mike moved to adjourn the meeting. Glen seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.
Paul Raymond, Clerk