Chairman Gary Vink called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Michael McCullen and Glenford Williamson, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Joe Vink, Mark Pallow, and a citizen.
Paul read the record of the August meeting. Mike moved to approve; Glen seconded.
Pete Anderson/Langstorm Range Line Roads: Arna Township Chairman David Drake sent a letter dated August 1 saying that Wilma did not put gravel on the end of Pete Anderson and Langstrom Roads in 2007 as per our joint road agreement, and informing us that they believe six loads of pit run gravel are needed at 58502, ditching at the new culvert, and 4 -6 loads of pit run at the low spot 100-200 yards north of Duxbury Road where it flooded, and that they plan to do this work this year, their maintenance year. We have the claim dated 1-15-08 showing that we did put 24 yards of gravel at the two road extensions in November, 2007 and billed Arna, and that they paid the claim.
There was a discussion on their other proposals. Gary and Mark inspected the road today, September 3rd, and they don’t believe that there is a need for 6 loads of gravel south of 58502. Gary said that if any gravel is used there, it should be class 5; pit run would just make it worse. In the area 200 yards north of the Duxbury Road, Gary again said that if anything, it should be class 5 gravel. Mike said he has heard several complaints about the Pete Anderson Road, people saying the crown is too high. Joe said that it is not too high; he drove the road both before and after they graded it and he didn’t see much difference. Mike said the area 200 yards north of Duxbury Road will always need gravel as it is low and sinking into the swamp. Joe said that if you put pit run gravel just 3″ deep with 4″ rocks it will just be scraped off; it needs at least 6″. He said the best practice is 4″ of pit run topped off with 2″ of class 5 gravel. Mike said if they do what they propose, we could just fix it next year in our year. Glen moved that we respond to their proposal, sending a copy of our paid claim showing that we did put the 12 yards of gravel at the end of both roads last year; and saying that Gary and Mark inspected Pete Anderson Road on September 3rd and do not believe the road needs 6 loads of pit run south of 58502; and that we agree with the third part of putting 4-6 loads of pit run 100-200 yards north of the Duxbury Road.
WILMA DAYS CELEBRATION: Glen said preparations are on for our Wilma Days celebration set for Saturday, October 18, from 6 to 11 p.m. Glen said we need a consensus that we will have the event and set a limit for the budget for food and entertainment and advertising. The board agreed to have it pot-luck and BYOB, with a band to play from 8 to 11. Mike moved that a $300 limit be set for the band and advertising, with Glen in charge of the planning committee, which will include Patrice. Glen seconded. Patrice suggested the name Wilma Fall Fest, which the board liked and adopted, with the possibility of making this an annual celebration.
DANFORTH RANGE LINE ROAD NEGOTIATIONS: We did not get a response to our invitation for their board to meet with ours. Mike said according to our agreement, the current agreement is still in effect until both boards agree in writing to change or nullify it. The board directed Paul to write to Jeff Shute, telling their board that we consider the agreement to still be in force and that we will not pay for any work authorized by or done by Danforth Township outside of this agreement until both boards can meet and agree on a new agreement, and to invite them to our October 1st meeting.
SNOWPLOW NOTICE: Paul needs to post and publish the notice that snowplowing fees are due for the 2008-09 season by the first Wednesday of November. The rates set by the town at the annual meeting are $75 for regular drives; $100 for driveways over 700 feet, with special plowing at $150 per hour
TREASURER’S REPORT AND BILLS: Patrice presented the Treasurer’s report (attached). Bills were presented:
FNBNS $ 2,000.00
ECE 43.44
The Evergreen 9.75
Patrice Winfield 36.00
Paul Raymond 87.73
Gary Vink 62.33
Glen Williamson 41.56
Pine County Courier 18.80
Federated Coop 423.01
Mark Pallow 125.60
Mike McCullen 41.56
Total Bills $ 3,028.37
Gary moved to pay all bills and to approve the Treasurer’s Report, and to transfer $3,050 from savings to checking.
SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT QUESTIONNAIRE: The Board had a discussion on how to respond to the questionnaire from the Soil and Water Conservation District. Mike said that he feels that the reponse is that there are too many governmental regulations on people already and that the most endangered resource is our taxpayers. He moved to send it back with his suggestions; Glen seconded.
AUTOMARK PUBLIC TEST: Patrice conducted the public test of the Automark Voting Machine, running test ballots that were collaborated by the Clerk and Board. The machine worked fine. The polls for the Primary Election will be open from 10 am to 8 pm, Tuesday, September 9. Judges will be Paul, Patrice, and Donna Filler.
Gary moved to adjourn the meeting; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned at 10 p.m.
Paul Raymond, Clerk