Regular Meeting, August 13, 2008


Chairman Gary Vink called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Glenford Williamson and Michael McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Joe Vink, Eldon and Marjorie Schmedeke, Mark Pallow, Donna Filler, and a citizen.

Paul read the record of the July meeting; Glen moved to approve; Mike seconded.

OLD BUSINESS: Propane Prebuy: The deadline for locking in the prebuy price for propane was July 31, but Patrice called them and they gave us until August 14 to get it for $2.45, up from $1.79 last year. They filled the tank to 80% yesterday with 160 gallons. Mike moved to buy 1,000 gallons at $2.45. Glen seconded.

Sisterman Easement: There was an error in the land description on our application and resolution for the township easement into Sisterman’s property. Mike moved that the board approve the amended resolution to forward to the DNR. Gary seconded.

Park Logging Project: Duane Glienke is almost half done logging the poplar from the park site. He sent a check for $950 for what he’s taken so far.

Escrow Account Deductions: Gary said we have done road and gravel work on roads that were covered under escrow agreements, and that we need to deduct the costs from the loggers’ escrow accounts:

T & T Logging: They had $500 in the account for the South Duncan Road. $300 was used to restore the crown on 7-2-08; $200 was used in August for ditching, gravel and restorative work. They still have $500 in the account for the Pete Anderson Road, minus $66.75 for inspecting the road and the damaged road signs in March and July, total remaining: $433.25.

Tri-State Logging: Their $500 escrow for the N. Duncan Road was used 7-2-08 to restore the crown on the road ($300) and in August $200 for gravel.

ECE: Their $500 for the Little Tamarack Lake Road was used in August for gravel and restorative work.

Potlatch: They had $500 for Crooked Lake Road. $225 was used in November, 07 for roadwork on Crooked Lake Road, and $275 used on 8-7-08 for gravel.

Carlson Timber Products: They’ve had a total of $1500 for three escrow accounts. $1,000 was used on the Vink and Mayfield Roads in 2004; the $500 for Crooked Lake Road was used in August for gravel. Gary has the figures. Hopkins hauled it for us.

Glen said he is concerned about the way we are accounting for the amounts we are taking from these escrow accounts; just taking the entire account and saying it’s for the road is like voodoo economics, and the loggers will ask for and have a right to details of what was done and the costs and how much gravel was used. Joe said that if we don’t take photographs or do a joint road inspection with the loggers before and after their logging activities they could take us to court. Glen said we should investigate having a user fee instead of an escrow account so the loggers know in front that they will not be getting their money back. Gary said he always considered the escrow account to be a user fee. Gary said he does have the details of the dates and amounts of gravel and what grading and restorative work was done, but he didn’t have time to get it prepared for the meeting. He said the actual work and amounts was more than what we are taking from the escrow accounts. Mike said that a user fee to use our public roads may not be legal and he asked Paul to call the township attorneys to explain our escrow program and ask if a user fee would be legal and appropriate.

Townhall Ramp: We got a check for $6,000 for the ramp from the Secretary of State. Glen asked for an accounting for all the money used to build the ramp. Joe, Mark and Gary explained what they did. Donna questioned Gary billing for mileage since he does not have a driver’s license. He said his vehicle was used but Mark did the driving. Patrice questioned the hourly rate for labor. Mike said all these questions would be irrelevant if they did the work as sub-contractors and Mark did the work as the contractor hired by the town to build the ramp, and the board decided to treat Mark, Joe and Gary as contractors. They will not have to pay taxes on their claims. Paul’s work was as a township employee and he will pay taxes. Glen asked for recognition for all those who worked on the ramp, saying they did a great job. Mark said he is getting a bid for putting siding on the town hall to match our new outhouse.

New Dosey Billing: Gary asked Paul to bill New Dosey for grading and gravel on the Heller Road: $75, their half, for grading on 7-30; and $240 for their half of gravel and prep work on 8-7-08 (60 yards of gravel at $8/yard). The total for their half is $315.

Danforth Township Joint Road Agreement: Jeff Shute was going to be at the meeting but he came early and left. They wrote us on July 18 saying that Danforth will no longer continue the joint road agreement. They sent a check for $375 for work already done under the agreement, but they are disputing the 3 hours of blading on 10-25-08, $225. They said that Carlson’s were logging the road that week and never saw our grader do the road. Paul asked if we had the grader diary to prove that the work was done. Donna said she made a road diary at Becky’s request and asked if the grader operator is using it. Paul will find Mark’s claim for that date to show that Mark did grade the road. Mike said not to cash their check so it doesn’t imply that we are accepting it as full payment. Mike asked Paul to write to Jeff to invite their entire board to our meeting on September 3rd to negotiate a new road agreement. Danforth says Sandstone is grading the road for less than we charge.

Clean Water Restoration Act: Eldon asked for the floor to ask the board and township citizens to oppose James Obestar’s Clean Water Restoration Act initiative HR 24-21. He said this would be the biggest land and power grab by the federal government over private property ever. Patrice said that township board meetings are not the forum for private political views and lobbying; they are not political meetings. Glen read into the meeting record part of an article in the July-August Township News by Township Attorney Eric Hedtke on “Controlling Your Meeting:” “The purpose of the town board meeting is for the board to conduct town business. The review of the minutes from the previous month’s meeting are only subject to correction, amendment or deletion by members of the town board. Members of the audience have no right to demand corrections or additions. This general rule applies to most items that come before the board, including the treasurer’s report, claims for payment, considerations of contracts, and any other items of formal business that are exclusively within the purview of the town board. We recommend a public comment item on the meeting agenda, with restrictions, including a time limit on a person’s comments (3 – 5 minutes), requirements that the issue pertain to township business, and that the comment be directed to the board as a whole and that it won’t be a question and answer session. The board chair has the responsibility to move through the agenda, enforce rules of procedure, and stop disruptions.”

Assessment Contract: Bob Brewster sent a contract for the Board for 2008-09 assessments, 279 parcels at $5.50 per parcel = $1,534.50. Mike moved to approve the contract; Glen seconded.

N. Duncan Road Survey: Paul got a letter from Robin Matthews, Pine County Surveyor, saying he did extensive excavations on the North and South Duncan Road to try to find the original road survey markers, to see if Duncan Road is in the wrong location. Since they didn’t find anything, he said that the PLSS monuments that he found earlier are the correct PLSS corner locations

Grader Tires: Gary said the grader needs new tires. It will cost nearly $1,000 for both, and they should last the lifetime of the grader. Glen moved to buy two new tires; Mike seconded.

Treasurer’s Report and Bills: Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached). Bills were presented:

The Evergreen $ 6.00

Glen’s Tire 977.38

Hopkins Sand and Gravel 370.00

Pine Co. Courier 13.16

ECE 45.92

FNBN 2,000.00

Federated Coop (prebuy) 2,459.00

Askov Deep Rock 9.89

Napa Auto Parts 33.75

Lamperts (ramp) 1,228.06

Duane Glienke (ramp) 125.00

JR Construction (ramp) 2,995.00

Mark Pallow (ramp) 400.00


Gary Vink (ramp) 400.00



Patrice Winfield 138.52


Paul Raymond 144.99


Glen Williamson 27.70

Joseph Vink (ramp) 400.00


TOTAL BILLS $ 13,021.55

Mike moved to approve the Treasurer’s report and to pay all the bills and to transfer $13,050 from savings to checking. Glen seconded. Glen moved to adjourn and meeting; Gary seconded. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.

Paul Raymond, clerk