Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Clerk Paul Raymond administered the oath of office to newly reelected Supervisor Glen and Treasurer Patrice Winfield.  Gary Vink nominated Glen to serve as Chairman of the Board for 2013; Mike seconded.  Passed.    Supervisor Mike McCullen moved that the board approve the budget that the voters approved at the March 12 Annual Town Meeting.  The change for 2014 was an increase in the building fund from $1,200 to $5,000, and for 2013, an increase in the treasurer’s meeting pay from $70 to $80.  Supervisor Gary Vink seconded.  Passed.  Mike moved that we retain the same bank and posting as last year, Northview Bank, The Pine County Courier and The Evergreen, and posted notices at the town hall and the Duxbury Store, and that next year’s annual election and Town Meeting be the second Tuesday of March, 2014.  Gary seconded.  All passed.

Also present at the Board of Supervisors’ meeting were:  Eldon and Marg Schmedeke, Road Manager Mark Pallow, and Joe Vink.  Paul read the record of the March meeting.  Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.

OLD BUSINESS:  Seven County Senior Federation contract.  They had asked the town to contract with them for $100 for their work on senior issues.  Mike moved that the board approve what the voters had approved at the annual meeting and Glen signed the contract.

Old School Arts Center:    Gary said he has had complaints since the annual meeting about the vote to donate $100 to the Old School Arts Center in Sandstone.  One complaint is that more and more organizations are asking for township support, and where will it end?  Mike said that people who don’t come to the annual meeting shouldn’t complain about the votes of those who do, but he also questions the need to support the OSAC.  Gary said he heard that the Lourey’s got a grant for $46,000 and he moved that the board not approve the donation.  Mike seconded.  Passed.

Pine County Historical Museum:  Last year the voters and the board voted to send $1 per resident, and the voters did the same at this year’s annual meeting.  Patrice said we never sent the donation last year.  Mike moved that we do send $1 per resident for this year, or $67.  Glen seconded.  Passed; Gary voting no.

Pine County Township Officers Meeting:  Glen was the only officer from Wilma to attend.  He gave a report on the commissioners’ and county officers’ reports.  He said that Sheriff Cole said that the EagleHeadTower will definitely be put up this spring as soon as it warms up, and the state will pay for it.  Telephone companies will likely be allowed to use it for cell phone relays.  Cole said he is short three deputies, and has 23 out of 26 posts.  People feel the north county is being neglected in coverage.  The new Assessor Kelly Schroeder spoke on the Green Acres Program.  Lenny Bonander spoke about the light rail express train from the cities to Duluth.  He believes the project is still on track and will happen.

North Pine Area Hospital District:   Glen said Curt Nelson said that CloverTownship wants to get out of their membership on the board, but they can’t resign.  The district board taxes $215,000, or $7.50 per person for towns that are members of the board.  Essentia signed the new contract with the Board and will not attempt to take over the district and hospital.  They will go ahead with plans to build a new hospital west of Sandstone, behind Gateway Clinic.  Discussion on what to do with the old hospital/nursing home.

DNR and Other Officials:  There are 3 DNR officers in Pine County.  There were 9 wolves harvested last year.  The big concern is aquatic invasive species.  Tim Faust spoke on gun control and the legislature. There is talk of increasing the gas tax.  Glen said Don Sherper encouraged more participation in state township meetings.  Mike said we should research if the East Central Regional Development board may have grants for building a new town hall, and he moved that Paul research this.  Glen seconded.  Passed.  DNR Fire Wardens Meeting:  Glen said that after last month’s meeting, he got a notice about a meeting on March 26 with the DNR for area people on burning dangers and permits and fire warden activities.  There was no opportunity to get authorization to represent the township, but he went anyway because it is an important issue with the blowdown fire danger.  They said the 2011 blowdown affected 186,000 acres with $12-$14 million in stumpage loss in our area.  Forty roads were damaged and thousands of acres need to be replanted.  They are issuing burning permits by zone.  The DNR bought a new dozer and chopper for our service area.  Last year 239 fires affected 69,000 acres.  Any fire wider than 3’ diameter with a 5’ clearance zone must have a permit.  These can be obtained online or from Duxbury Fire Warden Joe Vink at the store.  Glen said he did not add this meeting to his claim, but he asked the board to approve retroactively that he represent the township at this meeting.  Mike said there was no information given that he and Gary don’t already know, and moved that the board pay for Glen’s mileage, but not for a half-day meeting.  He said they did provide a meal as part of the evening.  Gary seconded.  Glen abstained. Passed.  Glen said the DNR is having  a meeting on the snowmobile trail system in the county on May 25 at the AskovCommunity Center.

Wilma Township Weight Limit Ordinance:   The Board reviewed the revised Ordinance Establishing a 7-Ton Axle Weight Limit on Wilma Township Roads Without a Permit.  Mike moved to approve the revisions and to publish and record the ordinance.  Gary seconded.  Passed.  Mike asked that the signs be ordered and that they read:







          Schmedeke Lane Committee:  Glen asked Eldon if he had made progress on drawing up clear requirements and minimum standards and specs for the Schmedeke Lane extension for us to present to the county before Wilma will agree to take over the road.  Eldon asked that no one talk with the commissioners until the committee gives their report.  He said he missed the annual meeting but he is very glad the voters approved going ahead with researching a new town hall.  He said he still feels the town park land is the best location, and the only reason the board is considering building it on the existing site or near the existing hall is because of the Duxbury Store.  Eldon said security could be guaranteed at the park site, and the southwest corner is high ground.  If Duane Glienke had built a logging road there when he logged the poplar, we would have a cleared site now.  He said that the town hall site does not have enough parking area.

New Town Hall:  Glen spoke with Ron Proffit at the East Pine Co. Wanderers’ meeting, and he is asking what has been decided.  Mike said he is very unhappy with the job on the fire hall; he said shovelable snow came in through the cracks on the repaired wall and he thinks it was a terrible job.

Glen said when the board does the spring road inspection, that they should check the park land for a feasible building site, and that the board should also inspect the fire hall repairs to see if the contractor needs to do more.  Joe asked if there has been a decision on the square feet for the new hall.  So far only with the proposal and blueprints that Rod Wilson gave before the annual meeting for a 42’x56’ (2352 square feet) building.  Mike said that for 30 years we have talked about the small field between the hall and the store.  Mike Glienke had said he would give the town that land, but it never happened.  Mike asked that we research whether we can trade a portion of our town park land that is next to Duane Glienke’s farm for the area between the fire/town halls and the Duxbury Store.  He said the county recorder should have a record or deed for the land that may have any restrictions on what the township can do with the land.  We got it donated from the county.  They should also have a record of the east boundary of the town hall land.  Mike moved to have the clerk write to the recorder and auditor to determine our township land boundaries and our rights regarding the 36.5 acre park. Glen seconded. Passed.  Joe said that any new hall should have a slab with in-floor heating.

NEW BUSINESS:  Township Dental Insurance:  Premiums have gone up, starting in the May quarter.  $53.31 for single officers, $159.93 for Glen and Toni, due at the next meeting.

Grader repair:  Mark said the grader needs a new cylinder, and the cost to transport and repair the grader will be $1,440 round trip to Park Rapids, plus $7,000-$10,000 for the repairs.  Mike said we have to have the grader fixed for the roads and he moved that Mark be authorized to have the grader transported to Park Rapids and to do repairs up to $15,000.  Mark will have them check the fuel lines and the engine missing.  Anything over $15,000 will require a special meeting.  Gary seconded.  Passed.

Spring Road Inspection:  Still too early to set a date for when the roads will be dry enough to do an inspection.

Fire Hall Doors:  The doors are in bad shape and will need to be replaced.  No action taken.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims:  Patrice gave the treasurer’s report (attached), and claims were presented:

Patrice Winfield (expenses)               $        13.33

The Evergreen                                            15.75

Pine Co. Courier                                         18.80

U.S. Treasury                                            454.20

ECE                                                            76.75

Aspire (website)                                         300.00

Paul Raymond (election/expenses)             58.91

Gary Vink (election)                                   45.00

Glen Williamson (mileage)                          55.37

Pine Co. Historical Museum                       67.00

7 County Senior Federation                       100.00

Barb Smith (election)                                   35.00

Ace Hardware                                             17.08

Gary Vink (election training)                      20.00

Frank Rehberger                                         41.56

Glen Williamson                                        150.30

Mike McCullen                                           78.96

Paul Raymond                                           234.57

Gary Vink                                                  241.96

Mark Pallow                                              457.13

Patrice Winfield                                         156.07

Total Bills            $    2,665.44

Mike moved to approve the treasurer’s report, to approve and pay all the claims, and to transfer $2,700 from savings to checking.  Gary seconded.  Mike moved to transfer $10,000 from the Road and Bridge Fund to the General Fund, as Patrice said the General Fund is $300 in the hole.  Gary seconded.  Passed.  Gary moved that the meeting be adjourned; Mike seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 10 p.m.

Board of Equalization and Review:  Paul reminded the board that the board of reorganization and review will be Wednesday, April 24, at 1 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk



          The Board met at the Duxbury Store on Sunday, 3-25-2012 for the Board of Reorganization.  Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m.  Supervisors Gary Vink and Michael McCullen and Clerk Paul Raymond were present.

Paul swore Michael McCullen in as Supervisor for a three year term.  Paul had been sworn in by Clover Clerk Gigi Everett earlier.  Campaign certifications and filings were distributed.

Mike nominated Glen Williamson to serve as Chairman of the Board for 2012-2013. Garyseconded.  Glen elected.

The deadline for filing a resolution for the recertification of the precinct boundaries for Wilma Township as a result of the 2010 Census is before our April monthly meeting, so Glen made a motion that we adopt a resolution certifying that our precinct boundaries and polling place has not changed, and that this resolution should be reported to the County Auditor.

Garyseconded.  All board members signed the resolution.

Application forms for officer dental insurance coverage were distributed.  Paul said he may have mis-recorded the motion at the annual meeting.  Patrice said she thought they had voted to pay half.  Regardless, this decision is a board decision.  Paul will try to record future meetings. MAT had said that all officers and employees are eligible, even if their hours are variable. Glen moved that township coverage be limited to officers. Garyasked that his be tabled until the April Board Meeting.  Issue tabled.

Garymoved to adjourn the meeting.  Mike seconded.   Meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk



The Board of Reorganization was called to order by the Deputy Clerk, Toni Williamson with the pledge of allegiance at 7:30pm. Toni then swore in the elected officials, Gary Vink as Supervisor and Patrice Winfield as Treasurer.

The clerk asked for nominations for Chairperson for the Board of Supervisors and after nomination and seconding, with no discussions, Glen Williamson was unanimously voted as Chairperson.

The Board voted to approve the Budget as set at the Annual Meeting on March 2, 2011.


The Reorganization meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm Chair Glen Williamson called the Board of Supervisors meeting to order.

Road Report by Gary Vink

Heller Road – March 25, 2011 snowplowing 15 minutes. Bill to New Dosey of $37.50

Water – Vink, Heller, Langstrom, Eagle Head and Mink roads. No action taken. Langstrom has a frozen culvert and he isn’t sure if it is a county matter or not.

Glen reported on the Pine County Township Officers Association meeting held on March 26, 2011. He was also re-elected as the Secretary/Treasurer. Bea Drilling received a plaque in appreciation for her husband Joe Drilling who passed away last year for his 32 years of service. Don Sherper spoke encouraging everyone to come to the district meetings. The Pine County Board of Commissioners will begin to have meetings later in the day for better participation. There was a question from mike asking if Essential Health was there. Glen responded no, but they will try to get them at a future meeting. Patrice gave an overview on budget issues, overtime, checking flooding, and hiring a vendor to upgrade road signs.

Glen, Patrice and Toni attended the Minnesota Association of Townships Spring Meeting on April 1, 2011 at Black Bear Casino. Glen asked if it is possible for more than one supervisor to attend these meetings to ensure all are well informed.

· Glen gave information on the upcoming required retro reflectivity unfunded mandate. He gave a sample of what we should model. We need to go out and check our signs. The must look the same with poles at standard sizes that look the same day or night. There was discussion and it was suggested that we call a special meeting. Mike asked if we have any escrow and Patrice replied no. It is to be discussed at the May meeting.

· There was conversation regarding the Fire Department and the relationship with the County and Township. The question was asked by Glen if it is independent, nonprofit joint powers. Mike said that it is and independent-nonprofit. Glen suggested we should get Joint Powers with Arna and New Dosey. There was an objection from Gary that this it is a fire department issue and should be taken up at the Fire Department meeting. Glen responded that if the Township is spending $4,500 we should know where it is going and who we are dealing with as we have no representative.

· Discussion then went to resolutions. Gary said we need to be sure to make them and they should be separate and not have to go through minutes. This was tabled until our Clerk Paul returns, which should be in time for the June meeting.

· Patrice mentioned that E&O (Errors and Omissions) will no longer be covered as a standalone policy. Toni will check the insurance policy to see if our E&O is a standalone or included in our main policy. Patrice went on to say that if it is not included through them that Country Financial says we can get E&O insurance through them.

· At the MAT meeting, they asked all townships to show good representation and/or support for the National convention.

Patrice brought up that the group life insurance is due. She asked if Toni (Deputy Clerk) should be included. There was discussion, a motion by Gary and second by Mike to add Toni to the insurance. Glen abstained from voting.

Toni mentioned that the ramp handrails need to be reinforced as they sag when you lean on them and if they break, someone could get injured. The Supervisors went outside to inspect the ramp handrails and upon return, Glen motion to get braces for handrails and to finish the handicap access necessities. It was seconded by Mike and motion was passed.

Glen mentioned that there had been a complaint about snowplow damaging property. He suggested that we should get an actual plow and not use the grader. He then posed the question if we want to consider getting out of the plow business. Mike said we need to think about what kind of truck. Patrice suggested a small truck for driveways and one for regular roads. Glen asked all to consider if this is something we should do. Mike will look into it.

Glen mentioned that Steve Alden on Fust Lane had called him with garbage questions and he was told him to call Mike McCullen, our representative on the garbage board.  Gary Vink informed the board that he’s now the representative on the garbage board and any questions about garbage should be directed to him.

Patrice copied and gave the minutes for the year 2011 to Eldon Schmedeke. Total cost with postage, ink, paper and time came to $47.56. Clerk will send bill.


Patrice Winfield $281.16 Miscellaneous Duties and Meetings

Glen Williamson Sr. $217.71 Miscellaneous Meetings and Duties

Toni Williamson $360.42 Meetings, Miscellaneous Duties and Bookwork

Frank Rehberger $ 50.95 Snow Plowing

Gary Vink $155.20 Meetings and Road Maintenance

Mark Pallow $161.34 Snow Plowing

Mike McCullen $ 25.48 Meeting

ECE $ 48.02 Electric

Pine City Courier $ 20.68 Notices

Federated $123.69 Heating Oil

Evergreen $ 35.00 Notices

Bruno Deep Rock $374.06 Batteries for Grader

Patrice Winfield $96.05 Office Supplies

Glen Williamson $145.00 Mileage and Short Courses

MN Benefit Association $197.00 Group Life

Aspire, Inc. $200.00 Web Site

Gary Vink $ 34.50 Plow/Road maintenance

Toni Williamson $ 80.00 Election and Sprint MAT Meeting

US Treasury $460.00 Medicare

TOTAL $3,070.00

Motioned by Mike and seconded by Gary to transfer necessary funds to pay bills.

Motioned by Mike to adjourn and seconded by Gary. Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm.

Toni Williamson
Deputy Clerk, Wilma Township