The Board of Reorganization met at the Duxbury Store at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, March 22, 2007. Chairman Gary Vink called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Michael McCullen and Glenford Williamson, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Antoinette Williamson. Patrice Winfield had been sworn in earlier as Treaurer by the Clerk.
Paul swore in Glenford Williamson as Supervisor of the Town of Wilma for a term of three years.
Paul read the record of last year’s Board of Reorganization. Mike moved to approve the minutes; Gary seconded.
Gary moved that the wages for the Board of Supervisors as voted on by the citizens at last week’s annual Town Meeting be approved, including half and full-day meetings, mileage, special reports and election judges, and that next year that these wages not be put on the agenda at the annual Town Meeting for a vote as the the Supervisors set the wages. Mike seconded.
Mike nominated Glen to be Chairman of the Board. Glen declined the nomination. Mike nominated Gary to be Chairman, and said Gary has been doing a good job. Glen seconded. Glen moved that Mike be appointed Deputy Chairman; Gary seconded.
Mike moved that all official township legal postings, bank, notices, paper of record, meeting times, etc., be the same as 2006. Glen seconded.
Paul and Patrice will be attending the Township Short Course in St. Cloud on Monday, March 26. Glen and Gary and possibly Mike plan to attend the Grand Rapids Short Course on April 5th. The County Supervisors Meeting is in Hinckley on Saturday, March 31, and Patrice and some Supervisors will attend. The Board of Review is Wednesday, April 11, at 10 a.m. at the Town Hall.
Glen moved to adjourn the meeting; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Gary said Supervisors will be paid for the full hour.
Paul Raymond, Clerk