April 4, 2007
Chairman Gary Vink called the meeting or order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Glenford Williamson, Michael McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Joe Vink, Headly Williamson, Mark Pallow , and two citizens.
Paul read the record of the March meeting; Mike moved to approve; Glen seconded.
OLD BUSINESS: Grader: Mark got hydraulic oil and a filter for the grader; the cost was close to $1,200.
Copier: Glen got a copier for the township and a printer cartridge. It will be kept at the treasurer’s home.
Towing: Wisconsin Truss delivered a 6-ton load of trusses to a home by Tamarack Lake before the road restrictions were lifted and got stuck in the mud. Joe had to tow them out with the grader. Paul will bill them for the towing, 1.5 hours = $150.00.
Arna Townline Road Reconciliation: Gary has reviewed Arna Township’s bill for work on the Pete Anderson and Langstrom Roads, and approved payment, $1,692.00.
Danforth Townline Road Payment: Danforth Township paid us for work we did on the Eagle Head and Crooked Lake Roads, and sent a bill for $120 for some culvert work they did. Gary did some more work on the road on the culverts and Paul will bill them for $45, plus ask them to put a screen on the culvert by Jason Palme’s place, ¾ mile down Crooked Lake Road. The culvert is plugged and Gary doesn’t know if it’s frozen or beaver-plugged. Mike said to wait until the thaw to take action.
NEW BUSINESS: Township Laptop Computer: Patrice said she learned at the Short Course that the clerk and treasurer have to use CTAS for the town books, and she doesn’t have a PC. Glen said Walmart has a C-M Step Note laptop computer for less than $500, with a Chinese processor, that should have more than enough power for CTAS. It will work with our printer. He said it would be better to get a new StepNote than a used IBM. We can get an extended warranty for a little more. Mike asked Patrice to investigate the StepNote and the cost of an extended warranty. Patrice asked for permission to buy a couple of file folder totes for her records. Mike moved that Patrice be authorized to buy what she needs; Gary seconded. Mike said misc. supplies don’t require a motion.
General Fund: Mike moved that the Board adopt a resolution that all interest on our savings account be deposited into the General Fund. Glen seconded. Mike moved that all PILT funds be deposited into the General Fund. Gary seconded. Mike moved that all Gas Tax revenues be designated to pay for the grader. Glen seconded. Mike then moved to recind the previous motion and made a new motion that all Gas Tax revenues be deposited in the Road and Bridge Fund for the upkeep of township roads. Glen seconded.
New Outhouse: Mark said that he estimates that an 8 x 8 ‘ outhouse will cost around $900 for labor and materials. Mike said he would like to investigate the cost of a handicapped-accessible porta-potty. Mark said he would check prices on holding tanks; he believes it would be about $3,000 installed. The fire department would like to have something in by the pancake breakfast, if possible.
In a related issue, Glen said he would like to see if we could make the town hall more attractive and available for more public events. As 2007 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Town of Wilma, Glen moved that Patrice be designated entertainment coordinator for the Duxbury Days celebration August 4th. Mike seconded and Patrice accepted.
Published Meeting Minutes: Donna Filler showed the board a copy of the public record of the meeting of the Pine County Commissioners, and said that no private citizen who attended the meetings was identified unless they spoke during the meeting. There was a discussion, and the clerk agreed to not publish any private citizen names in the minutes on the town website, unless they spoke during the meeting.
Payroll Deductions: Patrice said that at the short course we were told that separate checks had to be written for taxable and non-taxable payments, unless the Board passed a resolution otherwise. Mike moved that the board adopt a resolution that both taxable and non-taxable payments may be included on the same check. Glen seconded.
Bills for April:
Mike McCullen $ 41.56
Donna Filler 35.00
Mark Pallow 1,163.49
NAPA Auto Parts 59.96
Danforth Township 60.00
Town of Arna 1,692.00
Pine Co. Courier 20.68
East Central Energy 34.91
MN Benefit Association 165.00
U S Treasury 341.64
Paul Raymond 367.17
Mark Pallow 22.16
Joe Vink 89.46
Gary Vink 250.49
Patrice Winfield 336.17
Glen Williamson 236.27
Total Bills: $ 4,915.96
Glen moved to pay all the bills and to transfer $5,000 from savings to checking. Mike seconded. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
General Fund Disb./Transfer $ 10,425.62
Balance 9,833.47
Road and Bridge Rec./Transfer 10.245.00
Disbursements 2,822.61
Balance 9,831.60
Fire Disb: 3,500.00
Bal: 321.14
Park Bal: 719.53
Building Disb: 26.08
Bal: 6,790.95
Escrow Fund Bal: 4,864.87
TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 32,361.56
Glen moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Mike seconded.
The Soil and Water Conservation District Meeting is Saturday, April 7th.
Glen moved to adjourn the meeting; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Paul Raymond, Clerk