Town of Wilma Boardof Equalization and Review, April 25, 2012
The Board of Supervisors met for the annual Board of Equalization and Review at 10 a.m. Wednesday, April 25, 2012. Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance. Supervisors Gary Vink and Michael McCullen, County Assessor Troy Stewart, Assessor Jenny Mansavage, andWilmaTownship’s Assessor Robert Brewster, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Eldon and Marjorie Schmedeke were present.
Mike moved that the minutes of last year’s Board of Review be waived; Gary seconded.
Eldon and Marjorie Schmedeke had several parcels that they wished to have reviewed: R32:0108, 0104, 0122, 0102, and 0103.
Eldon first thanked the county and Wilma assessors for reducing the property valuations inWilmaTownship; he said he’d been paying too much in taxes. Because of very wealthy Twin Cities’ people purchasing land near Eldon’s, the county bases values on these top-dollar sales, and regular taxpayers end up paying the bill.
R32:0108: OnPete Anderson Road, second 40 in. Both he and the owner of the first 40 have swampland. The assessor has Eldon’s swamp at 14 acres, and the first 40 at 23 acres, but Eldon believes they are almost identical. The first 40 is assessed at $31,100 while Eldon’s is valued at $40,600. The assessor said the corner 40 borders two roads.
32:0104 and 32:0112 are appraised as having access. Eldon said there is no road access, and if they were sold they would be landlocked.
32:0106: Has half-access. Rivers run through 106,112 and 104.
32:0102 and 0103: Eldon said this is valued as high ground, while it is the flats and unbuildable. He said the appraisers only see it from the sky, not from the ground. Troy Stewart said high ground is valued at $1,225/acre, and waste at $300.
Michael McCullen, Parcel 32:0152: Mike’s value has gone down from $187,000 to $156,300. But he knows of a cabin on Co. Road 30 near Sandstone, built of similar logs but much larger, with an additional house, a huge pole barn and a big pond. The county appraised it at $181,000, and earlier appraised at $221,000, but it sold in January for $156,000, after years of being on the market. Mike has 27 acres, while the other property has 5, but Mike thinks they also have Sandstone city water and sewer. Mike asked if he got an independent appraisal, would the County Assessor take that into consideration. Troy said yes, but the county’s appraisals are always a year behind, based on Oct. 1 to Sept. 30 of the previous year, just as our levies don’t take effect until the next fiscal year. Everyone is treated equally, but may not equal a current appraisal. The assessor’s records show that the Sandstone property is not inSandstoneCity, and is 2.5 acres. Because Mike is a Supervisor, his case can not be decided by the Wilma Board, but Mike said he wanted it on the record that his property is over-priced, based on nearby sales. Mike can appeal to the county, but Bob Brewster does not attend County Assessor Boards of Review.
Bill Corniea, Twin Creeks Campground, letter to the board, Parcel 32:8900. When the trailer was inspected, it did not have a current license tab, so was valued as a permanent trailer at $6,000. He has purchased tabs and is current, and asked the appraisal to be reversed.
Eldon Schmedeke: R32:0108: Troy recommended and Mike moved and Gary seconded to add 3 more acres of swamp, which would lower the value to from $40,600 to $37,800. Passed.
R32:0104: Assessor recommended and Mike moved and Gary seconded to remove access. Value lowered from $41,900 to $36,600.
32:0112: Troyat first recommended no change, but this is also no-access, so agreed to change. Gary moved and Mike seconded to remove site-access, reducing it from $40,400 to $35,100, $5,300. Passed.
32:0106: Troy recommends, Gary moved, Mike seconded to change to no access, change from $41,900 to $36,600. Total reduction of 104, 106, and 112, $5,300 per parcel, total $15,900.
32:0102 and 0103, side-by-side 80 acres. Troy recommended and Mike moved that Eldon walk out this land with Bob Brewster to see how many acres are high ground. If Bob recommends a change, Eldon can appeal at the county.
Bill Corniea: Mike moved andGary seconded to accept his new tags and remove the appraisal. Passed.
Mike McCullen: Glen moved andGary seconded to have Bob inspect Mike’s house to report to the county, but because of Mike being on the board to vote no change. Mike can then appeal at the county level. Bob agreed to stop by Mikes’ after the Board of Review.
The Board thanked the Assessors Troy Stewart, Jenny Mansavage and Bob Brewster for coming out to the township. Mike moved to adjourn;Garyseconded. Meeting adjourned at 11:30.
Paul Raymond, Clerk