Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Supervisors Gary Vink and Michael McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield and Clerk Paul Raymond were also present.
Paul read the record of the March board meeting. Garymoved to approve; Mike seconded. Paul read the Annual Meeting record from March 13th. Mike moved to approve;Gary seconded. Approved.
Tri-State Escrow: The $500 escrow payment by Tri-State Lumber for work on theNorth Duncan Road bounced. Glen moved that the Board direct Paul to send Tri-State a certified return-requested letter telling them not to return to our township until they have sent us a certified check for the $500 plus a $30 penalty. We will tell them they have 10 days from the receipt of the letter to comply, or we will use all legal remedies. They are not to remove any wood from our township until they pay.
County Officers’ Meeting: Paul gave a short description of the speakers and subjects at the meeting inHinckley on Sat. March 31. The two biggest issues relevant to our town is the high-speed railway from the Cities toDuluth and the attempted takeover of our hospital,PineMedicalCenter, by Essentia. TheCountyOfficers passed a resolution to oppose this takeover and to support local control of our hospital, and to send letters to this effect to state, federal, and county officials. Glen moved that the town board pass a similar resolution and communicate this to our commissioners and representatives and to Essentia and our local hospital board. Gary seconded. Paul will write the letters.
FEMA Update: Doug Stahl, Public Assistance Engineer with the State said on April 2 that they will start making payments in the next 3-4 weeks, when they’ll pay about 97%, and then the balance after we send our work completion forms and invoices.
Seven County Senior Federation Donation: At the Annual Meeting, the voters approved sending the Federation a donation of $100 to enter into a contract for services to our seniors. Mike moved that the Board approve this donation;Gary seconded. Patrice has the contract and will send it.
Pine County Historical Society: MN. Statute 138.053 says townships can make donations to county historical societies if they are approved by the state historical society. The voters had approved a $1 per citizen donation for 2012, or $63 based on the last census. Gary moved that we send them $63 once we confirm that they are in fact approved. Glen seconded.
Town Hall Addition: The voters approved this project. Mark questioned the soundness of our foundation. Paul volunteered to solicit quotes and estimates from contractors, and Patrice agreed to work with the contractors to draw up a floor plan. We will ask contractors to do an inspection of our foundation and draw up a feasibility study for the project and provide estimates or quotes. Two builders we will contact are Glen Roberts and Melvin Elliot, Jr.
Dental Coverage for Officers: The voters had voted to approve the town covering half of the cost of group dental insurance for township officers. The board discussed who should be included, and what percentage the township would pay. Mike moved that the township pay half of the cost of premiums for elected officers only, and that if appointed deputies wish to join the group plan, that they can pay the full premiums. Gary seconded. The monthly cost per officer is $32.16. Officers will pay their half, $16.31, at the monthly meetings.
Group Life Insurance: The town has been covering officers for a minimum group-life policy for years. Glen moved that we continue this and pay the premium, and that appointed deputies also be included. Mike seconded.
Road Maintenance and Gravel: Glen said that we will wait until the spring road inspection to determine what roads need gravel and work. This will be in May, and the date can be set at the May meeting.
Board of Appeal/Equalization: This is April 25 at 10 a.m. Only Glen has been certified as a trained assessment supervisor. His certification expires on Nov. 30, 2013. Gary said he will be trained at the summer short course on June 28 inCarlton and filled out the application. At least two supervisors need to attend the Board of Appeal.
Election Judge Training: For all judges, training is in Askov on June 13, from 1 – 3 p.m., or inHinckley on June 14 at the Community Center from 9 – 11 a.m. Paul has to get extra training June 7 in Sandstone, or maybe at the summer short course.
Town Hall Tables: Sue Koecher said thatSt. Paul’sLutheranChurch in Bruno may donate some folding tables for our town hall. Mike asked us to see if they also have chairs they can donate. If we get more tables, we will need more chairs. We can use the benches, if necessary.
Spring Short Course: This is Friday, 4/6 inCarlton. Paul and Patrice will car-pool, and Glen and Toni will drive. Toni is getting refresher training.
Satellite Internet: Glen said he uses his computer and satellite connection for a lot of township business, especially with the clerk. The clerk and treasurer both have their satellite connections subsidized by the town at $10/month, and Glen said we should extend this to any officer who uses his computer for significant township business and correspondence. There was discussion, and a decision to table this until the annual meeting next March.
Treasurer’s Report and Bills: Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached) and bills were presented:
PineCo.Courier $ 37.60
ECE 52.14
The Evergreen 52.00
Mark Pallow (expenses) 17.76
Glen Williamson (expenses) 33.30
Paul Raymond (expenses) 54.52
Barb Smith (judge) 40.00
Antoinette Williamson (judge) 40.00
Patrice Winfield (judge/internet) 52.50
Aspire (Township Website for 2012) 210.00
U.S. Treasurer (1st Qtr. Withholding) 318.34
Mn. Benefit Assoc. (life insurance) 229.00
Seven County Senior Federation 100.00
Mike McCullen 38.21
Mark Pallow 28.30
Paul Raymond 356.64
Glen Williamson 142.71
Frank Rehberger 178.32
Gary Vink 157.57
Patrice Winfield 230.21
Total Bills $ 2,369.12
Garymoved to pay all the claims, to approve the treasurer’s report, and to transfer $2,400 from savings into checking. Mike seconded. Glen moved to adjourn the meeting. Garyseconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Paul Raymond, Clerk