Regular Board Meeting, July 2, 2008

JULY 2, 2008

Chairman Gary Vink called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisor Glenford Williamson, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Eldon and Marjorie Schmedeke, Mark Pallow, and a township citizen.

Paul read the record of the June meeting. Eldon asked that the record be amended to not say that Schmedeke Lane is a minimum maintenance road. Glen moved to approve the record as amended. Gary seconded.

OLD BUSINESS: Sisterman Easement: Paul had the resolution and all the paperwork from Sisterman’s to send to the DNR. Glen has reservations about the commitments Sisterman’s have made since we do not have a signed agreement with them. Glen asked Paul to send the Sistermans a copy of our resolution and ask them to both sign it and have it notarized, and to write them that the gate issue is not part of the agreement, in case the board eventually wants it moved. Glen moved that once we get the signed agreement back from the Sistermans, that we send the application and resolution and paperwork and the $500 check to the DNR. Gary seconded.

Town and Country fuel: They have an offer that if we pay within 5 days we will get the diesel fuel for $4.15/gal. We got 288 gallons @ $4.14 =

$1,303.56 — $28.80. There was a discussion on whether we are tax exempt and need to pay the tax. Gary said the tax exemption does not apply to tires. Patrice spent a lot of time with the State Auditor’s office trying to find out if we were tax exempt for the checks and found out that we were not. The tax exemption only applies to road and bridge materials.

Eagle Head/Crooked Lake Road: Gary said that a few days after our June meeting, someone bladed Eagle Head and Crooked Lake Roads and scraped off the crown. Kelch’s complained that the grader tore up rocks and knocked them into their property.

Joint-road billing: Gary asked Paul to bill Danforth for 5 miles mileage and ½ hour for inspecting Eagle Head and Crooked Lake Roads on 6/7 for the complaints: Their half, $12.50. Also to bill New Dosey Township for ½ hour of blading Heller’s Drive on 6/26, $75.

Culverts: Gary hasn’t received an answer from the County on culvert prices. Also he called Hopkins to get a quote for hauling grave. He also inspected the cul-de-sac at River Cabin Road where Thielman’s complained and he said it has degraded since the road inspection and does need gravel. Glen sent Theilmans a copy of our meeting record from June.

Escrow Account Deductions: Gary said to take $300 from T & T Logging’s Escrow Account for 2 hours of blading the South Duncan Road on 7/2/08 to restore the crown they had flattened out. Ditching will be required and possibly other restorative work. We also need to take $300 from Tri-State Logging’s account for road work on 7/2/08 on the North Duncan Road to restore the crown. The road also needs more gravel.

HAVA Grant: When the Secretary of State notified us in November that we had been awarded a $6,000 grant to build a ramp for the Town Hall, they sent a contract that we needed to sign and return. No action was taken, but they recently faxed another copy of the contract and we still have time to do the work; it has to be completed by August 1st. We cannot start the work until they receive the signed contract and they send us a letter authorizing us to start the work. Paul will fax and mail the contract and Mark can start the work as soon as we receive the letter. All receipts and billing needs to be sent to them by August 1st.

Building Committee: Glen said that the Building Committee was supposed to present a report at the June meeting with estimates to build a new town hall at the park site. Eldon said they did not pursue the building study because there was no point if we will not have a clearing at the park site, if Duane Glienke gets a back access to the wood in the park. He said that they would get an estimate if there was some interest in actually building a new town hall. Marg said that when Eldon brought up the hall that Gary laughed. Eldon said that we should all be looking out for what benefits the township. Gary said that Duane Glienke always wanted to get to the wood from the back and that he does not receive any personal benefit and resents the implication that he is looking out for his own interests and not the town’s. Glen said that Eldon is only intimating that there was a conflict of interest, and that whenever there is an appearance of impropriety or confict of interest in township business that the parties should abstain or step back.

NEW BUSINESS: Automark Voting Machine: The County Auditor wants us to bring the Automark machine to the courthouse on July 18 for cleaning and inspection. Patrice will take care of it.

August Town Board Meeting: Paul asked it the meeting in August could be moved to the second Wednesday, August 13, as he will be on vacation. Glen said this would be better for him also and he moved that the meeting be changed to 8/13. Paul will post and publish this.

Duxbury Days: Glen said he and his family always enjoyed coming up for Duxbury Days and the parade and dinner and games. He would like to restore this holiday. Glen suggested moving it to October to coincide with our anniversary like last year when we celebrated the 100th birthday. We could have a potluck dinner and party like we did last year. It could be called Wilma Days. Glen said that we could have a dance at the town hall, with a live band. Gary said Dennis Hanson may still have a band. Glen said if we’re going to have a Duxbury Days dance or party that we need to start the planning soon.

Bills and Treasurer’s Report:

ECE $ 48.41

FNBN 2,000.00

US Treasury (2nd quarter) 343.60

DNR Division of Land and Minerals 500.00

Askov Deep Rock 52.00

Federated Coop 10.65

Mark Pallow 36.00


Paul Raymond 115.44


Town and Country Oil 1,274.76

Gary Vink 253.90


Glen Williamson 27.70

Patrice Winfield 110.82


Joseph Vink 237.34

Total all bills: $ 4,353.94

Glen moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report (attached) and to pay all the bills, and to transfer $4,400 from savings to checking. Gary seconded.

Gary moved to adjourn the meeting; Glen seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:30.

Paul Raymond, Clerk

Regular Board Meeting, June 4, 2008


Deputy Chairman Michael McCullen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Glenford Williamson and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield and Clerk Paul Raymond, and Eldon and Margjorie Schmedeke and Mark Pallow.

Paul read the record of the May meeting; Mike moved to approve, Glen seconded.

OLD BUSINESS: Schmedeke Lane: Gary said that Mark Pallow cut the tree that was in Schmedeke Lane, and that the County said that until the issue is resolved on moving Schmedeke Lane, we should maintain it as a minimum maintenance road.

Crooked Lake/Eagle Head Roads: Danforth had said that they were considering contracting Sandstone Township to do maintenance and grading on these roads, but nothing was done last month. Crooked Lake road is rough and needs work. Also, Danforth has not paid any of our invoices since August, 2007. So far they owe:

9-21-07 $75.00

10-25-07 225.00

12-27-07 225.00

12-24-07 75.00

3-16-08 75.00

Total due: $ 675.00

Paul was directed to write a letter to the Danforth Board to Jeff Shute, Danforth Chairman, stating that at their next regularly scheduled board meeting they need to pay all outstanding invoices in full or we will be assessing 1 ½ % per month on all unpaid invoices. Glen said we should remind them of our joint road agreement where the two towns agreed that Wilma Township will be responsible for all road maintenance on these roads, and that in the future all unpaid invoices will be assessed at 1 ½ % interest after 30 days.

New Dosey: Dave Baker said that New Dosey is considering buying some culverts and want to know if we want to go in with them on this. Arna has told them they will be getting their own. Gary said neither township was aware of the joint purchasing agreement with the county. Gary said it may be cheaper for them to purchase them through us as we are covered by the joint purchasing venture. Gary asked if we need any culverts. Mike said we need one on the Mayfield Road and we should have a couple stockpiled for future needs. Mike said we need to find out what sizes New Dosey needs and what price they are getting and what prices we can get through the county. Gary will check with the county on their prices and talk with Dave Baker about what their vendor charges.

Roads: Mark graded some roads before Memorial Day. Mike Scott was complaining that some divots had been dug out of Mona Drive and he thinks this will ruin the road. Gary told him he could fix them himself and get some gravel. Mike wanted to know how much was left in the escrow account. Gary looked up the agreement and it states that we bill them for all maintenance until tax revenues pay for it, before we take anything out of the escrow account. Gary expected Mike Scott to come to the meeting. Mike wanted more class 5 gravel on the road. Gary said that 4-wheelers were spinning up the road and taking off the gravel.

Town Park Site Logging Agreement: Duane Glienke said that he will not put in a driveway into the park site as there is little salable wood near Duxbury Road, and he would have to make a skid trail all the way to the end of the park to drag the wood out. Also, that it may be too soft this summer anyway, until winter. Eldon said that if Duane doesn’t want to build a road to do the logging, that we should get someone else to do it. He said all loggers build roads and landings when they log off land. Gary said that we have a signed contract with Duane and that we cannot abrogate this. Paul read the minutes of the March meeting where the agreement was made with Duane. Although Mike said he wanted Duane to clear out a landing and to use the present driveway off of the Duxbury Road, the motion did not stipulate that this was the only way he could get the wood. Glen said that the Board did not see the contract, but only Duane and Gary, and he moved that all future contracts entered into by the Board be approved and signed by the entire board, and not just the chairman. Mike seconded; all aye. Eldon said that letting Duane have access from the back is not working for the township.

County Assessor Fee: Glen questioned the County Assessor’s billing for commercial properties in Wilma Township. Patrice said this includes the store and the campground, properties that Bob Brewster does not assess.

CTAS Checks: Patrice called the other two check providers. One didn’t return her call, but the other one, used by New Dosey Township, charges $217 for 1,000 checks with no set-up fee and free shipping, vs. $199 for 1,000 checks and a $40 set-up fee. Glen moved that we buy 1,000 checks from Victor Lundeen at $217. Gary said to tell them that we are tax exempt; our tax number is #2193593 for the state and #41160926 Federal.

River Cabin Road concerns: Glen got an email from David Thielman at lot 66177 River Cabin Road complaining that the road at the cul-de-sac gets very soft and can’t be used. Mark confirmed that it is very soft at the end of the road and much muddier than other roads. Gary said this is because 4-wheelers are tearing the road up. (At this point Mike had to leave the meeting due to illness). Glen moved that we put one tandem truck load of class 5 gravel at the cul-de-sac at the end of River Cabin Road to firm this road up. There was no second and the motion failed. Gary said that when we coordinate all the gravel for township roads, that this one will also be considered. Glen moved that when we coordinate the gravel for all township roads that will receive gravel, that the cul-de-sac at 66117 River Cabin Road also be included. No second; motion failed.


Patrice gave the Treasurer’s report (attached.)


Pine Co. Courier $ 15.04

Mark Pallow 73.88

ECE 41.06

FNBNS (grader loan) 2,000.00

The Evergreen 5.50

Paul Raymond 96.97

Mike McCullen 38.09

Pine Co. Public Works (blade) 177.57

Patrice Winfield 95.93

Glenford Williamson 38.09

Gary Vink 160.29

Pine Co. Assessor 289.00

Victor Lundeen Checks 217.00

Total Bills $ 3,248.42

Gary moved to pay all the bills, to approve the Treasurer’s Report, and to transfer $3,200 from savings to checking. Glen seconded.

Glen moved to adjourn the meeting; Gary seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk

Regular Board Meeting, May 7, 2008


Chairman Gary Vink called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Michael McCullen and Glenford Williamson, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Eldon and Margorie Schmedeke, Beverly Vink, Mark and Lisa Sisterman, Mark Pallow, Rick Dunckley, and three citizens.

Paul read the record of the April meeting. Mike moved to approve; Glen seconded.

Rick Dunckley, Area Supervisor for the DNR Division of Forestry, took the floor to explain the town’s involvement in obtaining the easement for Mark and Lisa Sisterman, who have purchased the Parrish place on Grace’s Lake. Rick said that this land is DNR State Trust Land, which is held in trust for school districts, and any revenues from these lands go into this trust. Since private citizens cannot purchase DNR Trust Land, the town would have to purchase the easement property. He said several townships own easements that the DNR maintains; he has never had a ruling from the Attorney General on liability in this. Rick said the township would purchase just the land for the easement, and the Sistermans would pay all the costs and fees. The state owns 250,000 acres of land in our area, and hundreds of landowners are landlocked. This land would be a town road and the town would have to work out the gate issue. Mark said he would prefer to leave the gate there because of people driving in and dumping. Glen asked the Sistermans if they would agree to an agreement where the town would have no liability for the road or any maintenance. They said yes. Mike said the gate could be a town liability issue, and if they moved it to their property line this would remove the liability. He said he hates to have public roads gated off. The public should be allowed on public land.

Glen moved that the town adopt a resolution stating that the Town of Wilma intends to continue the process of obtaining an easement from the DNR for the preexisting driveway in the NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of section 36 in Wilma Township, approximately .4 of an acre, to give the Sistermans access to their land; and, that the Sistermans will hold the Town of Wilma harmless from any legal action on stated property; and, that the Sistermans will be responsible for all maintenance on this easement; and, that this easement will be labeled a minimum maintenance cartway; and, that the Sistermans will pay all costs and legal fees for the survey and purchase of this property. Mike seconded.

Beverly Vink took the floor to have the Chairman and Clerk sign the permit for the Duxbury Store for a permit to sell 3.2 beer. Mike moved to approve the application; Glen seconded.

CTAS PAYROLL CHECKS: Patrice said that at the Spring Short Course they said we need to separate payroll from non-taxable expenses on our checks, and that she would like to purchase computerized checks for payroll, so the CTAS program could print them out, with all the deductions. They gave her three suppliers; one didn’t answer, one she hasn’t contacted, and the third charges $199 for 1,000 checks, plus a $40 setup fee. Glen said this seems high and Mike asked Patrice to check on the other supplier and to report at the next meeting.


Gary reported on the road inspection held earlier in the day.

Crooked Lake Road: Glen and Gary met Jason Palme at Crooked Lake Road. Glen said Jason Palme complained about our charges for roadwork, and he said that Danforth may contract with Sandstone to do roadwork; he said they would only chage $65/hour. Mike said fine, if they want to be responsible for it and bill us half.

Bob Johnson needs to install a culvert at his field road driveway. They will get a bid on ditching the side of the road. Someone pulled out part of the second culvert, and the third culvert is bowed from logging trucks. The fourth culvert by Jason Palme’s is plugged again and is barely draining, and needs screens. Both Eagle Head and Crooked Lake Roads need brushing; Jason talked about Danforth renting a boom brush mower. Eagle Head road needs some gravel at the culvert where it washed over, and some pit run at the end of the road. Glen said Bob Johnson has been dragging the road and bringing up rocks. Glen moved that we send a letter to Bob Johnson telling him that we have reports that he has been dragging this road and telling him not to do any dragging or maintenance on this road. Mike said dragging isn’t always damaging to roads; the McCullen Drive is dragged and is probably the best township road.

Dollar Lake Road: Some of the trees need to be trimmed on the sides of the road. Mike asked Paul to write to Alan Seley who bought Fliegel’s place and tell them we will be trimming trees in our road right-of-way, and to give them the option of trimming the trees for firewood. We need to see if Eric Vathne will widen the road entrance. The road needs gravel on low spots.

Vink Road: Needs gravel at the beginning and up by Mannings.

Heller Road: Needs trees cut by the culvert.

Tamarack Pine Rd.: Needs gravel and brushing.

Little Tamarack Lake Road: Needs gravel and grading from the ECE escrow account. Mike asked if ECE graded it with a flat blade and removed the crown. Gary said it is flat.

Mayfield Road: This road is soft and has frost boils. Glen said it looks like it’s going to erode. We need to do frequent checks on this road and it’s possible the culvert will need to be dug up and replaced.

Short Road: (at Arna townline, off 25) Nothing needs to be done.

River Cabin Road: Regular grading.

Mona Drive: Regular grading.

Kenny Peterson Road: Needs branches cut and a load of pit run at the end. Mike said we’d agreed to put a load of pit run on this road every year.

Mink Farm Road: Regular grading and some brushing.

Pete Anderson Road: Both culverts are good on Pete Anderson and at Schemedeke’s. It needs some gravel from T & T’s escrow account.

S. Duncan Road: Needs some gravel from T & T’s escrow account for some soft spots and at the landing.

N. Duncan Road: Needs gravel from Tri State’s escrow account on the ditch by Barret’s. Someone got stuck up by Barret’s and we need to do some grading there.

Escrow Account: Glen said that $500 is not enough to cover the damages loggers are doing on our roads. Costs are going through the roof and we haven’t increased the escrow fee since it was established. There was a discussion on increasing the fee. Mike said we don’t want to increase it on the small loggers, as they couldn’t afford $1,000. He suggested setting the fee based on the number of acres logged. Glen said we could require a logging permit which would specify the area to be logged. Mike said this could open up a can of worms, and if they don’t use township roads we would not need a permit. The board decided to table this for futher discussion.

Schmedeke Lane: The board said that because the county has ruled that this road is in Jensen’s property and will be moved, that we would not do work on this road at this time. Eldon asked about the tree across the road, if the board intends to remove it. Marg said this issue is not resolved and may go to court, and it is still now a township road. Eldon said all he’s asking is that the tree be cut. Mike moved that we cut the tree on the road and blade the road until the county makes the final decision on this road and the sign is removed. Eldon said he pays $2,700 a year in taxes to Wilma Township and feels he should not have had to bring up the tree in the road.

JUNKYARD ORDINANCE: Eldon said no supervisors attended the Junkyard Ordinance hearing. He spoke up at the hearing and said the government will be coming after old barns next, considering them health hazards. People need to know who reports them for junkyard violations.

SCHOOLHOUSE: Glen said there is a lot of concern about the litter and garbage at the schoolhouse, and asked if there is anything we could do. Ken suggested talking to their father and letting him talk to them. Marg said a letter is the wrong approach; it would be better to go personally. Glen moved that Paul write a friendly and non-threatening letter from the Town Board of Wilma Township asking them to clean up their yard. Mike seconded. Gary abstained.

TOWN PARK SITE: The Park Committee surveyed the site today and Eldon said that the driveway and culvert goes into a part of the land that is low and soggy; he said that since Duane has to build up the driveway into the park to do the logging, could we ask him to move it about 200 yards west where it is higher ground and where it drains naturally, and where he would not need to put any gravel at his landing. Gary said there is no salable wood at the driveway site and that Duane wants to go in from the private road where the trees are. Gary said he will ask Duane if he will build up a new driveway and culvert into the park land, and if he is still interested in logging the land under those conditions. Glen said that the supervisors need to always be aware that they represent the people and not their own agendas, and that they need to be able to see all perspectives.


Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached).

Bills were presented:

Mark Pallow $ 271.04

Paul Raymond 275.49

Mike McCullen 69.26

Patrice Winfield 227.76

Glen Williamson 373.87

ECE 46.59

Gary Vink 179.15

Pine Co. Courier 15.04

The Evergreen 7.50

Federated Coop 116.97

MAT Insurance 2,380.00

FNBNS 2,000.00

Total all Bills: $ 5,962.62

Mike moved to pay all bills, and to transfer $6,000 from savings to checking, and to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Glen seconded. Glen moved to adjourn the meeting; Gary seconded. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk