Chairman Glenn Williamson called the Board of Audit meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Duxbury Store. The decision to move the meeting was only made yesterday due to problems getting the hall warm enough for the computer and printer to work. Also present Supervisors Gary Vink and Mike McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Pat Story.

The three Supervisors compared the books and reports of the Treasurer and the Clerk, including Schedule 1 and Schedule 2. Mike moved that the board approve the reports. Gary seconded; passed. Board of Audit adjourned and monthly board meeting started:

January Record and Meeting Change: Paul read the record of the January meeting. Patrice said she had the net totals of the bills from January, plus one additional claim and gave Paul the updated the claims. With this correction, Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded. Pat Story said he didn’t see any notice of the meeting change on the website, and only saw the signs posted on the hall doors on his second trip there. Paul apologized to Pat for not calling him and telling him; Glen apologized for not posting it on the website. Glen moved that we pay the Duxbury Store $20 for heat and for holding the meeting there. Mike seconded. Gary abstained. Passed. Glen said he wanted to publicly thank Pat Story for supervising and directing the replacement of our fire hall doors in Duxbury. They make the hall look new.

OLD BUSINESS: Town Park: Wilma needs a special act by the Pine County Commissioners and by the Mn. State Legislature to approve a conveyance to Wilma Township of the north 20 acres of our park under conditional use, required because the Tamarack River flows through it. Glen directed Paul to contact Commissioner Chaffee and State reps Jason Rarick and Tony Lourey to ask for action so we can get title to our park. We now own the lower 36.5 acres free and clear.

NEW BUSINESS: Wilma Township March election and judges: Barb Smith has indicated she wishes to continue to serve as an election judge at our March 10 election. Mike moved to appoint Barb, Toni Williamson, and Paul Raymond as judges, with Jeff and Jeane GrandPre as alternates. Polls open from 5 to 8 pm.

ELECTION PROPOSALS: Agenda for March 10, 2015 Annual Town Meeting: Three local civic organizations have asked for support and in past years we have supported all three:

Seven County Senior Federation: Asking for a renewal of Wilma Township’s service contract for 2014. Last year voters authorized $100.

Pine County Historical Museum: Last year voters approved a $100 donation to the Historical Museum.

OSAC: OSAC is back in their original gallery in the Old School, Sandstone. We donated $100 last year.

Mike moved that we submit these requests to the voters at the annual meeting as we did last year. The board has final approval. Glen seconded; passed.

Proposed Snowplowing Rates: Mike moved to propose we keep our 2015-2016 rates same as 2014-5 Season. Glen seconded; passed.

Federal Mileage Rate: $.575/mile for 2015.

Levies and Wages Proposal: Glen moved to propose we not make any changes in our levies or wages from last year. (Levies are for fiscal year 2016). Patrice said she always has to make transfers from the Road and Bridge Fund to the General Fund at the end of the year, so why not increase the General Fund and reduce Road & Bridge? Mike seconded Glen’s motion to propose no changes or increases for 2016. Passed. Final authority on all levies is by the vote of the taxpayers at the annual meeting.

Life Insurance for Board: Our officers and deputies are all covered by a $1,000 life insurance policy, total cost $229 per year. Mike moved to renew our policy; Gary seconded; passed. Patrice gave our beneficiary forms to officers.

Township Dental and Vision Insurance: Security Life is ending our current dental insurance and will offer a new plan April 1, 2015. Existing covered officers will be grandfathered in with credit for time insured. New plan has larger network. New rates: officers, $31.10/month (old rate $36.96; town pays half). Officer and spouse $83.04/mo. (old rate $74.75). Vision insurance will be offered, with eye exams, lenses ($10 copay) and a $100 frame allowance, no copay: $4.73/month officers; $8.88 officers plus spouse. Glen and Toni have dropped the dental policy, and Paul said he already has vision insurance. Glen said to research if we can sign up for that if only one person signs up, if anyone is interested. Paul and Gary will continue dental.

Township Budget: Patrice said CTAS has a budget program for townships, and she feels we should use it. Paul said he will check it out and if it will not take hours, he will input our levy proposals and other financials into the budget program. No other govt. agency or office has ever asked for our budget, just our levies; it will be for our use only.

Wilma Township Septic Ordinance: Our proposed ordinance must be implemented by April 1, 2015. It has been approved by the County Assessor Kelly Schroeder. Glen moved that we schedule public hearings on our septic ordinance as part of our next board meeting, March 4 and also at our Annual Meeting. March 11, so that it can be adopted by the April 1 deadline. The Board will need to approve it at the March 4 meeting. Paul will need to post the hearing as part of the agenda for March. Glen said the ordinance has been posted on the Wilma Township website since May, 2014. Pat said he hopes the town board is not going to start passing a lot of laws and ordinances and regulations to control our lives. Paul said our only ordinances are the weight limit ordinance and the septic ordinance, which we have so we can hire our own assessor. If we don’t have our own ordinance, the County will control our assessments.

Mike said that when MNDot removed the septic tank at the Eagle Head Station that they did not ask for any inspections or approval from our septic inspector, Gale Kespohl, and he asked Paul to research our current ordinance and write to Gale to see if anything can be done.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached) and presented a list of all claims (also attached). Mike move to approve her report, to pay all the claims, and to transfer $3,500 from savings to checking. Gary seconded. Glen moved to adjourn the meeting; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:30.

Paul Raymond, Clerk



          Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Supervisors Gary Vink and Mike McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, and Clerk Paul Raymond also present.

Paul read the record of the December meeting; Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.

OLD BUSINESS  Schmedeke Lane Extension Recording:  New notarized signature of the Chair was required, so Paul ordered new notary stamps for himself and for Toni.  They will read “My Term is Indeterminate” so we won’t have to order new ones.  The road extension will be  recorded this week.

Wilma Weight Limit Ordinance Notices:  Letters were sent to Jeremy Fauskee, MN DNR Forestry; Todd Lindstrom, ROW Mgr., Pine Co. Land Dept; Greg Beck, County Forester; Mark LeBrun,  Co. Highway Dept.,  Kurt Schneider, Land & Zoning; and Steve Chaffee, Co. Commissioner.  The letters focused on the need for permits for each road hauled on and the importance of before and after joint road inspections.

Gary moved that our ordinance be revised to state that if a hauler fails to appear for the road inspections that the entire $500 escrow deposit be forfeited.  He said he believes this is what the original ordinance stated.  There was no second.  Glen said it is important that we document and justify any deductions from the escrow payments.

Road Report:  Gary gave the road report for Mark Pallow, Road Manager.  Mark got stuck with the grader on the Pete Anderson Road on Nov. 10 and Askov Deep Rock towed him out. Mark graded Little Tamarack Road and Tamarack Pine Drive.  Hopkins hauled a load of gravel to Tamarack Pine Drive and graded it.  This should be deducted from  Bill Hayward’s (Hayward Land & Logging) escrow account. We need to see what Hopkins charged.  The roads were soft all December and Mark told loggers not to drive on Tamarack Pine Drive until a hard freeze.

CTAS Download and Update:  Paul was able to download and update CTAS V.7  on his new computer.   The State Auditor said there are glitches with the new CTAS V.8 program, and they advised that we wait to download it until they can be straightened out.  Many accounting codes were changed by the Treasurer; Paul asked if he could download her updates, or should he input all new codes himself (this would also download January’s CTAS data)?  Glen said that the Clerk and Treasurer should do what they need to do get our new computer updated and CTAS loaded and the accounts changed and imported.

NEW BUSINESS:           U.S. Census Boundary and Annexation Survey:  Report filed by the Clerk; There were no changes to Wilma Township boundaries or legal govt. name in 2014.

Affadavits for Township Election  March 11, 2015:  Notices were published and posted: Filings are being accepted from Dec. 30 to Tuesday, January 13.  Patrice and Mike are up for re-election, and both filed.  Annual Meeting will follow the  election at 8 p.m. March 11.   Judges:  Since Patrice can’t serve, Paul and Toni and Jeff or Jeane GrandPre will judge.  Polls will be open 5 – 8 pm.

Board of Audit:  The board needs to schedule the auditing of the clerk’s and treasurer’s books.  In past has been part of February Board Meeting. Glen moved to hold the Board of Audit on February 4 before the regular meeting.  It will not be paid as a separate meeting.  Mike seconded.

2016 Budget and Levies:  Paul asked if the Supervisors want to make any changes in our levies, salaries, and snowplowing fees to bring to the township at the annual meeting?  Mike said we can vote on this at the February meeting.

2015 Cigarette License for Duxbury Store:  Gary paid the $10 fee for Joe Vink  and Paul issued the license.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims:  Patrice gave the Treasurer’s report (attached).  The hall was so cold that her computer and printer were frozen so no checks could be written.  Patrice said that the Board can approve them tonight and Glen and Paul could come to her home to sign them when she can get them printed.

JP Cooke (Notary Stamps)                         $          84.90

ECE                                                                       53.00

Evergreen                                                               15.75

Pine Co. Courier                                                    19.78

Bruno Deep Rock                                                350.00

U.S. Treasury (4th quarter withholding)               511.72

Paul (expenses)                                                      19.80

Randy Beurman (cleanup)                                   250.00

Mark Pallow (expenses)                                         48.07

Mike McCullen                                                      50.00

Mark                                                                      73.50

Pine Co. Truth in Taxation                                     45.80

MAT Pine Co. Township Officers’ Assc.              337.36

Gary                                                                     104.00

Patrice                                                                  245.00

Glen                                                                       60.13

Patrice (expenses)                                                  31.79

Paul                                                                      212.00

Wages are gross; because the computer program was not working, Patrice could not deduct taxes or give a total for the claims.  Glen moved to approve all the claims and to pay all the bills when Patrice gets the checks written, and to transfer whatever is needed to cover the checks from savings to checking, and to approve Patrice’s treasurer’s report.  Mike seconded.

Glen moved to adjourn the meeting; Gary seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk




          Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present were Supervisors Gary Vink and Mike McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Road Manager Mark Pallow, and Pat Story and Karen Henke.

Paul read the record of the November meeting; Mike moved to approve; Glen seconded.

OLD BUSINESS:  Fire Hall Doors:  Pat said the work is mostly completed and we can pay Randy Beurman for the work on the fire hall and town hall.  Mike said we can put some sealant in one gap, and Pat said Randy will tweak  remaining jerkiness.  He left two remotes for the grader bay; Mike said we need to have easy access to the remote, besides the one on the grader fuse box; it will be by the light.

MAT Convention Report:  Paul and Glen gave reports on the training sessions and seminar on civility in public service.  Training workshops were held concurrently, so Paul and Toni took CTAS training on the new program, and Glen went to roads and cartways training.  General sessions covered resolutions and legislative issues concerning townships.  Next years’ state convention will be at Arrowhead Resort in Alexandria.  Glen said several townships had their entire boards in attendance, and he believes more of our board should attend.

DNR Informational Meeting:  Mike gave a report on the meeting Monday at our hall, attended by 4 DNR officials and citizens from Wilma and Arna, including all of our board but Gary.  Gary said he knew what they were going to say.  Bob Brewster had asked for the meeting because of concerns about the DNR spraying and killing blueberry fields on Pansy Landing and the overspray on his organic farm.  Mike said he asked them three times how their herbicide spraying will affect our  gardens and fishing and hunting areas and berry picking and the personal health of our residents, and they could not or would not give a straight answer.  He knows of residents who are very allergic to pesticides and herbicides.  They did agree to notify citizens when they will be spraying so Bob can post it in his newspaper column and it can go on township websites.

Road Report:  Mark had to go out to plow Storviks because they didn’t get on the list.  Mike asked if he was able to inspect our escrow account roads before the snow; Mark said yes.  Discussion on T&T’s escrow for Crooked Lake Road.  Mike said they really tore up the Short Road, but Mark said they repaired it.  Gary said they should not be doing repairs, at least not without notifying the board.  Decision to postpone the escrow account issues until Spring.  Glen had said we could document $111 in deductions from the Crooked Lake escrow, for inspections and re-grading, leaving $389 to be refunded.   Gary said someone is cutting firewood on the South Duncan Road, driving a Hopkins truck.  They said they were covered under Mike Weidendorf’s escrowaccount.

Heller Drive Beaver damage:  They did not get the culvert cleaned out before it got too cold; Mark said Dave Seeloff traps beavers, and can go in there if he wants.

North Duncan Road:  Bill Peno said he expects the township to do more work on the North Duncan Road.  When he was injured he had to be transported by helicopter because of the condition of the road.  Mike said they would have had to use  a helicopter regardless because he was in the woods.  We did put in two culverts last year, which used up the balance of our $7,000 budget for that road upgrade.  Glen said he could let Peno know that we have a website and that the road inspection will be posted on the website, if he wants to come along when we inspect North Duncan Road.  Mike said we should not make special efforts since we have fulfilled our agreement and spent $7,000 on the road already.

River Cabin Road:  Karen Henke is a permanent resident on the road, but we returned her snowplowing fee because Mark can’t get into her narrow drive.  In the past she has hired Gary to snowblow her drive, and has had other private plowers.  She said if the township had a pickup plow they could do narrow drives like the ones on River Cabin Road, and we could plow out non-residents who would be willing to pay.  Patrice said we almost did purchase Mike’s truck; Glen said the hangup was the extra $1,000 cost.  Karen said non-residents have sold their properties because of no winter access.  Gary said when we did have a policy to plow any property owners who paid the fee it backfired on us when we had the 1991 Halloween storm and everyone signed up after the storm, but wouldn’t sign up on other winters.  Gary said it is not the purpose of townships to plow private drives, and we can only do them after our township roads are plowed. Mike said even if we found a truck/plow for $10,000 there would be additional expenses like insurance and maintenance.  Glen told Karen that at the annual meeting, all the citizens get to vote on township issues.  The board is only bound by the levies as voted, but they take voters’ concerns seriously.  He told Karen to try to get a petition with 20 citizens to present her concerns to the township.  Mark gave her the number to call Duane Glienke, if Gary or someone else can’t plow her out.  There was a discussion on who is eligible to vote at annual town meetings, full-time registered residents or any property-owning citizens?  Paul will call Cathy Clemmer and find out.

Fire Hall Plowing:  Mark plowed the Eagle Head Fire Hall, but it was before any freezing, and Joe Vink had to go over it again.  Mike moved that Wilma Township plow the Eagle Head VFD Station without paying the usual fee, since the fire department and responders serve all our citizens; Gary seconded.  Passed.


Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached).  Claims were presented:

Pat Story (mileage)                                     $             53.76

Paul (expenses)                                                       345.21

Mark (expenses)                                                      154.72

Chad Beurman ( town hall back door)                              160.00

Randy Beurman                                                   5,459.00

Patrice (expenses)                                                     37.96

Bruno Deep Rock (fuel)                                          866.41

Glen  (chains for grader, computer for treasurer, expenses)    1,966.64

Lucy Downing Hager (Hall deposit)                          50.00

ECE                                                                          43.95

Purple Pumper                                                        145.00

Glen (mileage)                                                           97.44

Glen                                                                        413.03

Paul                                                                         384.18

Mike                                                                          46.17

Mark                                                                       382.33

Gary                                                                        214.26

Patrice                                                                     123.75

Total Bills:           $       10,943.81


Gary moved to approve the report and to pay all the claims, and to transfer $11,000 from savings into checking.  Mike seconded.  Glen moved to adjourn the meeting; Mike seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk___________________________

Glen Williamson, Chair__________________________