Pine County Commissioners and Twp. Officers’ Meeting 10-29-2019

Very interesting and informative meeting of the Pine Co. Commissioners and county township officers October 29 with three U of M Extension officials speaking about the struggles farmers are having in our county, and how they need to find new products and new markets,e.g., hemp growing or raising goats. They had detailed and interesting statistics on agricultural families in our county. Reps. Nathan Nelson and Mike Sundin, Sen. Jason Rarick and Pete Stauber’s rep Jack Friebe also addressed the needs of farmers and agriculture.

Pine County Commissioners’ Twp. Officers’ Meeting 10-29-2019

21 new photos · Album by Paul Raymond



Chairman Glenn Williamson called the Board of Audit meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Duxbury Store. The decision to move the meeting was only made yesterday due to problems getting the hall warm enough for the computer and printer to work. Also present Supervisors Gary Vink and Mike McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Pat Story.

The three Supervisors compared the books and reports of the Treasurer and the Clerk, including Schedule 1 and Schedule 2. Mike moved that the board approve the reports. Gary seconded; passed. Board of Audit adjourned and monthly board meeting started:

January Record and Meeting Change: Paul read the record of the January meeting. Patrice said she had the net totals of the bills from January, plus one additional claim and gave Paul the updated the claims. With this correction, Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded. Pat Story said he didn’t see any notice of the meeting change on the website, and only saw the signs posted on the hall doors on his second trip there. Paul apologized to Pat for not calling him and telling him; Glen apologized for not posting it on the website. Glen moved that we pay the Duxbury Store $20 for heat and for holding the meeting there. Mike seconded. Gary abstained. Passed. Glen said he wanted to publicly thank Pat Story for supervising and directing the replacement of our fire hall doors in Duxbury. They make the hall look new.

OLD BUSINESS: Town Park: Wilma needs a special act by the Pine County Commissioners and by the Mn. State Legislature to approve a conveyance to Wilma Township of the north 20 acres of our park under conditional use, required because the Tamarack River flows through it. Glen directed Paul to contact Commissioner Chaffee and State reps Jason Rarick and Tony Lourey to ask for action so we can get title to our park. We now own the lower 36.5 acres free and clear.

NEW BUSINESS: Wilma Township March election and judges: Barb Smith has indicated she wishes to continue to serve as an election judge at our March 10 election. Mike moved to appoint Barb, Toni Williamson, and Paul Raymond as judges, with Jeff and Jeane GrandPre as alternates. Polls open from 5 to 8 pm.

ELECTION PROPOSALS: Agenda for March 10, 2015 Annual Town Meeting: Three local civic organizations have asked for support and in past years we have supported all three:

Seven County Senior Federation: Asking for a renewal of Wilma Township’s service contract for 2014. Last year voters authorized $100.

Pine County Historical Museum: Last year voters approved a $100 donation to the Historical Museum.

OSAC: OSAC is back in their original gallery in the Old School, Sandstone. We donated $100 last year.

Mike moved that we submit these requests to the voters at the annual meeting as we did last year. The board has final approval. Glen seconded; passed.

Proposed Snowplowing Rates: Mike moved to propose we keep our 2015-2016 rates same as 2014-5 Season. Glen seconded; passed.

Federal Mileage Rate: $.575/mile for 2015.

Levies and Wages Proposal: Glen moved to propose we not make any changes in our levies or wages from last year. (Levies are for fiscal year 2016). Patrice said she always has to make transfers from the Road and Bridge Fund to the General Fund at the end of the year, so why not increase the General Fund and reduce Road & Bridge? Mike seconded Glen’s motion to propose no changes or increases for 2016. Passed. Final authority on all levies is by the vote of the taxpayers at the annual meeting.

Life Insurance for Board: Our officers and deputies are all covered by a $1,000 life insurance policy, total cost $229 per year. Mike moved to renew our policy; Gary seconded; passed. Patrice gave our beneficiary forms to officers.

Township Dental and Vision Insurance: Security Life is ending our current dental insurance and will offer a new plan April 1, 2015. Existing covered officers will be grandfathered in with credit for time insured. New plan has larger network. New rates: officers, $31.10/month (old rate $36.96; town pays half). Officer and spouse $83.04/mo. (old rate $74.75). Vision insurance will be offered, with eye exams, lenses ($10 copay) and a $100 frame allowance, no copay: $4.73/month officers; $8.88 officers plus spouse. Glen and Toni have dropped the dental policy, and Paul said he already has vision insurance. Glen said to research if we can sign up for that if only one person signs up, if anyone is interested. Paul and Gary will continue dental.

Township Budget: Patrice said CTAS has a budget program for townships, and she feels we should use it. Paul said he will check it out and if it will not take hours, he will input our levy proposals and other financials into the budget program. No other govt. agency or office has ever asked for our budget, just our levies; it will be for our use only.

Wilma Township Septic Ordinance: Our proposed ordinance must be implemented by April 1, 2015. It has been approved by the County Assessor Kelly Schroeder. Glen moved that we schedule public hearings on our septic ordinance as part of our next board meeting, March 4 and also at our Annual Meeting. March 11, so that it can be adopted by the April 1 deadline. The Board will need to approve it at the March 4 meeting. Paul will need to post the hearing as part of the agenda for March. Glen said the ordinance has been posted on the Wilma Township website since May, 2014. Pat said he hopes the town board is not going to start passing a lot of laws and ordinances and regulations to control our lives. Paul said our only ordinances are the weight limit ordinance and the septic ordinance, which we have so we can hire our own assessor. If we don’t have our own ordinance, the County will control our assessments.

Mike said that when MNDot removed the septic tank at the Eagle Head Station that they did not ask for any inspections or approval from our septic inspector, Gale Kespohl, and he asked Paul to research our current ordinance and write to Gale to see if anything can be done.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached) and presented a list of all claims (also attached). Mike move to approve her report, to pay all the claims, and to transfer $3,500 from savings to checking. Gary seconded. Glen moved to adjourn the meeting; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:30.

Paul Raymond, Clerk

Emergency Meeting, April 12, 2013


APRIL 12, 2013

Chairman Glen Williamson called a special emergency Board of Supervisors Meeting as per MN. Statute 13D.04 Subd. 3, to authorize Wilma Road Manager Mark Pallow to get the township grader repaired.  At the regular meeting on Wed., April 3, the board had set a ceiling of $15,000, based on the phone estimate RDO in Sauk Rapids gave Mark when he explained the cylinder problem. When RDO actually got the grader, they gave Mark a revised estimate of $19,400 because there were other serious issues with the grader.  The board met at 2 p.m. at the Duxbury Store, with Supervisor Gary Vink, Supervisor Mike McCullen and citizens  Joe Vink, Mark Pallow, and Township Clerk Paul Raymond.

Mark said the repairs are more extensive than he had thought, and they will need to remove the engine to replace the oil gasket.  RDO wants to repair everything that is an issue, so that we do not need to have maintenance for a long time.  The total estimate now, including the shipping costs, is $21,122.  Glen said we should allow RDO do all required and preventative maintenance to avoid future trips to Sauk Rapids.  Considering that we have had the grader for 6 years, he said the averaged annual maintenance and repair costs aren’t that great.  Joe said the oil leak is serious and it cannot be repaired by him, and it will keep getting worse.

Mike suggested setting a new ceiling for the total repair without further authorization of $30,000.  Glen said we should set it no more than $25,000 and moved that the board authorize repairs up to $25,000.  Gary seconded.  Passed.   Mike moved to adjourn; Gary seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 2:25 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk