Chairman Glenford Williamson, Sr., called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present were Supervisors Gary Vink and Michael McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and William Peno, Mark and Lisa Sisterman and Mark Pallow. Mark and Lisa left cookies for the meeting attendees.

ROAD REPORT:  Gary gave the Road Report:  Due to the steady wet weather, we didn’t get much road work done, but Joe and Gary and Mark did a lot of mechanical work on the grader. They replaced the cutting blades.  Gary said we need another 50 gallons of oil.  Gary did some tree cutting after the storms, on Little Tamarack Lake Road, Duncan Road North and South, and the Vink Road.

TOWN HALL STEPS:  Mike will get the materials tomorrow and will get the back steps replaced.

TOWN HALL WINDOWS:   Mike talked with Jason Phaller and he said he will be able to complete the window project by October 1st for our Wilma Fall Fest celebration.

WILMA FALL FEST:   Toni has made up a flyer for the fest, October 23rd.  Paul saw a great band at the nursing home and suggested we call them.  Jay Polasny from Willow River, 218-372-3414.  They charge a very small fee to perform at the nursing home, and we may be able to afford them for the same cost as a DJ.

DUNCAN ROAD:  Mr. Peno took the floor; he said no work has been done on the North Duncan Road as promised by the board after the spring road inspection.  He said that in the 40 years he has owned land on the road, no gravel has been placed up by his place.  He said most of Duncan Road is now firm, but 4-wheelers have been tearing it up, but it is firm enough for a truck to back in with gravel.  Gary said he has contacted contractors and they say the road has been so soft from all the rain we have had that they do not want to risk bringing a truck in.  Glen said that the Board does consider Duncan Road to be a priority, but it has just been too wet to get the gravel in.  Gary said that if things dry out and we have a stretch of dry weather, we will fix the road before deer season.  Some contractors said they want to wait until we have a hard freeze on the road.  Mark said he got stuck on the road before Thiry’s, and Gary said even a 4-wheeler got stuck on the road.  Mark said it would be best to wait until it freezes, but Gary said hopefully it will dry out before then.   Bill suggested that the board try to fill a few holes early, and then do the rest when it freezes up.

LEGAL SEMINAR:   Both Gary and Glen have other commitments, so only Mike will attend the legal seminar put on by our township attorney tomorrow.  He will pick up the steps materials at the same time.

MAT EDUCATION CONFERENCE:  Glen asked the Board to send him to the Minnesota Association of Townships educational conference in Duluth November 18-20.  Mike moved that we sponsor Glen; Gary seconded.

CENTRAL APPLICATORS:   They will be doing the brush cutting for Danforth Township and on our Range Line Roads with Danforth.  Gary will contract them after deciding which roads we need to have brush cutting done, to see if they can do our roads at the same time.  The representative is Gary, 320-290-9016 (cell); or 800-642-6559.

TOWN WEBSITE:  Our website, wilmatownship.com, is coming up for renewal.  Glen said we can renew it for 2 or 3 years for about $10 per year.  He can get us a 20% discount.  Mike moved that we renew it for 3 years; Gary seconded.

MAIL IN BALLOTS:   Paul went to the Auditor’s office and got information about switching to mail-in balloting for state and federal elections.  We can’t use mail-in for the primary and still have open polls for elections; if we switch, we need to use mail ballots for all elections except township elections.  The Board can’t make this decision; it has to be voted on at the annual Town Meeting in March.  Our primary this year, including training the judges, cost $509.  We would still have costs for mail ballots; about $90 each election for the computer cards at Pine City, and about $50 for each election, primary and general, for postage.  Plus we still need to have judges trained and at least two need to go to Pine City to help count the ballots.  New Dosey is pleased with their turnout and costs, but other towns have tried mail ballots and have voted to return to direct public voting.

TOWNSHIP TV:  When she was Chair, Becky Niedzielski purchased a TV and speaker system, hopefully to make it easier for hard-of-hearing citizens to hear the speakers at meetings.  We have never used it and it is a very heavy and bulky system and must be moved for every event. It is an old cathode-ray TV and likely worth nothing.  Mike moved that we have it taken away; Gary seconded.  Glen said that he would be willing to move it from the hall.

CLERK’S ABSENSE:   Paul said that he is hoping and planning to move temporarily to Puerto Rico.   Auditor Cathy Clemmer gave him the statutes covering this:  “When an officer is unable to serve in the office or to attend board meetings for a 90-day period, the board may declare by resolution that a vacancy exists and make an appointment to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term or until the absent member is again able to resume duties and attend board meetings, whichever is earlier.  When the original member is again able to attend board meetings, the board by resolution shall remove the appointed officeholder and restore the original member to office.” MN Stat. 367.03; Subd.7.  Mike moved a resolution to appoint Deputy Clerk Antoinette Williamson to serve as Clerk from the time Paul leaves until he returns or until the end of his term on March 11, 2012.  Gary seconded.   Glen asked Paul to type up the resolution for signatures.

Paul asked if he might use a small area in the corner of the fire hall to store some cans to protect from freezing for this winter.  He said he would gladly pay rent if necessary.  Mike moved to permit Paul to store non-flammable paint or canned goods in a small, unused corner of the hall for this winter; Glen seconded.

FUST LANE:  Mike said he has been approached by assessors regarding an apparent sale of the Fust property on Fust Lane.  Mike asked if we claim the river as part of Fust Lane.  Paul said we have never claimed or maintained any kind of a bridge over McDermott Creek, and only claim the road where it is used.  We only claim ½ mile for Fust Lane and Schmedeke Lane combined.

MATTRESS ON LITTLE TAMARACK LAKE ROAD:   Someone dumped a mattress on the corner of County Road 24 (Tamarack River Road) and Little Tamarack Lake Road.  The owners asked the tri-county disposal truck to pick it up.  Gary said that this is the county’s problem and we should call the soil and water district to pick it up.  Paul will call them.

SNOWPLOWING:   Snowplowing fees are due by the November 3, 2010  meeting date.  It is $75 for the season for year-around residents; $100 for driveways over 700 feet.  Fees need to be mailed to the Treasurer, Patrice Winfield, at 53346 Tamarack River Road, Markville, 55072, made out to Wilma Township.  We have allowed drop-offs of snowplowing fees at the Duxbury Store, when it is open.  Paul will publish this.

DISTRICT MAT MEETING:  There is a District 7 meeting of the Minnesota Associations of Townships on Thursday, Sept. 23, at Anoka Ramsey College Cambridge Campus.  Don Sherper, our MAT representative, has urged township officers to attend.  No board members indicated an intention to go this time.

TREASURER’S REPORT AND BILLS:   Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached). Bills were presented:

Mark Pallow                                       $        173.15

Paul Raymond                                             118.20

Joe Vink                                                      180.08

Patrice Winfield                                             95.12

Glen Williamson                                             28.39

Gary Vink                                                    396.18

Mike McCullen                                              24.94

Toni Williamson (election)                            142.50

Barb Smith (election)                                    140.00

DM Stamp (notary stamp)                              27.47

Paul Raymond (election)                              174.00

Patrice Winfield (election)                             170.00

Pine Co. Courier                                            11.28

Ace Hardware                                                  4.26

Dave Mazer  (grader)                                   60.00

ECE                                                   `          47.79

Gary Vink                                                 1,382.57

Mark Pallow (expenses)                               122.50

Total Bills                       $     3,299.64

Mike moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report and to pay all the bills, and to transfer $3,300.00 from savings to checking.  Gary seconded.  Our printer was not working properly and Glen move to authorize Patrice to purchase a new printer, not to exceed $100.  Paul said he got a great Cannon Pixma printer from Wal-Mart for about $50.

Gary moved to adjourn the meeting; Glen seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Paul Raymond, clerk



Chairman Glenford Williamson, Sr. called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present were Supervisors Gary Vink, Michael McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Mark Pallow, Eldon Schmedeke, Joseph Vink, and Jeff Shute from Danforth Township.

Paul read the record of the July meeting;  Gary corrected the record that the road with the sand haulers was Dollar Lake and Mink Farm Roads, not Crooked Lake.  Gary moved to approve the amended record; Mike seconded.

OLD BUSINESS:  Range Line Roads/Danforth Township: Jeff Shute said that Danforth has replaced Ralph and his mini-grader and have hired another road grader.  They will be grading both Crooked Lake and Eagle Head Roads, and will complete the ditch work.  Jeff said that Danforth Township is going to hire a boom mower to cut brush on their roads, and he asked if Wilma will approve using it on the range line roads.  The boom can reach 15 feet and cut 4” diameter trees.  It will cost $110/hr., and Jeff said they will do the first mile on Crooked Lake and the first half-mile on Eagle Head Roads, for an anticipated cost to each township of $600 to $700. Mike was concerned about the cost, but he and Gary said the work needs to be done.  Mike moved that we authorize Danforth Township to hire the boom mower and cut the brush on our range-line roads; Gary seconded. Mike asked Jeff to let Paul know the name and phone number of the boom operator so we can see about hiring him for our township roads.

Langstrom Road Brush Clearing: Joe said he talked with Erickson’s and they approved cutting the trees and brush on the first quarter-mile of Langstrom Road.  Mike said that when we contacted them, they said they wanted to do the cutting, but couldn’t do it until 2011.  Eldon said he sees Erickson once in awhile, and he will talk to him next time he sees him.  Dave Drake said that Arna will be cutting brush after the first quarter-mile, which is state land, and any work done this year will be Arna’s responsibility.  There was a question if a landowner can be forced to remove trees and rocks on their rights-of-way on township roads.

Bids for Town Hall Windows:  JR Construction and Jason Phaller both submitted bids for the window project:  JR bid $6,657 for the project, and Jason $4,025.  Mike moved that we accept Jason Phaller’s bid, and that the project be completed by October 1.  Robert Weiher from JR Construction said that he would complete the doors for us at no additional cost whether or not he wins the bid.  Mike will notify Jason Phaller and Paul will write to Robert Weiher to tell him his bid lost, but we hope to have the doors installed by October 1.

Back Steps: Mike hasn’t been to the cities yet, but hopes to go to Menards soon to get the materials to replace the steps.  He will do the work.

Road Billing: Gary asked Paul to bill New Dosey for grading Heller Drive on July 2 and August 3, 1 hour @ $150, New Dosey’s half, $75.

Grader Repairs: Mark said the air conditioning went out on the grader.  Dave Maser said he would recharge it for $150.  The grader needs two new cutting edge blades, about $147 each, and 55 gallons of transmission fluid, which costs $460.  Mike moved that Mark be authorized to get all the repairs and parts and materials needed.  Gary seconded.

Mink Farm Escrow Account: Paul asked if T & T Logging will be getting any of their escrow back for the Mink Farm Road.  Mark has had to grade it to pull the gravel back to form a crown after T & T cut it down. Gary said it will need gravel and more blading, and the total will likely eat up the entire $500.  Glen said that we need a breakdown on all the work and gravel done so we can give an accounting to T & T.  Joe said we should break it down with dates and details and have it all documented.

Township Assessor: Bob Brewster sent a contract for 2011 assessments, for 276 non-exempt parcels at $5.50 each, a total of $1,518.00. Mike moved that we contract with Bob Brewster for 2011.  Glen seconded.

Notary Stamp:  Paul asked for authorization to buy a notary stamp. Gary said this was approved at the last meeting.

Market Value Reduction: Glen said this does not apply to our township as we have fewer than 1,000 citizens.

Trees Blocking Town Hall Exit View: Mark said the trees block the view of the grader as it exits the driveway, and he said Duane may be willing to cut them for free for the wood.  The Supervisors went out to check the trees and said that Gary will mark the ones to be cut.  Mike moved that we have the trees cut at no cost, preferably by Duane Glienke, and that he get the wood.

September Board Meeting: The first Wednesday of September is Sept. 1.  Paul will be in Puerto Rico and asked if we could change it to the second Wednesday, Sept. 8.  Glen moved that we change the meeting date and post and publish this.

Automark Test: Paul said the Automark public test was pretty successful, although our machine won’t spit out the ballots without a key. The Township News says we have to have four judges next Tuesday, but Patrice said we’ve never needed four before.  We will ask Cathy Clemmer at the training tomorrow.  Barb Smith, Toni Williamson, Patrice and Paul will all be trained.

MAT Educational Conference: Glen said he appreciates the opportunity to serve as chairman, but feels a need to get more training and for our town to learn how to be more represented  and have more of an impact on the state.  He said MAT is sponsoring an educational conference in Duluth November 18 through 20, and he will be asking the board to send him.  He will find out the cost for the tuition and motel, and bring it up at the September meeting.

Legal Seminar: Our attorney is sponsoring another all-day legal seminar for all the township officials who were shut out of the first one.  It is free and will be Thursday, Sept. 9 in Albertville.  Our supervisors are already approved and accepted for attendance.

Treasurer’s Report and Bills: Patrice gave the treasurer’s report (attached).  Bills for August were presented:

Mark Pallow                                       $        124.67

Paul Raymond                                                       140.38

Paul Raymond (non-taxable; expenses)                   32.64

Gary Vink                                                             94.20

Patrice Winfield (non-taxable, judging)          42.50

Patrice Winfield                                                     86.81

Mike McCullen                                                      71.11

Glenford Williamson                                              28.39

ECE                                                                      44.64

Total bills:                                $        665.34

Mike moved to pay all the bills, to approve the Treasurer’s Report, and to transfer $600 from savings to checking.  Gary seconded.  Gary moved to adjourn the meeting; Glen seconded.   Meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk