Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Grader Operator Alden Shute.
MAY BOARD MEETING: Paul read the record of the May 1 Board meeting. Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.
ROAD REPORT: Alden said he’s graded all the roads, some of them twice, and did some ditching. He and Gary gave Paul the billing for the west Range Line Roads for culvert cleaning and grates and for blading. Alden said the N. Duncan and South Duncan Road culverts need to be installed. He ditched the south end of Crooked Lake Road and also the Mink Farm Road. The culvert at the end of Mayfield Road is plugged and he believes it has collapsed and needs to be replaced with a 24” x 30′ culvert. He asked if they need to locate utilities before working? He tagged the culverts with white stakes and pink flags. Gary said yes, and not just at the culvert locations but the entire road. Gary will take care of calling Gopher One for locate markings. Alden will have Hopkins do the gravel for River Cabin Road and Roberts do the town hall parking lot, and Lisenius do the red rock on Dollar Lake Road. Todd Elliot will put 4 loads of pit run on the North Duncan Road and 6 – 8 loads on the Schmedeke Lane Extension. Alden doesn’t think he needs class 5 on the last 300′. Alden said he will get estimates for the gravel for the work we need on the first part of the Pete Anderson Road so we can make a proposal for Arna Township. He already got quotes for the fabric, 6 rolls at $295/roll to put over the corduroy before gravel is applied.
Eagle Head Road Culverts: Beavers keep plugging the culverts; Gary got them cleaned out and Gary and Alden put grates over the culverts.
State Park Road Account Grants: The DNR is offering financial assistance to improve roads that provide access to state parks and state forests. Mary Straka, the Moose Lake Area Supervisor and Park Manager is giving us help and suggestions. She will provide a letter of support once we prioritize what roads we want help with. She said we can also get letters of support from Jeremy Fauskee, the DNR Forestry Supervisor and Mark LeBrun, County Engineer and Mark LeBrun, County Engineer. Alden said we should apply for assistance with Little Tamarack Lake Road first and the Mayfield Road. Priority given to improving access to outdoor recreational facilities. Mike said we need to contact Le Brun before we spend too much time writing a proposal to make sure our roads will qualify and ask if they have minimum standards for road width and quality in order to qualify. The DNR said that there are minimum geometic design standards for board to devise a qualifying project. Alden said Little Tamarack Lake is so high that the water is right up to the road where we did the shoreland build project, and we can ask for more rock and rip-rap, plus gravel. He estimates the two mile road would need 4” of lift plus rock on the shoreline, at least 400 loads at $200 per load, about $80,000. He will work up a proposal once we find out if this road will qualify.
OLD BUSINESS: Grader Hall Furnace: Federated repaired the furnace. Drilling Electric Bill: Finally got a bill from them and it will be paid tonight. Mike thought it was pretty high, over $5,000, but this was their estimate. Town Hall Stage Project: Mike said he’d be doing it after things quiet down a little. The Fire Department can help Mike clear stage for sanding and finishing at the drill next Tuesday at the Duxbury Hall.
Local Government Officials Meeting: Was May 28, 2019. First meeting in the new Sandstone Pine County Government Center, with the County Commissioners meeting with county township officers. Glen and Paul attended. Topics were foster care with Rebecca Foss, and how they place kids and help families, and veterans services and the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon program for reintegrating veterans, reserve and National Guard soldiers and helping their families while they are deployed. They got a tour of the new office building which has offices or cubicles for dozens of county employees.
Pine County Zoning Ordinance Public Meetings : Was Monday, May 13,
Pine County History Museum, Askov. Glen and Paul attended. Purpose:To provide residents, stakeholders, and township officials information related to the current full draft of the Pine County Ordinance and solicit feedback. It was a very informative meeting and copies of the ordinance brought back for the board. They said towns can opt in and opt out. Only three townships have no zoning of their own and five have opted into the county zoning so far.
DSL Internet: Patrice contacted CenturyLink again about their bill and they will correct it. They will be ditching our cable soon.
VFD Pancake Breakfast: Mike said it was a great success, grossing over $4,000. He got tables for the hall to replace the two big tables that were cumbersome, plus chairs for the hall at the Minnesota Surplus.
NEW BUSINESS: Summer Specialized Training: Will be Monday, June 17 (St. Cloud) or Thursday, June 27 (Duluth). All start at 7:45, breakfast and registration, 8:30 sessions, going until 12:30 p.m. Supervisor sessions on road vacating and abandonment; use of drones in road and bridge inspections; culvert installation, maintenance and inspection. Clerks/Treasurers on budgeting and CTAS budget process; handling special meetings, notices and posting; and process of road vacation. Must register by June 10 for St. Cloud or June 17 for Duluth. Glen said he can’t go on a Thursday and may not go at all. Paul plans to go to Duluth. Patrice said she doesn’t want to go that early.
Annual Township Association Conference: Will be Friday, November 22, 4-8 p.m., and Saturday, November 23, 8 – 4 p.m. Verizon Center, Mankato. One night and two days, unlike previous years. Paul said they cram too much into too short a time to get a real benefit and he won’t go. Glen said he may go, but has time to register.
State Demographic Report: 2018 Population estimate, 79; Household estimate, 39.
3.2 Beer License: Glen moved to approve the Duxbury Store application for a 3.2 beer license and Glen and Paul signed it and Paul with notarize it and send it to the Auditor.
Thank-yous For Donations: We got thank-yous from the History Center, OSAC, 7 County Senior Federation, and Family Pathways for our donations.
Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave the treasurer’s report. Total bills for June are $10,447.47 and she wants to transfer $11,000 from savings to checking. Gary moved to approve her report and to transfer the funds; Glen seconded.
Gary moved to adjourn; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned 8:45 p.m.
Report by Paul Raymond ___________________________________
Attest: GlenWilliamson, Chair_______________________________