Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present Supervisors Mike McCullen and  Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Grader Operator Alden Shute, and Eldon and Marjorie Schmedeke.

Paul read the record of the June board meeting.  Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.

ROAD REPORT:   Alden did a road grading, ditching and gravel in June:  Crooked Lake Road (ditched at 2/10 mile; 5 18 ton loads gravel at frost boils; spread and blade);  Tamarack Pine Drive (1 load gravel); North and South Duncan Roads (blading and ditching); Fust Lane, Mink Farm Road, River Cabin Road (2 loads of gravel plus blading); Langstrom and Pete Anderson Roads; and Schmedeke Lane, where he cut a ditch.  Paul will bill Danforth and Arna for their half of range line roads.

Paul contacted Arna Township with all the work we plan to do on Pete Anderson Road, including the big job of bringing all the washed out stone and gravel at the culvert back on to the road, and then probably spreading more gravel over the culvert.  Mike said to give them Alden’s number as contact person.

Patrice said she tried to open up a credit line with Nortec for John Deere parts, but the forms were complicated and detailed and a big job.  Mike said she can continue to use the debit card for any Nortec purchases.

Alden said he has a record book by the diesel pump to keep track of how much fuel we use and how much the fire department uses.

Backup Grader Operator:  Steve Menth is still interested and willing.  He is on the road right now.

 Schmedeke Lane Extension:  Eldon took the floor and said he has paid over $41,800 in taxes to Wilma Township on his landholdings over the years, around $2,700 per year. He said he has a right to ask the township to extend the Schmedeke Lane extension at least another 500 feet and to remove the stumps and trees at the end of the existing extension and extend and make this a decent road. Mike asked Paul to research the extension, what promises or proposals the county made when they extended the road and what length did they say they would make it. Alden recently measured the entire road with a wheel and it is 3,340′ long, about .6 mile. We claim a total of 1 mile for combined Fust Lane and Schmedeke Lane for gas tax. Gary asked why it’s not broken down, but Paul said this is how the county asks for it.

OLD BUSINESS:  Town Grader Hall and Fire Hall Roof Repair:   We got one estimate from MJW Construction for $7,000 to remove and replace the roof, with the interior ceiling to be billed by the hour plus materials, not over $1,000.  Mike said surely the interior will take more than $1,000.  Another roofer is coming to the hall on Friday, July7 at noon, and Paul and Mike will meet with him. Mike said that with a job this big, the whole board should vote, and told Paul to get two more estimates and to check their references for the board at the August meeting. Mike our roof lasted quite a bit longer than their usual lifespan.

Township Records/Safe:   Patrice tried to order the safe the board picked out but Sams’s said they will not deliver to any of their stores, and shipping would add $300 to the bill.  We will do more research on safe vendors that will deliver to stores.

Pine County Board of Commissioners Special Meeting:  The Commissioners held a township meeting on local government issues and county-wide zoning on Wednesday, June 14,  Gary, Glen, Patrice and Paul attended.  Topics: Bridging the City/Country Divide; Housing and Employment in Pine County, e.g., commuting distances, wages, types of jobs, housing and rental costs, etc); local Government Aid, need for mental health services in the county.  The Commissioners were asked about noxious weeds, but had little information. All Supervisors are official weed inspectors; training is offered by MAT online; Gary took workshop on this at Short Course, and there is an article in new Township Insider on Weed Inspection Duties, and County Ag Inspector Caleb Anderson sent a report on Pine County’s Noxious Weed Program to the townships.

Summer Short Course:   Was Thursday, June 29 in Carlton. Gary, Patrice and Paul attended. All attended a training on Open Meeting Law.  Patrice and Paul took the advanced CTAS training, plus workshops on maintaining road records, and managing township funds.  Gary took Supervisors’ workshops on data practices and retention; optional township government forms; maintenance and management of road signs; and noxious weed control.

NEW BUSINESS:  MN State Demographic Center 2016 Wilma Population: New report released: Population 78; Households 39. Little change.

2018 Fire Protection Agreement:  The Board of Directors of the Fire Department  released a draft of the agreement that will be sent to the three townships in the fire protection area in August. Copies given to the board members.

District MAT Annual Meeting:  Will be Thursday, August 31 at Anoka Ramsey College in Cambridge.  Glen has filed for District Director, and wants all board members to attend to vote for him.

Annual State MAT Convention:  The 2017 Annual Conference will be November 16-18 in St. Cloud. This years’ theme is “Sustainable Water:  The Foundation of Minnesota’s Environment, Economy, Health and Well-being.” Wilma Township has many lakes and rivers and all property owners get water from wells, and not many years ago the DNR tried to make Wilma a toxic waste dump.  Glen, Toni and Paul have reserved rooms, but are not yet registered.  Long discussion on the costs and benefits of attending this and other training conferences for the township and Board.  Mike said he hears grumbling from anonymous voters, and people who attend trainings may find themselves off the board.  Glen gave a spirited defense of the value of having well-educated and well-trained township officers to represent the township with qualified and informed officers, which benefits the township in many ways.  He asked Mike to ask the anonymous complainers to show up at a meeting and express their concerns openly and publicly; everyone gets to vote at our annual meetings. Glen pointed out how much of our tax dollars go to train and educate our county and state officers and representatives, and we never complain about that. Glen said we should attend even more training workshops, including the LLR conference on legislative and legal issues. He and Toni attend training conferences for their campground on their own dime, and this benefits their business just as our training benefits the township. Paul said that two votes are all that is needed to say no officers can attend this conference or any specific trainings, or to limit the numbers.  He pointed out that last year we got $800 in scholarships, which reduced the township cost considerably, and in 2016 we got $600.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims:  Claims and bills for June total $3,057.17, plus $150 on the debit card, and she requests a transfer of $3,200.   Gary moved to approve the report and to transfer the funds; Mike seconded.

Gary moved to adjourn; Mike seconded.  Meeting adjourned 9:15 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk _____________________________

Attested to by Glen Williamson, Chair_____________________________