Chairman Glen Williamson called the Board of Audit to order at 7:30 p.m.  with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present were Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Road Manager Mark Pallow.

The Supervisors audited and compared the Clerk’s and Treasurer’s financial records for 2011, and the Cost Control Summaries.  Patrice said that starting in 2012, she will return the CD Investments to the Road and Bridge fund because listing them separately messed up the accounting.  Mike moved to approve both sets of records. Garyseconded.  Approved.

Glen moved to adjourn the Board of Audit and begin the regular Supervisors’ Meeting.  Mike seconded.  Passed.

Paul read the record of January’s board meeting. Garysaid theRochestersurveyor was not digging on thePete Anderson Roadwhen Mark stopped him, but on the County Road 24.  Mark prevented him from digging on our road without paying an escrow deposit. With this change,Garymoved to approve the record; Mike seconded.

Mike asked about the pressure check on the propane tank; he’s never heard of that.  He said the heat was left on in the town hall from the time of the January meeting until the Fire Chiefs’ Meeting, and that may have drained the tank.  It was already 65 degrees inside when he went to turn on the heat.  We need to ensure that the heat is turned off after meetings.

OLD BUSINESS:  FEMA Payments:  Bill Hirte, State Public Assistance Officer gave Paul an update on our payouts.  The storms in 2011 were numbered, and they’re working on #DR1982, the first storm, and will be sending out forms in three weeks.  The next storm was the Hennepin Co. tornado, and then our July1 wind storm, #DR4009.  Forms and reports for that will be sent out in 4 – 6 weeks, so it may be two months before we get paid.

Pine Co. Land, Planning, & Zoning Survey:  Kurt Schneider, the Land & Zoning Administrator, sent out a survey to all the townships asking about their current zoning ordinances, and asking if they would be interested in the county adopting a county-wide ordinance which towns could adopt or opt out of.  Steve Chaffee, our Commissioner, spoke at the Pine Co. Wanderer’s meeting last week and said the problem with many of the township zoning ordinances is enforcement; they don’t have enforcement capabilities, and the county could help with that.  Bob Brewster had given us a copy ofArnaTownship’s Comprehensive Plan, and Paul downloaded the guidelines from Mn. Assn. of Townships for towns who are considering adopting a zoning ordinance.  Glen said we should at a minimum have some kind of reporting mechanism so we know if people are building homes or outbuildings in our township, such as a simple $10 building requirement or registration, so we could inform our assessor of new construction.   Mike asked how we could enforce it?   We would have to post signs at our township boarders.  Mark said he is pretty much aware of any new construction from his duties as road manager, inspecting and grading the roads.  Patrice said she had to get a county building permit to build her home. Gary said that was because she is on the river.  Mike said our current policy is working well so far.  The board reviewed and answered the survey questions and Paul will submit it to Kurt Schneider.  The County septic ordinance will have to be updated by 2014 per the Mn. Pollution Control Agency, and township septic ordinances will need to conform by 2015.  Gail Kespohl wrote our ordinance and she will submit a revision by 2015.  We answered that we are happy with our own ordinance and inspector and do not want the county to handle it.  Glen said we need to stay on top of this zoning ordinance because they may try to pass it.  Look what happened to the junkyard ordinance:  By citizens staying on top of it, the County tried and failed to pass it twice.

Seven County Senior Federation Donation:  They want us to sign a contract with them for services, and for a donation of $300 or so.  Paul spoke to both Fran Levings and Cheryl Wickham about New Dosey’s and Arna’s donations.  Fran said they used to give $300 to both 7 County and to Family Pathways, but that this year they are experiencing a budget crunch and will likely give less.  Cheryl said Markville has given $240 a year before, but they are also hurting financially with the July 1 cleanup.  Patrice gave an overview of all the services the 7 County Federation provides, such as help applying for Medicare and for supplemental insurance for poor applicants.  She will bring information to the March Annual Meeting.  Glen suggested that we propose a $100 donation at the meeting.

Citizen Recognition Plaque:  Glen said he’s been shot down on this before, but he wants to bring up again the town having a plaque with the names of citizens who have given a lot to our township.  Ron McCullen’s recent death has rekindled the idea of acknowledging and recognizing all that past citizens have done.  We could propose one person a year, and add their names to an honor roll plaque, and give a smaller plaque to the families.  It could be limited to those who have passed on. Paul said New Dosey has a plaque with about 20 or so names, and we could nominate several to start.  So many people have served on the board and fire department and contributed to Duxbury Days and other township activities and projects.   Mike and Gary said this could be divisive and dredge up old controversies, if some are recognized and some aren’t. This can also be added to the agenda for the Annual Meeting March 13.

MAT Dental Insurance:  Paul brought the application forms and the plans offered:  Plus, Select, and Choice.  The main difference is the Plus Plan pays 50% of basic care like fillings and extractions and the other two pay 80%.  The Choice plan pays 100% for preventive cleaning, x-rays and exams, while the other two pay 80%.  The monthly cost for officers and employees is Plus: $26.25; Select: $29.25; and Choice:  $32.61.  There is a 1-year waiting period for major work and orthodontics.  The cost for a spouse doubles that.  All of the officers and employees present are interested in getting this insurance. Paul will find out from MAT how many townships pay their officers’/employees’ premiums, or part of them.  This is something that will be added to the Annual Meeting Agenda. We may propose that the town pay the employee premiums and the officers pay for any spouses or dependents, or that the town pay half of whatever the total premiums would be.  We would all have to be under the same plan. Gary moved and Mike seconded that we propose the Choice plan for all officers and employees.

NEW BUSINESS:  Proposed 2013 Budget:  The board reviewed a proposal for the Annual Meeting for 2013 levies and wages.  The only change from 2012 is the Building Fund.  Last year, the town voted to reduce the fund from $1,200 to $600.  Paul said that if we hope to build an addition to the hall that can be heated with a real kitchen and bathrooms, we should return it to the 2011 level.  The State requires that our Road and Bridge Levy be set at least to .04835% of the taxable market value of our town, to qualify for gas tax refund.  Wilma has a total 2011 Payable Certified Taxable Market Value of $30,013.300.00, so our Road and Bridge Levy has to be a minimum of $14,511.  We set ours at $16,000 last year, and are proposing the same for 2013.  All wages and snowplowing, etc., were left same as 2012.  The voters decide the levies, and we can include the Town Hall addition in the Annual Meeting Agenda.

Township Laptop:  Our computer has been giving trouble, refusing to shut down or boot up, freezing, etc.  Patrice ran the System Care program, but it still costs down time.  Glen said we can get a new laptop for a very low cost, $300 – $400, and we could clean ours up and sell it on Craigslist.  It has only been used for accounting.  No decision or proposal was made.

Tri-State Loggers: Gary said that Tri-State Logging is planning to start work on theDuncan Road.  He said in the past we had instructed the DNR to inform any loggers who get logging permits in our township that they are required to post a $500 escrow bond before they start any work.    The Board instructed Paul to write to the DNR and remind them of this requirement.

Deputy Treasurer:  Patrice requested that her sister Jenn be allowed to sit in on our next board meeting to review all the accounting and check-writing procedures, in case she needs to fill in for Patrice at a meeting.  This is paid at the bookkeeping rate, plus mileage.  Glen said she should probably get a refresher 3 times a year; Patrice said she believes it should be quarterly.  Mike moved that Jenn attend the March regular meeting for training. Gary seconded.  Passed.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims:  Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached).  Bills were presented:

Patrice Winfield (expenses)                        $           25.40

Paul Raymond (expenses)                                       10.00

Dennis Schlomke (culvert)                                   200.00

ECE                                                                        50.97

Pine Co. Courier                                                     16.92

Robert Brewster (2012 Assessments)                           1,518.00

Glen Williamson                                                     33.85

Patrice Winfield                                                    238.70

Paul Raymond                                                     194.36

Frank Rehberger                                                  195.31

Gary Vink                                                            157.57

Mike McCullen                                                        33.97

Mark Pallow                                                        110.39 

Total Bills            $       2,785.44

Garymoved to approve the Treasurer’s Report and to pay all the bills, and to transfer $2,700.00 from savings to checking. Mike seconded.  Approved. Garymoved to adjourn the meeting; Glen seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk