Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present: Supervisor Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Road Manager Alden Shute. June Meeting Record: Paul read the record of the June 8 meeting. Gary moved to approve; Glen seconded.

ROAD REPORT: Alden bladed all the township roads. Jerry’s Roadside Mowing LLC: We got the bill from Jerry’s Roadside Mowing, which came in under his estimate of $1,200. He did 14.5 hours @ $75/hour = $1,087.50. Thanks to Alden, Jerry broke down the Range Line Roads so we can bill the other towns at ½ of $75/hour. Alden said Doug Witta graded the Pete Anderson and Langstrom Roads, and Alden will alternate with him and neither town will bill the other.
Crooked Lake Rd. Culvert: Alden said regarding Jason Palme’s request for a new culvert 7/10’s mile down Crooked Lake Road, it would be better to just put a second culvert in if the old one is still good.
North Duncan Road: There is a big pothole that needs a dumpload of gravel, and the culvert needs another load of gravel to cover it.
Tamarack Pine Drive: The whole road should be graveled next spring after the frost boil is dug out and rebuilt, a project for 2022.
Glen confirmed that the board hired Alden to manage our roads and that the board defers to Alden’s judgment on culvert size and placement.
Letter to Carlson Timber: Alden said that Carlson Timber did so much work on the Pete Anderson Rd. and Schmedeke Lane, even if it benefited their land sales, that he would like the board to formally acknowledge our gratitude to them for all they did. Glen moved to send a letter; no second so issue died.

OLD BUSINESS: American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA): Pine Co. Planning Meeting on the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Mike and Paul attended the meeting Tuesday, June 15 at the North Pine Government Center in Sandstone. Possiblities for funding: Extension of our Town Hall broadband budget to give us more months of service. Possibility of telephone companies putting up cellphone dishes on the Eaglehead tower. If the Fire Dept. increases the pension fund budget so each town pays $1,000 more per year, the towns can recover this from the ARPA.
There is a free online webinar on the American Rescue Plan Act and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund allocations from the State of Minnesota. Paul has studied the seminar and has applied for our funds.
David Minke wrote us, “The Pine County City/Township ARPA Coordination Meeting #2 will be Tuesday, July 27 at 5PM, in person and via webex at the North Pine Government Center (1602 Hwy 23 N. Sandstone). The link to the webex option is: Or Join by meeting Number: Meeting number (access code): 175 650 2268 Meeting password: ZrYqAP96mR9 Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only) +1-650-215-5226,,1756502268##
Commissioner Terry Lovgren wrote us: “I am following up with you concerning an email you received from David Minke for the township/city/county meeting on July 27th at 5 in Sandstone to discuss ARPA funds.  There is more information that has been given to how these funds can as well as cannot be used, but when looking into it there is something each one of our townships/cities will be able to benefit from with these funds.
I am hoping your township/city will make it a priority to attend this meeting where we will be able to share ideas with each other.
Jeff Krueger from MAT Says: “There has been a lot of confusion regarding the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) lately, so I wanted to send out a quick email. There is no need to rush in applying for your ARPA funds. We don’t want people to delay too much but there is plenty of time. You have until the end of 2024 to obligate your funds. Unless you have an immediate need, don’t obligate your funds to your county or ANY organization until we’ve had time to get webinars out to answer your questions on what the funds can be used for.

Emergency Broadband Benefit ERB: Will pay $50 per month for internet if you are on food stamps or other government program or if you earn less than an adjusted gross income under $18,000. The Emergency Broadband Benefit will provide a discount of up to $50 per month towards broadband service for eligible households Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers if they contribute more than $10 and less than $50 toward the purchase price. Go to to apply online and to find participating providers near you.

NEW BUSINESS: Couri & Ruppe Annual Township Legal Seminar: will be Saturday, September 25, 2021, Rutledge Town Hall. Register at

Mowing Town Hall: Pine Co. STS guys mowed the hall lawn once so far.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Total bills for July, $3,325.87, and Patrice wants to transfer $3,300. Mike moved to approve the report and transfer the funds. Gary seconded
Motion to Adjourn: Glen moved to adjourn the meeting; Gary seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Report by Paul Raymond