Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present: Supervisor Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Patrick Story, Stan Riley, and Rodney Sorgaard. Paul read the record of the July meeting. Gary moved to approve; Glen seconded.

ROAD REPORT: No road report. Township Road Mowing: Pat Story asked why we mowed township roads so soon after brushing them last year. Glen explained that we had all township roads mowed this year. Pat said he did a bad job on Lost River Road and asked if we have any specs to guide the commercial mowers.

OLD BUSINESS: American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA): Pine Co. Planning Meeting. Paul attended the second meeting on July 27 at the North Pine Government Center in Sandstone. Wilma has already received half of our ARPA funds. Our dollar amount isn’t calculated based on our budget or our spending but on our population, which is 63 @ $105/person, $6,615. Possibilities for funding: Extension of our Town Hall broadband budget to give us more months of service. We can buy laptops for Mike and Gary and a printer for Patrice. We can donate to the fire department for lost revenue. We need to document how we spent it.

ECE Road Excavation on Dollar Lake Road: They don’t like paying escrow deposit every time. They say: “ECE has been doing this work for years and it is a process to get a check to the township for $1000 every time we need to install a new service.  ECE is good for our word and would pay any damage fees if there were any.  We have worked in this township for a long time. Maybe there is some type of yearly bond to make this easier.” Glen moved that we waive the escrow deposit requirement for ECE, but still ask that they schedule joint road inspections with Alden before and after excavating Wilma Township roads. Paul will write them. We will return the $1,000 for Vink Road once they confirm that the work is done and Alden can inspect it.

NEW BUSINESS: Liquor and Cigarette License: Stan Riley has started a new business at the corner of Duxbury and Tamarack River Roads, selling propane, prepared lunches, and hopes to add liquor and strong beer and cigarettes. He needs Wilma Board approval to get the licenses. Glen moved that the board approve his licenses to sell liquor, beer and cigarettes. There was no second. Gary said he abstains because this business directly competes with his own business, the Duxbury Store. We will not have another meeting until September 1st. Glen moved that if Mike has a work conflict with September 1 that we move the meeting one week to September 8. Gary seconded. Paul was asked to contact the township attorneys to see if there is a limit on how many meetings a supervisor can miss.

Mowing Town Hall: Pine Co. STS no longer exists. Paul mowed the hall lawn and is willing to do it using his mower. Discussion on pay for mowing. Paul billed 3 hours at the labor rate, $16/hour. He said the board never changed the labor rate when they increased all the other rates, because it is rarely used. He asked what is fair compensation for using his own mower and oil and gas. Glen moved that he be paid $10; Gary seconded.

Stan Riley and mowing: Stan said he would be willing to take the mowing job for the hall, including weed whipping. Glen moved to hire him as a contractor at the rate of $20/hour, two hours max per job. Gary seconded. Pat reminded the board that we need to be named Additional Named Insured on his insurance. Stan said he would. Stan also said he would be willing to do the Eagle Head Station for the fire department. His number is 612-412-3973.

Hall Foundation: Supervisors checked southeast corner of hall; blocks slipping. Gary said they had an engineer check on it after the tornado first moved the foundation a little and he said there was no problem. Paul said he could bring some bricks to fill in the gaps under the blocks which should support them from collapsing.

District 7 Meeting: Will be Thursday, August 12, 7 p.m. In Monticello. Can attend by Zoom: On agenda: Government Relations update; ARPA update; new laws and bills; new case law; new risk management system with MATIT. Glen said he’d like to attend by Zoom; Paul also. Any board members are authorized to attend.

Emergency Broadband Benefit ERB: Will pay $50 per month for internet if your gross adjusted income is less than $17,000, including from Centurylink. Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers if they contribute more than $10 and less than $50 toward the purchase price. Go to to apply online and to find participating providers near you.

Couri & Ruppe Annual Township Legal Seminar: Saturday, September 25, 2021, Rutledge Town Hall. Register at

Pine County Wanderers and Town Hall: The Wanderers ask to use our hall for their October 27 meeting. Paul will guarantee the hall is cleaned. Glen moved to approve; Gary seconded.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave the treasurers’ report: Total bills for August, $1,019.09. Total to transfer, $1,000. Gary moved to approve her report and to transfer the funds. Gary moved to adjourn the meeting; Glen seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:30.