Chairman Gary Vink called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Michael McCullen and Glenford Williamson, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Mark Pallow, and four citizens.
Paul read the record of the October meeting. Glen moved to approve; Mike seconded.
LOST RIVER ROAD: The board accepted the agreement to take over Lost River Road as a township road after receiving $2,500 payment from Leighton Quinn in escrow for any road work required on this road for the next two years. Mike moved to amend the agreement to say that Wilma Township will bill Mr. Quinn monthly for any work done on this road, rather than every 6 months. Glen seconded, and the board signed the agreement. Mike move that Wilma Township adopt Lost River Road as a township road and to have it so recorded with the County Auditor.
SEPTEMBER JOINT-RANGE LINE/ESCROW ROAD BILLING: Mona Drive: ½ hour, $75, for blading in September. Heller Road: Bill New Dosey for ½ hour blading, $75, September, and 3 hours of brush cutting and one hour of mulching, $135 total divided by two: $67.50, plus $35.41 equipment rental; plus $25 mileage, total $202.91
Blading $ 75.00
Rental 35.41
Labor 67.50
Mileage 25.00
Total $202.91
ARNA RANGE-LINE PROPOSAL: Arna Chairman David Drake send an email on proposed work on one of the range-line roads, to remove trees that are encroaching on the road and putting two loads of pit-run gravel on the road extension, for a total cost of $1,000. The Supervisors said this proposal doesn’t specify which road and if the $1,000 includes the gravel and directed Paul to respond asking clarification on these issues before the board approves, and saying that the board would like Arna to call Gary to arrange a joint road inspection before we approve this work.
COUNTY TOWNSHIP OFFICERS MEETING: Glen is the Secretary-Treasurer of the Association, but is not paid for attending these meetings. He asked if he could still be paid by Wilma as a township officer. The board said that he does represent Wilma Township and should be paid.
WILMA FALL FEST: Glen gave a report of Wilma Fall Fest held October 18. He said 46-48 people attended, with a potluck dinner and door prizes and music and dancing. He said they spent under budget by $96, with $236.55 total spent. $140 went for the DJ. Thank-you letters have been sent to all donors of door prizes. Glen said it was very successful and we plan to have it an annual event the third Saturday in October next year.
SNOWPLOWING: The Board directed Paul to write Terry Ann Derchel to ask for an additional $25 for snowplowing; she sent $50. Also to return checks from Lost River Road cabin owners who are not year-round residents: Ronald and Donna Rogstad and Ross and Nita Gay.
Glen asked what we should do if someone misses the deadline for snowplowing payment, November 5. Mike said if someone moved into the township after the deadline, we could make an exception. Mike moved that any late snowplowing fees from current full-time residents be penalized at the rate of $25 per week for each 7 days from November 5 that they are late.
Glen seconded.
SISTERMAN EASEMENT: Paul got a call from the DNR in Duluth saying that the Sisterman easement is a public access and that they cannot gate the road.
BILLS AND TREASURER’S REPORT: Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached). Bills were presented:
FNBNS $ 2,000.00
ECE 86.04
Pine Co. Courier 47.00
The Evergreen 22.50
Donna Filler 127.50
Pine Septic and Design 965.00
MAT Agency (Workers Comp. Ins.) 727.00
Robert Nadeau (labor for brush cutting) 223.00
Michael McCullen 38.09
Glenford Williamson 70.41
Gary Vink 44.45
Patrice Winfield 138.52
Paul Raymond 173.80
Mark Pallow 204.64
Glenford Williamson, Jr. (road work; DJ) 417.50
Total all Bills: $ 6,177.56
Mike moved to approve the Treasurer’s report, to pay all bills, and to transfer $6,100 from savings to checking. Gary seconded. Glen moved to adjourn the meeting; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
Paul Raymond, Clerk