Chairman Gary Vink called the meeting of the Board of Audit to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Michael McCullen and Glenford Williamson, Sr., and Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Mark Pallow.
The Supervisors examined the financial books of the Treasurer and the Clerk for 2008 and the Summaries of Accounts. Mike moved to approve the summaries and records of both the Clerk and the Treasurer; Gary seconded.
The Supervisors went over the Clerk’s proposal for a town budget for fiscal year 2010. The only changes from the 2009 budget were no monies for the Debt Service Fund, since the grader is paid off, and no monies for the Park fund as we received so much money for the logging last year. Under wages and payments for 2009, Mike said he believes that the payment for full-day out of town meetings is too low, as it is often a 12 hour day for only $65 dollars. He moved to propose an increase to $100 for full-day out of town meetings for 2009, and $50 for half-day out of town meetings. The half-day meetings are usually in Hinckley and don’t involve so much travel time. Glen seconded. Passed. Mike also moved to increase the mileage rate for 2009 to $.55/mile. Gary seconded. No other changes were proposed.
Clerk’s Meeting Record: Paul read the record of the January board meeting. Glen moved to approve the minutes; Gary asked that they be amended to say that the culvert near Jason Palme’s on Crooked Lake Road is still partially blocked.
Board of Equalization: Patrice said the Assessor called and said our Board of Appeal/Equalization is set for Wednesday, April 15th, at 10 a.m.
March Election and Annual Town Meeting: Election for Supervisor and Treasurer will be Tuesday, March 10, starting at 5 p.m., with the Annual Town Meeting at 8 p.m. after the Board of Canvass counts the votes. So far only Mike and Patrice have filed Affidavits of Candidacy. Paul and Toni Williamson and Donna Filler will judge. Paul has to contact Donna.
Town Website: Glen said he wanted to express support and prayers for Beverly Vink who is still in the hospital in Moose Lake. He said that the Wilma Township website is a valuable tool for our town, and that the company who created and maintains the site and posts all the updates and notices should be reimbursed. He suggested $200 per year. Gary said this should be brought up at the Annual Town Meeting.
North Pine Riders: The North Pine Riders snowmobile club wants to purchase a John Deere groomer to maintain snowmobile trails. They are soliciting the DNR to give them a $6,000 grant, and are asking the Board of Supervisors of Wilma to pass a resolution supporting their efforts to maintain the trails and obtain this grant. Glen made a motion to adopt a resolution to the DNR supporting North Pine Riders’ request for a grant. He said they are good for our township and bring in a lot of business and tourists. Mike seconded. Passed.
Sisterman Easement: Mark and Lisa Sisterman paid the remaining $1,260 balance for the easement into their land by Grace’s Lake. Glen moved that we send the DNR the same amount as it is a township, not a private easement. Mike seconded.
Fire Extinguishers: Mike said the fire extinguishers for the town hall and the fire hall should be checked. He said the township should pay for any expenses to have them checked. Gary agreed.
Treasurer’s report and bills: Patrice presented the Treasurer’s Report (attached). Glen moved to approve; Gary seconded. Bills were presented:
The Evergreen $ 30.00
ECE 53.06
Patrice Winfield (expenses) 48.80
Pine Co. Treasurer, Truth in Taxation 37.93
Robert Brewster (assessments) 1,534.50
Pine Co. Courier 16.92
Arna Township 570.00
FNBNS (final grader payment) 788.78
Paul Raymond 189.32
Patrice Winfield 177.77
Mark Pallow 249.34
Gary Vink 31.17
Glenford Williamson, Sr. 17.32
Michael McCullen 63.49
DNR (Sisterman Easement) 1,260.00
Total all Bills: $ 5,008.40
Mike moved to pay the bills and to transfer $5,010 from savings to checking. Glen seconded. Gary moved to adjourn the meeting; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m
Paul Raymond, Clerk