Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Chairman Glen Williamson followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. In attendance were Supervisor Mike McCullen, Supervisor Gary Vink, Chairperson Glen Williamson, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, and Clerk Toni Williamson. In the audience was Mark Pallow.

Old Business:

Gary got the grader batteries and according to Mark they did not work. Not cold cranking.

Glen heard from Ryberg regarding gravel pile and requested that Ryberg send his response in writing. We have not heard from him as of the meeting. According to Gary he stated that he took the sand and said “I should have asked permission”. Glen stated that the issue was addressed to him in writing and his response should be in writing. Gary will go through books on what was used, but Ryberg did not say how much was taken.

A question was posed by Mike if Mark will still be our main grader. Mark responded that he would.

Supervisors read misc. mail. There was some discussion on request for any claims, there were none. The Seven County Sr. Assoc. wrote asking for donations. There was discussion, but no motion to donate.

Clerk requested funds to purchase stamps for mailings. It was approved by the board.


End of year report by Treasurer and Clerk was reviewed and approved by Supervisors.

The proposed 2012 budget was handed out by the Clerk.

There were questions regarding a pay raise for Election Judges. Question was held and after later discussion, it was decided to keep the rate the same. There was discussion also on the Levy and per Patrice it came to $15,440. It was changed to $16,000.

Building Fund: It was suggested by Mike to keep the amount the same as there is leaking etc. in the Hall.

Fire Fund: Mike suggested we raise it as there is no incentive. It was raised to $4,500 to keep youth interested.

Park Fund: After discussion, it was decided to keep it at $500.

General Fund: No changes.

Mike motioned to leave all other wages the same and accept the others that had changes. It was seconded by Gary, motion passed.

Glen has info on short courses, it was tabled until the next meeting.

Road Report by Gary :

Heller Rd road work done on Jan 15, 2011, Bill was sent to New Dosey Clerk. Gary mentioned that on February 2nd, they only plowed driveways.

Mark spoke with Randy Buerman to do electric garage opener, weather stripping and misc. work. Bid was $1,160. There was discussion that the current doors are hard to open. It was mentioned by Glen that this will wipe out the fund, but that it was reasonable. Gary mentioned it would have to be done at some time. Mike mentioned that the dripping is bad. There is damage from a tornado several years ago. Weather stripping should also be done on all sides and it was noted to have the bid broken down and to get a second bid. Randy can have it done in two weeks.

Glen asked Mark how the plowing/Grader training was going with Frank Rehberger. Mark said that the training is going good and he handled the equipment very well. Mark asked if he was comfortable to have him do it alone if he was not available. Mark said yes and it was suggested that we give him a list of addresses to plow.

Glen gave condolences to Mark Pallow on the passing of his sister.


Mark Pallow Grading and General Labor $509.49

Mike McCullen Supervisor, ½ Day Meeting $76.90

Toni Williamson Meeting, General Bookwork, ½ Day Meeting $177.37

Frank Rehberger Grading and General Labor $155.68

Glen Williamson Chairperson, General Labor, ½ Day Meeting $38.69

Patrice Winfield General Bookwork, ½ Day Meeting, Monthly Meeting $165.11

Gary Vink General Labor, ½ day Meeting $76.43

Pine County Courier Notice $22.56

ECE Electrical Service $52.88

Toni Williamson Postage Stamps $44.00

Bob Brewster Special Assessment $1,518.00

Evergreen Notice $28.00

TOTAL $1,704.13

Motion made seconded and passed to transfer $1,700.00 to pay bills.

Mike motioned for adjournment seconded by Gary and passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm.

Toni Williamson
Deputy Clerk, Wilma Township
Phone: 320-245-5194



Clerk Paul Raymond called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 8:15 p.m. following the election and Board of Canvass.

Citizens present were Glen and Toni Williamson, Eldon Schmedeke, Bruce and Donna Filler, Gary Vink, Patrice Winfield, Barb Smith, and Paul Raymond.

The floor was opened for nominations for moderator of the annual meeting.   Gary nominated Glen; Patrice seconded.   There were no other nominations, and Glen was elected and took the gavel.

Glen asked for a reading of the record of last years’ annual meeting.  Gary moved to approve the record; Patrice seconded.  Passed.

Election results: Glen reported the results of the election of board members earlier in the day: Glenford Williamson, Sr., was reelected Supervisor; Paul Raymond was reelected Clerk.

TREASURER’S FINANCIAL REPORT:  Paul presented the Financial Reports as prepared by Treasurer Patrice Winfield.  Gary moved to approve the report and to waive the reading of all checks. Barb seconded.  Passed.

ROAD REPORT:   Township Supervisor Gary Vink gave the Road Report for 2009:   The Schmedeke Lane Controversy has been resolved by the Pine County Board of Commissioners at their meeting on February 16th.  Eldon will be able to purchase two 40 acre x 132’ parcels of land from the county to extend Schmedeke Lane; Bruce Greenley will be able to purchase the land between his land and the Schmedeke Lane right-of-way, and Bob Jensen will be able to do a land trade with the County for some land north of his land.  Eldon said he had to accept the Board’s decision, although he says the survey is not right and everyone knows it.

These roads received gravel in 2009:  North Duncan Road, north of Thiry’s hill, 12 yards by truck (because of the condition of the road, gravel trucks couldn’t reach here) and then another 14 loads, 196 yards, by Hopkins Gravel south of Hirty’s.  The South Duncan Road got 5 loads, 70 yards.  T&T paid for these damages, total $720.

Pete Anderson/Langstrom Roads: One load was put down at the end of both roads, as per our agreement with Arna Township.

McCullen Drive: Three loads; 42 yards.  Vink Road: 6 loads 84 yards.    Hopkins hauled a total of 420 yards at $4.30/yard.

Escrow Account: We continue to notify loggers and haulers about our escrow bonding requirement to haul on township roads, so we do not get stuck with damaged roads without any recourse when the loggers leave.  We have received good cooperation from the DNR land dept. and from loggers and haulers.  T&T Logging paid escrow payments for our Mink Farm and Short Roads, and have apparently completed their logging and hauling activities for this year.

Crooked Lake/Eagle Head Road:  Danforth Township replaced a culvert on the Eagle Head Road and put down gravel on Crooked Lake Road.  They are responsible for all road work and repairs on our west town-line roads, and they bill us half.

LEVIES FOR 2011:   As the discussion and vote on our 2011 levies began, Eldon asked why the board is recommending so much in levies when we have large balances in these funds.   He said our taxes are too high and if we’re not spending money on our roads, why are we continuing to tax ourselves?  The proposed Road and Bridge levy for 2011 is $15,000.   As per state law and the County Auditor, our Road and Bridge fund must be at least .04835% of the taxable market value of our township.   Wilma’s taxable value totals $29 million; Patrice said this means we have to levy at least $14, 021.50, so our proposal is about where it needs to be.  Gary moved that since we have this minimum, that we leave the Road and Bridge Fund at $15,000 for 2011; Barb seconded.

Park Fund: Donna said she is disappointed that the Park Fund levy is set at zero; she would like to see it grow in case future generations wish to do something with our park.  Barb asked where this park is; it is the 40 acres directly west of the DNR Headquarters between the schoolhouse and the road on the west side.  Patrice asked if we couldn’t do something to the park land, to make it more accessible and perhaps develop part of it.  Donna moved that we levy $500 for the Park Fund for 2011; Paul seconded.   This passed.  Bruce moved that we put a culvert and build or improve the driveway access into the park land; Donna seconded.   Bruce said there is a concrete culvert now, but it is broken.  Paul said we have always banned hunting for everyone in our park land, but the board years ago passed a law allowing any township citizens to gather downed firewood in the park, but not to cut live trees.   We had all the poplar logged off by Duane Glienke a year or so ago, but it is still forested.

Building Fund: The Board proposed a $1,200 levy for 2011.   Glen said our Town Hall needs storm doors,  new, double-paned windows, and ceiling blown-in insulation.  We had the hall scraped and painted in 2009, and this should last for many years.  Patrice moved to levy $1,200; Bruce seconded; passed.  Paul moved that we recommend to the Board of Supervisors to use some of our building fund to put in new storm doors, new windows and  more insulation in the ceiling.  Toni seconded. Passed.

Fire Fund: This needs to stay at $3,500 because this is the amount of our fees to the Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department for protection.  We have a cushion in the fund in case the Fire Department increases their fees.  Toni moved that the levy be $3,500; Gary seconded; passed.

General Fund: The Board recommended not changing the fund, leaving it at $12,000.   Eldon asked what the general fund is used for.  Patrice said we spent $18,000 from the General Fund in 2009, and it goes for everything the other funds do not cover:  insurance, fuel, propane, salaries, elections, etc. There was a discussion, and because there was a surplus in this fund after 2009, Eldon moved that the levy be lowered to $10,000 for 2011.   Patrice seconded.  This passed.

WAGES:  Paul said that the citizens are only allowed to vote and authorize levies; the Board of Supervisors sets wages and salaries, but our board has always given the citizens input and the privilege of voting on wages.  Any changes take effect after the Board approves them at the Board of Reorganization.  Donna asked why the board is recommending increases in the Clerk and Treasurer’s wages when their work is almost all computerized now and much easier.  Paul said it is much easier, and especially now that we are both on CTAS Accounting System, instead of manually entering every claim and disbursement into the big log book and doing all the figures manually, but we are also taking much less time to do the books, so this is saving money.

General Labor:  Bruce moved to keep this at $15/hour; Donna seconded; passed.

Major Mechanic:   Bruce said he was a professional mechanic in the cities and didn’t get $30/hour.  Paul said Joe does a very hard job changing the grader chains and tires and doing lubrication and maintenance, and he moved to keep it at $30/hour.  Eldon seconded; passed.  Mechanic’s Assistant: Gary moved to keep at 415/hour; Patrice seconded; passed.

Grader Operator: Glen moved to increase this from $16/hour to $18/hour.

Election Judges:  Donna said that as a judge, she sees no reason to increase it to $12 as recommended; she moved that it stay at $10/hour.  Paul asked if she and the other judges would be willing to serve at that rate; it is often very hard to get judges.  Patrice, Barb and Donna said yes, they would. Patrice seconded, and this passed.

OFFICERS:  There was a discussion on the wage increase proposals; Eldon and Donna questioned the $10/meeting increase for the Clerk and Treasurer.  Patrice said she would be very satisfied with a $5 increase, as long as the clerk got the same.  Paul said neither he nor Patrice asked for the increase, and $5 would be fine.  Donna moved to set the Clerk at $80 per meeting, and Treasurer $70 per meeting; Toni seconded.   Passed.  Toni moved to increase the Supervisors from $15/hour for meetings to $18/hour.  Paul seconded, and said the meetings are usually two to three hours, so this isn’t so much per meeting; plus general labor is paid at the $15 rate.  This passed.  Gary moved to increase theChairman from $17.50 to $20.50 per hour; Patrice seconded. Passed.   Annual Meeting Moderator: Paul said this has traditionally been $50, and he moved that it remain the same for 2010.  Bruce seconded. Passed.

Out of Town Meetings: Glen said that he thinks that half-day meetings should be increased to $60.   There was a discussion, and Patrice moved that half-day meetings remain at $50 and full-day at $100.  Donna seconded; passed.

Mileage: This has been at the Federal Rate of .50/mile.  Because the government can change this based on gas prices, Toni moved that it remain at .50/mile, but that it change if the Federal Rate Changes.  Gary seconded; passed.

Snowplowing: Gary moved that it stay at $75 per season; $100 for driveways over 700’.  Bruce seconded.

Bank: Patrice moved to keep First National Bank of the North as our bank of deposits and CD’s and checking.  Gary seconded.

Notices: Paul moved that the Pine County Courier be our paper of record, with The Evergreen and Wilma website secondary notice sites, and that the Town Hall and the Duxbury Store be our posting sites for 2010;  Gary seconded.

Annual Meeting: Paul moved that we follow the law requiring our next Annual Town Meeting be held the second Tuesday of 2011; Glen seconded.

Cell Phone Tower: Glen asked for input from the voters on concerns and ideas for our township, and said he’s heard talk that we should have more community activities.   Barb Smith said they rely on cell phones as there are no phone lines, and asked if there has been progress on getting a cell-phone tower nearer to Duxbury for better reception.  She said Verizon said there may be a tower in two years, but that is a long wait.  Glen said we should start a petition for all the households west of Bear Creek Road (County 142) to Frontier to get high-speed internet out here.  They go up 142 up to Askov now. Patrice said if Toni writes it, she would be glad to take a petition around.

Wilma Fall Fest: Gary moved that we allocate $400 for our annual Wilma Fall Fest.  Bruce seconded.   This will be the 3rd week of October, and everyone can join the committee to put it on.  Toni and Patrice head up the committee.

Board of Reorganization:   This will be next Monday, March 15, at 11 a.m. at the Duxbury Store. This is a short meeting to swear in the officers and set the wages for 2010.

Board of Appeal/Equalization: This will be Wednesday, April 14, at 10 a.m. at the Town Hall. The Pine County Assessor and our local assessor, Bob Brewster, will be there to hear appeals of property values for 2011.

Glen said that he loves Eldon and really appreciates his input in our meetings, and that he keeps the Board on its toes.    He urged Bruce and Donna to return to their active participation in township meetings.   He thanked Barb for serving as judge and participating in the meeting, and he urged everyone to come to more meetings.  He also thanked Patrice, Paul and Gary for all they do for our township and said Gary’s knowledge about our roads and township issues is indispensible.

Toni moved to adjourn the meeting; Patrice seconded.  The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk



Chairman Glenford Williamson, Sr., called the Board of Audit and Board Meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:30 p.m.  Also present were Supervisors Michael McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Eldon and Marjorie Schmedeke.

The Supervisors went over the claims, disbursements, receipts and cash control reports of the clerk and treasurer.  Glen moved to approve the financial records; Gary seconded.   The Board considered the proposed levies for 2011 and the wages for 2010.  Glen moved that we keep the levy proposals for 2011 the same as were approved for 2010:  Road and Bridge:  $15,000; Building:  $1,200; Fire:  $3,500; Park:  0; General Fund:  $12,000.  Mike seconded.   Mike asked Patrice what the balance in the Fire Fund is now, in case there is an increase in our Fire Fund costs in 2011:   We have $3,540 in the Fire Fund, and our payment for 2009 was paid in September, so there is a cushion, if costs go up.

After a discussion on wages for 2010, Glen moved that the Chairman be increased to $20/hour; Supervisors to $18/hour; Clerk to $85/meeting; Treasurer to $75/meeting, and Clerk and Treasurer report work to $12/hour.  Also to increase Election Judges to $12/hour.   General labor and mechanics and grader operator work to remain the same.  The federal rate for mileage went down to $.50/mile, and Glen moved that we follow that rate.  Gary seconded both motions.  The voters will approve or change the levies; the Board sets wages and salaries at the Board of Reorganization.

OLD BUSINESS:  Paul read the record of the January Board meeting.   Eldon asked to make a number of corrections to the report of the Schmedeke Lane meeting on December 21st:   He asked that the record not state that the County has determined that Schmedeke Lane is not on the section line.  He said that two 40’s is 2,640 feet, not 1,640.  And that the record should not say that the Jensens lost land when Schmedeke Lane was built.  Glen said that we could amend the record to reflect these concerns, to show that these are claims and beliefs, and not settled determinations.   Gary said that by law, only the Board of Supervisors are allowed to challenge the record or make changes, but he and the Board agreed that it was appropriate for Eldon to bring up his concerns because he was at that meeting.  Glen moved that the Clerk’s record be amended and that it be approved as changed.  Gary seconded.   The Pine County Board of Commissioners will be meeting to discuss and give their conclusions regarding Schmedeke Lane on Tuesday, February 16, at 1:30 p.m. at the Public Works Building in Sandstone.  This will be posted as a public meeting; Mike moved that and Board members who attend be reimbursed for a half-day’s meeting.  Gary seconded.

Gary said that he checked the roads after Scott Quady said that the grader scraped the snow down to the gravel on the town roads used by snowmobilers; he said that Mark did leave a layer of snow but that the groomers ground it down to the gravel.  Mike said that the plow should stop grading after the last house on Vink Road, and shouldn’t be plowing the North Duncan Road.

Paul gave a report on the Pine County Soil and Water meeting for township officers on Saturday, January 30.  The primary focus was the impact of the Wetlands Conservation Act and related state statutes on township road repair, rehabilitation, reconstruction or replacement projects.  The Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources requires reports and applications before work is started that will impact wetlands.  They did state that a township can apply gravel to existing roads, even if these roads pass across wetland areas, without permits, and can excavate ditches to their original cross section, as long as the materials are not piled in wetland areas.  Paul and Glen picked up sample applications and directives from the meeting for the other Supervisors.

Automark test:   The Auditor’s Office wants to test and check our Automark machine in Sandstone, and want it dropped off the same day as the Schmedeke Lane Commissioners’ meeting.  Those attending the meeting could drop it off.   We need election judges for the March election:   Patrice and Marg agreed to serve, and Paul will call Donna Filler and ask her.

NEW BUSINESS:   Fuel for Fire Dept. Trucks: Mike asked Patrice to bill the Fire Department for 38 gallons of fuel oil at $2.67/gallon.

2010 Census: Glen got a CD from the Census showing the boundaries of Wilma Township to give the Board the opportunity to review the boundary data.   He printed out the maps and the Supervisors examined them and Glen moved that the Board accept the boundaries as determined by the Census Bureau.  Mike seconded.   Glen signed and will fax the maps back.

Town Hall Rental Policy: Glen downloaded a sample Town Hall use policy and adapted it for our Township.   The policy and application covers alcohol and smoking and security, and charges a rental fee of $25 for residents; $50 non residents, with a $50 damage deposit for residents and $100 for non-residents.  For weddings or dances, the fees are $50 for residents and $100 for non-residents, with a $200 damage deposit for everyone.  The Town Board at its discretion may waive the rental fee for other governmental units and agencies, such as the Fire Department or Disposal District Board.  After discussion, Glen moved that the Board adopt the Township Hall Rental Policy.  Mike seconded.

Cigarette License: Glen moved that the Duxbury Store application for a license to sell cigarettes and tobacco be approved; Mike seconded.  The fee is $10 and Joe already paid it.

Clerk’s Printer: Paul said he has been using his printer for Township records and reports and correspondence, but it finally has died and he has to buy another one.  He got a Canon printer/copier for $49, with inexpensive cartridges.  He doesn’t want the Township to pay for the whole printer, but asked if they could pay part.   Mike moved that the Township pay for half the cost of a new printer and black printer cartridges for the Clerk.  Glen seconded.

Dollar Lake Logging: Mike said that Eric Vathne still is having loggers haul logs out of Dollar Lake Road.   He asked if Eric responded to our letter.  Paul said not yet. Mike moved that Paul write and send a new letter from the Board telling Eric to cease and desist all hauling activities until he or the logger pay the $500 damage deposit into the escrow account.

Gary seconded.

Escrow Account Interest: Patrice said she is depositing interest from the Escrow Account into the Road and Bridge Fund.  Glen said this is ok.

Treasurer’s Report and Bills:   Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached).   Bills were presented:

The Evergreen                                   $        14.00

Pine Septic and Design                              265.00

ECE                                                            50.27

Patrice Winfield                                         182.39

Glen Williamson                                         94.65

Gary Vink                                                  55.41

Paul Raymond (for two months)               277.05

Mike McCullen                                           70.41

Pine County Courier                                   16.92

Patrice Winfield (supplies)                         12.06

Glen Williamson (mileage and supplies)     36.88

Paul Raymond (mileage)                                      33.00

Total Bills                      $    1,108.04

Gary moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report and to pay all the bills, and to transfer $1,100 from savings into checking.   Mike seconded.   Gary moved that the meeting be adjourned; Glen seconded.   Meeting adjourned at 10 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk