Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm by telephone conference call with the Pledge of Allegiance. County Assessor Lorri Houtsma and Wilma Assessor Bob Brewster attended, plus Supervisors Gary Vink and Mike McCullen and Clerk Paul Raymond.

Meeting Record of 2019 Board: Gary moved to waive the reading of the record of last year’s Board of Equalization. Mike seconded. Paul protested.

There were no appeals. Since the meeting had to last at least ½ hour, Glen moved to rescind the motion to waive the reading of the record and the clerk read it. Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded. If the record is not read, it cannot be approved and signed by the Chair.

How Values are Determined: Lori explained that estimated market values are based on a sales study of qualifying sales; the assessor has to set values at 90% – 105% of sales in the previous year, October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019. The assessment records are stored at the assessor’s office in the courthouse. Qualifying Sales have a CRD, Certificate of Deed filed with the Auditor who gives it to the Assessor. Excluded sales are family sales, forced foreclosures, and token sales. The increase in EMV for the 33 townships in Pine County is set by the sales in each township the previous year and a half ago, and must be set between 90 – 105%. Ours was 90.7%, which is low. Lori increased it to 93.3%, a 3.18% increase. Wilma had two sales last year, a cabin and 5 acres on Crooked Lake Road by Randy Schultz to a Mr. Evans, and a cabin and 48 acres on Duxbury Road by Tim McCullen’s, Shane Piro to Edwin Lindbloom. The Crooked Lake property sold for $30,000 over Bob’s estimated value.

Gary Vink, Parcel R32:1041, the Farm: Gary said put the land under the county 2C forest plan, and his taxes went down $698 and reduce Gary’s taxes by 35%, from $2,270 to $1,578. The number to contact the forester to get a managed Forest Management Plan 2C is Paul Swanson at 320-216-4245.

Schmedeke Land Sales: Bob said to prepare for some major sales off of Schmedeke Lane and Pete Anderson Road. Two sales last year, both for $20,000 – $30,0000 over his appraised value. He expects 6 more sales this year. Lori said sales all over the county were very strong right up until the pandemic, and she doesn’t know what will happen now.

Homestead Claim on Duxury Road: Vanderbergs have 40 acres and a pole shed building and claimed homestead status. They do have an active mailbox. Bob and Lori said they use several criteria to determine if a property is true homestead, including drivers’ licenses, voting registrations, electric bills, etc. Bob will keep investigating.

Gary moved to adjourn; Glen seconded. Meeting adjourned at 1:36 p.m.

_____ _______________________

Paul Raymond, Clerk


Attested to: Glen Williamson, Chair