Regular Meeting, June 6, 2007


Chairman Gary Vink called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Michael McCullen, Glenford Williamson, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Bob Jensen, Barbara Jensen, Mark Pallow, Jim and Carol Laumer, Eldon and Marjorie Schmedeke, and 2 citizens.

Paul read the minutes of the May meeting. Gary moved to approve; Glen seconded.

Marjorie Schmedeke questioned the expenditure for the township attorney. Paul explained it was for legal work and calls regarding the grader levy for 2007.

Road Report: Gary said that the culvert on the Mayfield road was rotted out and was a road hazard and needed to be replaced. He said that East Central Electric did ditching work on the Little Tamarack Lake road without notifying the township as required. Gary said they have already punched out a trench and have created some rough spots. When they trenched the Vink Road, they allowed Gary to mark the culverts before they started work, but no notice was given this time. Mike asked Paul to write ECE and remind them of our notice requirement and that we are holding them liable for any damages on this road, and if they don’t repair and restore the road, we will and bill them. Mike also asked Paul to ask ECE for the same $500 escrow deposit we require from logging companies. Eldon Schmedeke said he believes there is a culvert on Little Tamarack Lake Road, and they may have cut it. We will remind ECE of the requirement to notify us of any trenching they do on township roads.

Township Laptop Computer: Glen purchased the Everex Stepnote for $498 plus $28.98 for a three-year extended warranty. The total, with tax, was $559.25. Patrice has learned the CTAS program. Glen said it is vital that we backup the data, and that a flash drive would be enough. Mike moved that Glen be authorized to purchase a flash drive. Gary seconded.

Schmedeke Lane: There was a County Commissioners’ meeting in Sandstone where Eldon was allowed to make a passionate defense of his survey and placing of Schmedeke lane. The Commissioners have not made a decision on what survey they will accept and what the future of Schmedeke Lane will be. Barbara Jensen said that she would not contest the road or ask for damages if the road could be renamed after her husband and called Tiny Lane. Eldon rejected this option. Barbara said they were not notified at the time the Township recorded Schmedeke Lane as a township road. Eldon took the floor to show the Board his survey and said that at the time the road was built the Jensens agreed to the survey and in fact helped measure it.

Barbara Jensen took the floor to say that her memories are different from Eldon’s. She said that she is not at war with anyone. She said that the County Attorney said that the original surveys are binding, even if they are not accurate. They cannot be changed except by Federal action. No later survey can move the section monument, even if it is wrong. Fust Lane is on the correct monument which was found by several different surveyors. Fust Lane and the South Duncan Road both had monuments, but none has been found for Schmedeke Lane or the North Duncan Road. Barb said that the road obstruction stakes in Schmedeke Lane are dangerous and they are in the part that is a township road, and that she would like the road to be renamed Tiny Lane in memory of her husband.

Jim and Carol Laumer who own land next to Becky Niedzielski’s old place said that she discovered that their survey was wrong, and that Bob Pulford said that he had to make a deal with Becky or he could lose part of his land. He thought the fences and walls on the west of his land were the property line. He used a GPS to measure the roads and said that they all lined up, but that Pulford said that they had re-surveyed it. Jim asked the county to give up 60 feet of their land, but that they refused.

Barb said that citizens and landowners need to be notified when there are survey controversies or issues.

Eldon said that as far as changing the road name, he pays over $12,000 annually in property taxes and that he values having his name on a road.

Mike said that none of this is in the Town Board’s hands, and that no action can be taken until we hear what the Commissioners’ decision will be. Mike asked that Eldon remove the stakes that are in the township road. Barb asked if the Schmedeke Lane road sign could be removed until the issue is resolved, but Mike said the signs are necessary for 911 and fire calls.

NEW BUSINESS: Duxbury Days: Patrice said that she has too many personal and family responsibilities to chair the Duxbury Days celebration, and that she is not the right person to organize and run the event.


Joe Vink $ 137.61

Mark Pallow 181.01

ECE 35.70

Town and Country Oil 815.93

MAT Agency 2,380.00

Federated Coop 8.88

Mark Pallow (outhouse materials) 1,226.71

Dennis Shlamka (holding tank) 2,200.00

Paul Raymond 87.73

Gary Vink 187.00

Mike McCullen 96.96

Glen Williamson (incl. Computer) 734.37

Patrice Winfield 278.85

First National Bank 2,000.00

Total Bills 10,370.00

Treasurer’s Report:

General Fund Receipts 103.70

Disbursements 1,040.19

Balance 7,262.07

Road and Bridge Rec: 125.00

Disb: 5,177.60

Bal: 5,542.40

Fire Bal: 321.14

Park Bal: 719.53

Building Bal: 6,790.95

Escrow: Rec: 15.17

Bal: 4,880.04

TOTAL ALL FUNDS: $ 25,516.08

Patrice said that with the CTAS program that she can print out the treasurer’s reports and distribute them to the Board. Mike moved to approve the report and to transfer $10,400 from savings to checking; Gary seconded. Glen moved to adjourn; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned at 10 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk

Regular Meeting, May 2, 2007


Chairman Gary Vink called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Michael McCullen and Glenford Williamson, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, and Clerk Paul Raymond, and Mark Pallow and four citizens.

Paul read the record of the April meeting; Glen moved to approve; Gary seconded.

OLD BUSINESS: Laptop Computer: There was a discussion on what brand of computer would be best. Mike moved that Patrice or Glen be authorized to purchase a laptop PC computer for the CTAS program and to spend up to $600, with an extended warranty. Glen seconded.

Outhouse: Mike said getting a handicapped-accessible porta potty would be almost impossible. There was a discussion on the type and location of an outdoor handicapped-accessible outhouse. Mike moved that Mark Pallow be hired as a contractor to build an 8 x 8′ outhouse including a holding tank, to be completed by May 24, 2007. Mark will contact Denny Slamka for the tank, up to $3,500. Gary seconded.

Grader: Ken Yager questioned why the grader was used to tow Wisconsin Truss’s truck out of the mud; he understood that the grader was not to be used for such purposes as it could damage the grader. He also said that Joe Vink has no right to take the grader as he is not on the board. Mike said that the grader is not used for digging trenches, but that town graders have been used in the past to pull out a school bus and a fire truck. Mike said the board has an operational fee for special uses of the grader and that Wisconsin Truss is paying $150 for the tow. Glen said he understood Ken”s concern but asked how harmful pulling this truck would be on the grader. Mark said he did not think this was harmful to the grader. Paul said he was told by Bob Skorzseske when he was Board Chairman that he could not hire the grader to grade new gravel on his drive. Gary said this is not board policy, but at short courses they have advised against any private use of the grader, including snowplowing. Paul will call the township attorneys and ask about the legality of private uses of the grader.

Soil and Water Conservation District Meeting: Glen said the meeting was very informative, especially on restrictions on wetlands; e.g. if there are cattails in a road right-of-way, the board would have to go to the Soil and Water Conservation District for permission to build up or ditch the road, and if they approved the board would have to go to the DNR.

Grader/Road Report: The oil is changed but the grader got a flat tire and we had to borrow a tire from Danforth Township. Someone dragged Eagle Head Road and dug up a lot of rocks and degraded the surface. They think they”re doing a good thing but they destroy the integrity of the road and separate the clay from the binder. Mike said McCullen Drive had to be dragged after Mark graded it. Joe got a trapper who took 13 beavers out of the Eagle Head Road culvert at no charge. The culvert still needed to be cleaned out. The road inspection will be Tuesday, May 22, at 11 a.m. Paul will post the open meeting. Mike said the grader operator should go along with the inspection, but he is concerned about spending money.

Website Advertising: Glen said he would like to sell advertising or links to ads or websites on the township website in order to pay for the site. Paul will also ask the township attorneys if this is legal, and if the town is allowed to profit from advertising.

Pancake Breakfast: Gary moved that the Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department be allowed to use the town hall on Sunday, May 27, for the pancake breakfast.

Census: Gary got letters from the United States Census Bureau asking for financial data on the town and its employees. Paul has the info and will fill out the forms.

Grader Training Course: Mark and Gary attended the training in Hutchinson. Mark has decided not to be so aggressive on ditches but to take a little at a time. Gary left the meeting temporarily to get figures for road work done on town line roads. He gave the figures to Paul, to bill Danforth $235 for grading and labor and New Dosey $150 for grading and labor.

Bills for May:

East Central Energy $ 31.13

Pine Co. Courier 13.16

The Evergreen 5.00

First Natl. Bank 4,000.00

Mike McCullen 76.18

Couri/Ruppe/MacArthur Attorneys 270.00

Joe Vink 404.12

Mark Pallow 533.37

Paul Raymond 160.49

Glen Williamson 108.57

Gary Vink 345.16

Patrice Winfield 270.00

Total All Bills $ 6,217.79

Treasurer”s Report:

General Fund Disbursements 1,634.96

Balance 8,198.51

Road and Bridge Receipts 265.00

Disb: 1,529.00

Bal: 8,567.60

Fire Fund Balance 321.14

Park Fund Bal: 719.53

Building Fund Bal: 6,790.95

Escrow Fund Bal: 4,864.87

Gas Tax Fund Start: 3,779.40

Partial Distrib: 1,752.00

Bal: 2,027.40

Total all Funds: 31,490.00

Glen moved to approve the treasurer”s report and to pay all the bills and to transfer $6,200 from savings to checking. Mike seconded.

Duxbury Days: Glen asked Donna Filler if she would be willing to work with Patrice on Duxbury Days. She said she would think about it.

Mike moved to adjourn the meeting; Glen seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk

Board of Review, April 11, 2007


Chairman Gary Vink called the meeting to order at 11 a.m. at the Wilma Town Hall. Also present were Supervisors Michael McCullen and Glenford Williamson, Clerk Paul Raymond, County Assessor Lonna Meier, Wilma Assessor Bob Brewster.

Bob explained that there are four categories of land-classification: 1. high land; 2. limited access land; 3. no access land; and 4. waste/swamp. Mike asked if timber could be classified as agricultural if trees are used for harvesting or maple sugar, especially if the state mandates an increase in ethanol non-oil fuels. Lonna said the categories are not dependent on trees or lack of them.

The values are determined by sales from October 1 to September 30 in the townships and county. Wilma had two residential sales and two seasonal/farm sales. Prices haven’t gone down so much, but sales have. The residential/seasonal sales combined ratios were raised from 90.3% to 93.5% adjusted ratio, and farm sales ratios went from 84.5% to 99%. State law mandates our valuation to be from 90 to 105% of market value. High ground is $1,550 per acre; tillable pasture is $1,550; fair land $1,400; no access, $1,000; swamp/wetland, $650. Site-amenity adjustment for the first acre of 5 acres is $18,500. The county assessor makes estimates of the number of feet of river frontage. The first acre on a gravel road is valued at $13,500; on pavement $16,500. Amenities affect the value, like a well, electricity, sewer, etc.

First up was Alden Shute, Parcel 32.0133.000. He asked about the commercial classification of his land because of the gravel pit. Alden said the pit is finished and covered, and he is no longer mining gravel. Alden said he had talked with Assessor Mike Sheehy and thought it was already adjusted. Lonna said only 2.5 acres is assessed as gravel pit; 78 1/2 as agricultural/homestead. 16 Acres is classified tillable; 36 1/2 high ground, and 20 acres swamp. Alden said he is not digging or crushing gravel and it’s been reseeded. There is no more the board can rule on this; the assessor will remove the 2.5 acres commercial gravel classification.

Second up, Carl Kratzke, Parcel 32.0126.001, S. Duncan Road, Section 14. He asked how his land is classified, and what percentage was swamp. 216 acres is high ground; 20 acres swamp. He said beavers are damming it up and turning it into a big swamp. Bob said he would increase waste acres to 50 from 20. Lonna said this classification means that no trees can grow year around. Bob said he’d walk the land with Kratzke next year.

Next, Paul Yager, Parcel 32.0196.000: Bob said he would talk with the county assessor to see if it could be adjusted from100% value to 90% value. He is across the road from the lake and doesn’t get all the benefits of lake property. The first acre had been valued at $45,000, and it was adjusted by half, to $22,500, adding only $5,000 for the lake view. Bob said any land within 1000 feet of a lake is considered shoreland. Paul said it’s either shoreland or it’s not; he doesn’t understand how it can be in the middle.

Next up, Patrice Winfield, Parcel32.0138.002: Patrice wanted to know why her value went up from $205,300 to $263,800 when she hasn’t done anything. They list $43,000 in improvements, but she hasn’t done any improvements. Lonna said it was last assessed in 2001, and each parcel is inspected every 5 years. All improvements since 2001 were considered. Patrice said the Roberts had inspected it since the house was built. Bob said most of the increase was in the house; the land only went up $4,000. Patrice said she estimates her home is 90% done, but the ceiling is only ½ done. Lonna called the county and said last year it was only assessed as 79% complete. Bob said they could take 7 acres from high land due to limited access, $150 per acre times 6-7 acres. Bob said he would stop at Patrice’s after the meeting.

Next, Kathy Olson, Parcel 32.5034.000, Little Tamarack Lake Hills on Little Tamarack Lake. She said taxes are going up alarmingly while her enjoyment is going down. It is valued at $71,300 front foot, up $1,400 this year, and $9,500 in the three year evaluation cycle. There was a 2/3 reduction on the front feet due to the road. She said a utility line runs through the property, and they cut and spray under the line. People tear up and down the road and jet skis and powerful boats use the lake. Joe Vink told her to call the DNR as they have enforcement of the lake and shoreline and wakes can erode the shore. Lonna said that with lake lots they assess it by the first foot, not the first acre. Kathy’s is $140 per foot for 579 feet, and a 2/3 reduction because of the geography of the lot. Even though she doesn’t plan to build, it has to be treated as buildable.

Next, Paul Raymond, Parcel32.0138.001. His north 5 acres on the other section went up from $12, 400 to $38,700. Bob said this was done at the county, as they thought it had been undervalued at 25% value all these years. He asked if this five acres could be sold. Paul said there is no access and it could not be separated or sold. The county won’t allow him to merge it into his 40 acres as it is in a different section. Bob said it should be reverted to the earlier value as it is no access and not a separate parcel.

The assessors had two letters: William Peno, Parcels 32.0015 and 32.0016.000: He said the assessment on his half section is too high. Lonna said they have sales to show that it’s fairly valued. Neighboring properties have sold high. He has 160 acres total, half valued as swamp. 70 acres no access across the creek. Peno could get a letter from the DNR showing their evaluation of the land as sustainable forest to give him timber class, but it would not change the value. Mike said he sees no basis to lower the value, as Peno’s neighbor sold 80 acres for $235,000, about $1,500 per acre.

Steve and Tina Barrett, Parcel 32.0020.000: 80 acres, valued at $148,200. They have no sewer or water, and it would be reduced 25%, but Bob assessed the road as not plowed and no winter access, although it is plowed, so this would increase the value by the same amount, so it would be a wash. 20 acres swamp; 37 acres high ground, 20 acres no access, and one acre road.


Alden Shute: Mike moved: Remove from commercial status, returned to agricultural/pasture. Glen seconded.

Carl Kratzke: Glen moved: 30 acres be reassessed to low ground. Gary seconded. Bob will survey the land.

Paul Yager: No action; no change.

Patrice Winfield: Glen moved that Bob Brewster survey her place and forward his recommendations to the board. No action at this point.

Kathy Olson: Mike moved that the board make no change as her parcel is buildable. Gary seconded. Mike recommended that she contact the DNR about enforcing the shoreline integrity.

Paul Raymond: Glen moved that the 5 acres be returned to its previous assessment as it was classified wrong, from $38,700 to $13,300. Mike seconded.

William Peno: Glen moved no action, and to recommend to Peno that he contact the DNR and the county assessor about a sustainable forest classification. Mike seconded.

Steve Barrett: His valuation is a wash. The building site decreases but the road access increases the value by the same amount. Mike moved no action; Glen seconded.

Mike moved to adjourn; Gary seconded; meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk