CROOKED LAKE ROAD:  Culvert ¼ mile down on west side washed out. Road Manager should consult with Summerland  to determine best way to repair.  (They ditched the road before and after the driveway and may have ditched too deep). Water washed over the drive and eroded the ditch with a steep drop-off.  Board thinks the ditch will need rip-rap and fill to bring it to a safe angle.  May cost a few thousand dollars to repair.

One mile south there is a soft spot from frost boils.  Need to pull the gravel from the sides of the road to fill and build crown.

1 and ½ mile south a low area is very soft.  Needs two load of class 5 gravel, per board and Jason Palme.

Board recommends grading and reshaping the road all the way to the end, and routine blading, and scraping the gravel from the edges back on the road.

EAGLE HEAD ROAD:  Need a load of gravel at the beginning, by the dead-end sign.  Board recommended one load of gravel at the end of the road also, where it is soft.  Routine blading.

VINK ROAD:  Remove fallen tree in right-of-way.  Board wants to research cost of hiring hydro-ax to brush township roads with a lot of small brush and trees in the right-of-way, which will help roads dry out.  Gary said we should send James Doody a certified letter saying someone who entered his property at the end of the road did some damage to the road, and to cite the statutes about road damage liabilities.  Routine blading.

DOLLAR LAKE ROAD:  Soft at the beginning, and greasy.  Board said blade it; may need some gravel.  Glen suggested Mark take a chainsaw with on the grader to take care of dropped trees or trees over the roads or too close to the roads.  Routine blading.

NORTH DUNCAN ROAD:  Garbage and sofa dumped in county right of way at entrance to Duncan.  Clerk should write to county highway dept. and report it.  Normal grading recommended.  Jim Bredesen apparently did some ditching and tore up the ditch and removed some of the road gravel.  1 ¼ mile up needs one load class 5.  Need load at 1.7 miles north.  2-3 loads of gravel needed before the hill.  Grade berm to enable drainage.  Two culverts that were intended for N. Duncan road went on the Pete Anderson Road and will need two culverts.  We have $700 left from the agreement to build up and repair North Duncan Road still to spend.

SOUTH DUNCAN ROAD:   Big puddle about .1 mile south.  Gary said to wait until road dries out and bring gravel from the sides of the road.  Routine blading.

SCHMEDEKE LANE EXTENSION:  Waiting for Eldon’s report.  Board said that the county will need to put some pit-run at the bend in the road at the extension to straighten it out more, and needs to be ditched.  The entire extension is built up with pit-run gravel, and needs a layer of 6” of class five gravel to bring it to our township specs.  Very good bed built up.  The big culvert is not reinforced properly, with logs across it. The whole thing could give way in a heavy rain.  Board says it will need to be rocked up and bouldered  with rip rap on both sides to support it, and then needs to be sloped and seeded.  Culvert already full of debris.  The county asked the fire department to blow out the debris with the fire truck.

FUST LANE:  Routine blading.

LANGSTROM ROAD:  Markville’s  year.

PETE ANDERSON ROAD:  Markville’s year; there is a tree in the road.

HELLER DRIVE:  Routine blading.

MC CULLEN DRIVE:  Routine blading.

TAMARACK PINE DRIVE:  Routine blading.

MAYFIELD ROAD:  1.2 miles at culvert still needs the FEMA Hazard Mitigation repair; rip-rap on sides by culvert.  Gravel: load of pit-run over the rip-rap.  Routine blading.

LITTLE TAMARACK LAKE ROAD:  Two loads pit-run and one load class five at curve before the landing (.3 mile).  1 load class five at the entrance to the landing.  .7 mile tree over road.

SHORT ROAD:  Blade when dry.

LOST RIVER ROAD:  Routine blading.

RIVER CABIN ROAD:  Normal grading.

MONA DRIVE:  A lot of logging equipment on Mike Scott’s land.    Keep an eye out for logging or hauling activities.

KENNY PETERSON ROAD:  Routine blading.

MC DERMOTT CREEK BRIDGE:  Clerk need to write county to ask for railings or barrier to prevent cars dropping off sides of culvert-bridge.