Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present: Supervisor Mike McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Road Manager Alden Shute, Stan and Tracy Riley, Angie Anderson, Stefanie Williamson, and Jim Bredesen.
Committee of two Supervisors and the Clerk to nominate and appoint a Supervisor to fill the remainder of Gary Vink’s term: Maureen Rioux resigned as Supervisor and asked not to be reappointed. Glen opened the floor for anyone who is interested in taking Gary’s seat on the board until next March election. No one responded. Mike nominated Alden Shute to serve the term; Glen seconded, all aye. Paul administered the oath of office to Alden and he took his seat.
Supervisor Pay Schedule: Supervisors have always been paid for the past month’s meetings. Mike asked if there is any reason for this since the clerk and treasurer are paid for the same meeting. Mike moved that Supervisors also submit claims and be paid for the same night’s meeting; Alden seconded. Passed. Glen and Mike were paid for two meetings, Alden for tonight’s meeting, and Maureen will be paid for the May meeting.
Clerk’s Report of May 4 Board Meeting. Paul read the record of the May 4, meeting; Mike moved to approve; Alden seconded; passed.
Road Report: S. Duncan Road Entrance: Alden said he got an application and approval from the county to straighten out the entrance of the South Duncan Road where it enters Duxbury Road. We have contacted Diane Raash to get permission to use a tiny part of her land. Alden estimates it will take 100 yards (15- 20 loads) of pit run gravel. (Alden’s Road Report Attached)
Cutting Edges: With steel shortages they are expensive and hard to get. He ordered two sets and will pick them up in the cities.
Road Inspection: We set the date for the road inspection as Monday, May 23, at the Town Hall. Alden and Jason Palme of Danforth joined the inspection. (Report given to Supervisors). Discussion on road work or proposed projects that require a vote of the Supervisors, e.g. Tamarack Pine Drive. Alden suggested that we break the Tamarack Pine Drive project into three parts, and do the last third of the road with red rock gravel this year, and the rest in future years.
Roadside Mowing: We need to tell Jerry’s Roadside Mowing tomorrow if we want our roads mowed this year. Alden said he believes we should do it, and if we do it to have it done every year. He will talk with Jerry about any concerns about last years’ mowing. He said mowing keeps the roads drier. He wants it done at the end of July. Glen moved to hire Jerry’s mowing for another year and to pay him up to 10% over his estimate, if his estimate has increased.
2022 Road Projects: Mike said our budget we levied for road and bridge for 2022 is $16,000 and he thinks we should use $15,000 of it to improve our roads this summer. We still have a big balance in the R&B fund, and would leave $1,000 for snowplowing. Mike moved that we try to use $15,000 to improve Wilma roads this year; Glen seconded. Passed.
Kenny Peterson Road: Terry Koscielniak bought the 80 acres from Joe Vink on the north Kenny Peterson Road. The Board asked Paul to research when this road was established and recorded and how wide the road was. He said it was built in 1920 as a 1 ½ rod road, but was never recorded. It was and is a cartway.
Barricades on Tamarack Pine Drive: One barricade had fallen and broke, but Alden put up another barricade closer to the road.
Diesel for Fire Trucks: Mike filled the DVFD trucks and used 35.6 gallons of diesel. Patrice will pay the town from the fire department at the rate we were just charged by Deep Rock, $3.58 gallon.
OLD BUSINESS: OLD BUSINESS: Dumpster: Due to abuse in public dumping, the board passed a resolution restricting the use of the dumpster to the Town of Wilma and the Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department. Signs were posted and the dumpster was moved to the back of the town hall to keep it out of sight. Due to cars in the lot for the road inspection, the garbage truck did not do a pick up on Monday, May 23, but did come on Tuesday. Glen said the board of the Tri-Township Disposal District at the meeting last night said the dumpster is fine where it is now, and Angie will inform Doug.
NEW BUSINESS: Term for Tri-Township Wilma Representative: Glen said the board of the district said one year terms are not enough for board members to fully understand the job and they want us to make it a three-year term. Alden moved to change Glen’s term to three years; Mike seconded. Glen abstained. Passed. Mike will take over in 2025 for three years.
Garbage District Board Meetings: They want to use the Wilma Town Hall for their meetings every other month, the last Tuesdays. Mike moved that they pay for the three meetings that are in winter and need us to heat the hall, $50 per meeting like they paid Gary, and no payment for the summer months. Alden seconded; passed. Paul will notify Cheryl Wickham to pay $150.
Mowing Town Hall: At the August, 2021 board meeting, Stan Riley said he would be willing to take the mowing job for the hall, including weed whipping. Glen moved to hire him as a contractor at the rate of $20/hour, two hours max per job. Gary seconded. Passed. Before Stan could do it this year, Bryan Vink mowed it with no charge. Stan did have to come and do some week-whipping.
Life and Dental Insurance: Patrice is applying for dental through the MATIT Ameritas program; Stefanie said she would also like to get it. Patrice will give her the details. The board had voted that the town will pay half for board members. Alden is already enrolled in the MAT Life Insurance program.
Town Hall Refrigerator: Paul said the hall refrigerator completely broke down, and we were able to get a good big used one from Kim Felton. He suggested we pay her $100 from the township and $100 from the fire department. He priced new ones and they are well over $1,000. Alden moved to pay $100 from the town; Glen seconded; Mike abstained; passed.
Duxbury VFD Pancake Breakfast: The fire department had our most successful Memorial Day Sunday breakfast ever. Glen said that Two Creeks raised$2,590 for the department, plus paying for many tickets for campers. Mike said we had an almost all new team, and everyone worked together very well.
Treasurer’s Report: (Attached) Patrice said total bills for June are $2,843.55, and she needs to transfer $2,800. Mike moved to approve her report and to transfer the funds. Glen seconded; passed. Glen moved to adjourn the meeting; Mike seconded; passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:10.