Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Grader Operator Alden Shute, and Pat Story.
CLERK’S REPORT: Paul read the record of the November Board Meeting. Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.
ROAD REPORT: Alden changed the oil and did maintenance on the grader. Tamarack Pine Drive Damage: Anderson Recycling is hauling scrap metal and big pieces from the Vink Ponds on Tamarack Pine Drive. We billed them for damage to the road. Alden had said he thought our $150/hour fee was excessive, but in reevaluating it he agreed that for repair work on damaged roads we should bill the full fee for a minimum of one hour. They have not paid our bill yet.
Culvert Workshop: Alden attended the workshop on November 8, at the Pine Co. History Museum, Askov. They covered the effects of culverts on fisheries; hydrology and culverts and the design and installation of culverts.He said we only have two culverts that were relevant for the training, on Pete Anderson and Heller Roads but it was a worthwhile training.
Fire Hall Furnace Repair: Alden had the man from Federated out and they need to replace the four burners on the grader side of the fire-hall. He estimates about $200 for the work. Mike told him to have them also check the fire department side furnace, since they’re the same age and are 20 or more years old. Alden said he will notify Mike when the work is done so he can park the brush rig there.
Schmedeke Lane: Dennis called Glen to complain that no pit-run had been put down at the end of the Schmedeke Lane extension and cul-de-sac. Alden said it was too muddy, so he has to wait until it warms up and dries out. When he can he will put 6 – 8 loads of pit run, topped by 2 -3 loads of class 5 gravel.
OLD BUSINESS: New Fence-line by Hall: Glen spoke with Duane Glienke and he said he did move it one foot over. He’s willing to move it more, if the township or fire department pays rental of his land of $100 per year. Mike was delegated to talk with Duane and negotiate how far he is willing to move it, and that he can tell Duane the fire department and township will pay the rental if he moves it.
Town Hall upgrade: Drilling Electric has completed their work at an estimate of $5,500 but have not billed us yet. Mike will do the stage project when it warms up; he can’t apply poly until warm weather when the hall can be ventilated. He will rent a sander. The fire department will try to get big utility carts for the grills from Minnesota Surplus and the fire department will get rubber mats for the floor so those making pancakes can stand for hours. Electric grill needs a new plug and big gas grill needs the knob fixed. Insulate Hall: Up North Insulation put down fly-repellent insulation 12” deep, R42 value and billed $1,750. They did put foam in the slope and put in at least one vent and will do the other when it is warmer. They could not caulk because the caulk would not take in the cold, and will do it next Spring. They gave an estimate to spray the exterior of the building with a fly repellent insecticide for $162. Mike said we can deal with that next spring.
MAT Educational Conference and Meeting: Was November 15 – 17 at the DECC in Duluth. Glen and Paul attended. (We will get $200 scholarships each from the County Township Officers.) Theme: Powering Our Future: How the electrical grid affects people in our township and how power is allocated and how problems are handled, plus precautions for natural or human caused disasters. Glen said it was very valuable training but too many sessions and workshops and round-tables were scheduled at the same time. Paul had the same problem, trying to attend all the clerk’s and CTAS workshops plus all the round tables. Workshops on utilities in township rights-of-way; record keeping;payroll account coding, and round tables with MN Board of Firefighters, the DNR, road maintenance and culverts.. Paul sat at the round tables with MN Board of Firefighters and got good info for the department plus the application for the Minnesota surplus services; Glen said everyone at the MN Board and State Fire Marshall’s office know Pat and they have a lot of respect for the growth and progress of our department. Next year’s conference is in Mankato, then for three years in St. Cloud.
NEW BUSINESS: DSL Internet Coming: Century link has ditched fiber-optic cable for DSL internet all the way to Duxbury on Tamarack River Road and are installing pedestals. Pat said he has tried to contact both Century Link and Century Tel because his home is on the Wisconsin side of the phone companies, served by Century Tel. He said the cut-off seems to be at River Cabin Road, but there are many homes further including Lost River Road. Glen gave Pat a contact person, Dana Mackenzie, Director of the Office of Broadband Development, 651/259-7611.
Tri-township Disposal District Increase: Gary said the garbage board voted to increase annual rates from $36 to $40 and to notify the citizens at our annual meeting.
County-wide Zoning Ordinance: A working session has been scheduled for Monday December 17th, 6:30 pm, for townships participating in the drafting of the proposed ordinance, in the Courthouse Board Room (635 Northridge Dr NW, Pine City). Paul made a printout for the Board of the first draft of the ordinance that they will review on December 17th and a list of the items that participants at the November County Zoning public meetings felt were most important. Glen moved that any interested township officers be allowed to attend; Gary seconded. Mike and Gary will represent Wilma. Patrice made copies for Mike and Gary.
MAT L & R Meetings: Two days, February 20 and 21 at the Best Western Hotel in St. Paul. Glen said at the MAT conference they expressed disappointment that so few township officials try to attend these meetings with legislators to advocate for township government. He moved that we try to send someone, and Patrice said she would go if she could work it out. She could stay at her father’s so wouldn’t have to pay for a motel, and her sister could stay at her home. She has already lobbied the legislature and knows many of the officials. Glen said to put it on the agenda for January.
MAT Training for Non-officers: Pat wants to attend some trainings on his own dime and spoke with Steve Fenske of the MN MAT Insurance Trust who told him trainings are for officers, but citizens can attend. He tried to sign up but it kicks him out. He will have Fenske call Paul to authorize him to go.
March Township Election: Glen and Patrice are up for re-election. Filing period starts January 1 and ends January 15, 2019. Election and annual meeting is March 12, 2019. Glen paid his $2 but can’t file until January 1. Patrice will file also.
MN LTAP Culvert Installation, Maintenance, and Inspection Workshop: MN Local Technical Assistance Program/U of M March 7,2018, Holiday Inn, Duluth, $60. Alden said he didn’t think the cost would justify this, and it would repeat things covered at the November workshop heat tended.
Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached to record); Total bills for November, $5,301.92,requiring a transfer of $5,300. Gary moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report and to transfer the funds. Mike seconded.
Gary moved to adjourn; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned 8:40 p.m.
Report by Paul Raymond____________________________________
Attest: Glen Williamson,Chair________________________________