Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Grader Operator Alden Shute.

Paul read the record of the August board meeting. Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.

ROAD REPORT: Alden said he didn’t do much road work this month. He had to check roads after the big storms we had, and cut downed trees on Little Tamarack Lake Road and the Mayfield Road.

Parking Lot Gravel Project: Alden met with Gus Roberts and he thinks he can do the project within the budget of $2,500. The project involves scraping and leveling the lot with a skid-steer and putting up to 8 loads of red rock gravel down. Roberts hopes to do the job next week. Alden said Duane Glienke will pay for one load so we can cover his part of the lot.

Carlson Timber Road Work: Alden said that Carlsons now own land on the Pete Anderson Road and they want a good road, and they ditched the entire west side of the road. They also put down 60 loads of pit-run gravel over the corduroy, to 6 – 8” deep. They also worked on Schmedeke Lane, where they also own land. They want the roads to be in good condition so they can sell lots. Alden thinks they’ve put down as much as $5,000 worth of gravel down on these roads. Alden said Schmedeke Lane has held up well.

Schmedeke Lane Culvert on Duxbury Road: This county culvert has been crushed and needs to be replaced; Paul contacted Mark LeBrun and he said they will take care of it.

OLD BUSINESS: CenturyLink Cable Not Buried: Patrice contacted them and they removed the old cable.

Town Hall Stage Project: Mike showed the board his finished sanding/staining/polying project. Glen said it looks great. Mike had asked for authority to cut open the two safes and then taking them to recycling for steel scrap. He got the one donated by Eldon Schmedeke open, but it was empty. Paul advertised the player piano for sale on five sales sites, but no interest. Even the History Museum said they have too many player pianos already, Alden said. Paul got a music roll for it.

NEW BUSINESS: Annual MAT Conference: Will be Friday, November 22, 4-8 p.m., and Saturday, November 23, 8 – 4 p.m. Verizon Center, Mankato. One night. Glen said he still isn’t sure. Paul is not attending.

Relationship between Wilma Township and the Contract with DVFD, Inc. Citizen had questions: “What are the reasons that we pay and Ogema Township pays nothing for these services? Page-outs for Ogema Township response is many times greater than for Wilma Township without any cost to Ogema Township.” Mike said he will meet with the Board of Supervisors of Ogema Township at their September 12 board meeting to negotiate a contract for response services. He also has a contract for the Mille Lacs Lake Lena Band of Ojibway for medical responses. Mike said the department’s major expenses involved fire trucks and equipment and medical calls don’t cost the department very much relatively. Tentative proposal is for $1,000 from Ogema and $2,000 from the tribe.

Township Legal Seminar: Our attorneys, Couri and Ruppe, are offering the free legal seminar on Saturday, September 7 in Rutledge,. 9 am to 4 pm. Topics: Township Road authority; working with neighboring townships and county officials; pitfalls in contracts and financing; restrictions on use of township roads; conflicts of interest with township officials. Mike and Alden will attend. Mike will get extra books for other officers.

Wilma Fall Fest: Date set for October 19, pot-luck dinner at 6 p.m. and Procrastinators playing for the evening. Paul asked that we not have so many prizes and interruptions of the band. Glen said he can focus on childrens’ prizes and still have some nice prizes for adults, like the casino play and stay.

Pine County Wanderers: The Wanderers want to meet at the Wilma Town Hall on October 26. Mike moved to approve; Gary seconded. Things will already be set up from Fall Fest, and Paul will clean afterwards.

Pine County Fire Chiefs’ Meeting: Gary moved that the fire chiefs be allowed to meet in the hall on Thursday, November 21. Glen seconded.

Eagle Head Tree Cutting: A basswood tree fell at Eagle Head Fire Station. Mike cut it and removed it with his tractor, and asked if the township should pay for this, or the fire department. If ownership is transferred, the Eagle Head property will belong to Wilma Township, as they currently own the fire hall. But Gary said he thinks this should be paid by the fire department. Glen agreed, so Mike will bring it up there.

2019-2020 Snowplowing: The deadline for payments to enroll for snowplowing is the first Wednesday in November, Nov. 6, 2019. No change for this season: Standard driveways, $75. Over 700’: $100/season; 1,000 ft. to ½ mile: $175; Over ½ mile, $350. Must have turnaround space. No closed gates. No overhanging trees that can hit the grader. Wilma Township not liable for inadvertent damages while plowing private drives. Paul will remind Ackermans to remove overhanging branches on their drive. He got his driveway trimmed.

Proposal to Stain and Preserve Ramp: It has been many years since we put stain and preservative on the ramp at the Hall entrance. Paul said he would like to do it again, and the back stairs. He has a paint-sprayer to make it a short job. Light pine color. Mike moved to approve Paul to do this at his regular rate; Gary seconded.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave the treasurer’s report. Total bills for July are $5,252.26 and she wants to transfer $5,200 from savings to checking. Gary moved to approve her report and to transfer the funds; Glen seconded.

Calls About Township Issues: Glen and Paul and Gary have all had calls from citizens. One was a complaint about camping in the Hay Creek Flowage. Glen said that is Arna’s issue. A man called both Gary and Paul about any zoning or property permit requirements for some land they are buying on Lost River Road. Glen had another complaint, but the issue isn’t clear, so it can’t go on record.

Gary moved to adjourn; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned 8:35 p.m.

Report by Paul Raymond ___________________________________

Attest: Glen Williamson, Chair_______________________________