Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present was Supervisor Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Grader Operator Alden Shute, and Mike, Kim and Pat Goetz.

Paul read the record of the September board meeting.  Gary moved to approve; Glen  seconded.

ROAD REPORT:   Alden did road grading  and routine blading on several roads: Lost River Road, River Cabin Road and Mona Drive.   Alden still wants Arna’s approval for the ditching and road building in the first half mile of the joint Pete Anderson Road and also for dragging the washed out gravel at the big culvert/bridge back onto the road.  Paul has contacted Arna Township twice to get approval for the work we plan to do on Pete Anderson Road, but no reply yet.

Little Tamarack Lake Road:   Glen and Alden had calls from Dave Persons at the end of Little Tamarack Lake road about deep ruts and holes in the road in two places.  Alden put three loads of gravel on the ruts and holes and bladed the road.

Extending Schmedeke Lane Extension:  Alden had Hopkins out with a Caterpillar and cleared a length about 300′, and successfully ditched the west side of the road.  They have piled a large mound of debris and mud at the end, which they can move when it dries out and Alden will have them create a cul-de-sac turnaound at the end of the road just before the swamp. He said it could take 20 loads of pit-run gravel to build a solid base for the added road, before we add the Class 5 gravel.  Alden wants to excavate the ditch to drain north into the swamp. Glen and Gary said that no debris or dirt can be pushed into the swamp.

Two small oil leaks are visible again on the west side where Carlson Timber did their logging.  Glen said Paul should contact the MPCA and send them the photos of the oil seeping out of the ground and have them come out and inspect it.

OLD BUSINESS:  Township Records Safe:  Safe was delivered and all town meeting records are in the safe.  We got tax exemption with our new credit card.

Township Officer Training:   Alden said he didn’t want to get in the middle of the debate over the value of training seminars and conferences for board members, but he definitely believes that officers need to be trained.  He suggested we budget for training and pre-approve a budgeted amount so we don’t have to have a long discussion every time.  Glen said that is exactly what we intend to do at the next annual town meeting; draw up a budget for township expenditures for the next fiscal year, including a training budget.

Town Hall and Fire Hall Roof Repair:  Paul twice made requests for a projected date for the work to be done to Steve Vogel of Beaver Roofing from Moose Lake.  No reply so far. He has promised to complete the work this fall.

Pete Anderson Road Bridge:   Mike Goetz said hunting and snowmobile season is coming and they want to get the bridge put back on McDermott Creek near the end of the Pete Anderson Road.  Paul wrote a resolution quoting our attorney decisions on public rights-of-way and that no one can can impede the public’s right to use old roads that have never been vacated and which remain public rights-of-way and that it is in the interest of the public and citizens to be able to use the road and bridge and that tampering with or vandalizing a legally approved bridge is subject to criminal prosecution and penalties.  The resolution cited the two parcels on the left side of the creek which only have access across the bridge, which also makes it a public easement.

Paul sent the resolution to the MAT Attorneys to ensure that it won’t subject Wilma Township to any legal liability or complications.  The township cannot be the enforcing authority since the last quarter mile of the road is no longer a township road and the bridge is not even in Wilma Township, although it is in the 5-decades long right-of-way of the old Pete Anderson Road. Glen directed Paul to send copies of the resolution to Daniel Lodge, Bob Brewster, and Cheryl Wickham, Arna Clerk.  Paul said he can send them to the highway department and county attorney and anyone who may have an interest in this. Gary moved to approve the resolution; Glen seconded; passed.

Failing Bridge Resolution:  Our resolution was sent to the Pine County Highway Department and all five Pine County Commissioners to put the bridge replacement (on Markville Road, ¼ mile east of Tamarack River Road) higher on their schedule and agenda. No response so far.

Township Legal Seminar:  Couri & Ruppe, our attorneys, held a free legal seminar for township officials Saturday, September 16, in Rutledge.  Mike and Paul attended. They covered  road ordinances, open meeting law, township liability for snowmobile and ATV accidents on town roads; and gave us a lot of free legal advice, especially on the issue of the Pete Anderson Road rights-of-way.  Paul got books for the other Supervisors but misplaced them.

NEW BUSINESS:  Annual State MAT Convention:  November 17-19. Need to register by November 2; Paul will try to register for the three online.  We won’t know how much of a scholarship we will get until the County Officers’ Meeting.

Pine County Township Officers’ Meeting: October 28, Hinckley, 9 a.m. We will car-pool. Patrice may not be able to go.

Wilma Fall Fest:  Same evening (Oct. 28), 6 p.m. for pot-luck dinner; Procrastinators will play at 7:30. Glen and Toni are getting prizes and Paul will take care of all plates and utensils and will clean and set up the hall.  Toni will decorate.  We’d like to get gourds and pumpkins again from the couple who bought Lefty and Jesse’s house.

Pine County Board of Commissioners’ Special Meeting:   For local government officials, Pine County Courthouse, Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 6 p.m. Theme:  Preparing for the Age Wave:  By 2030 the number of citizens over 65 will double, 20% of the population. Implications, etc. We’ll car-pool again.

Propane Pre-buy:  Patrice said that Federated gave us an extension until the meeting for the board to approve a prebuy of 1200 gallons of Propane at $1.39/gallon. Glen moved to approve; Gary seconded; passed.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims:   Claims and bills for October total $3,112.99 and she requests a transfer of $3300.  Gary moved to approve the report and to transfer the funds; Glen seconded.Gary moved to adjourn the meeting; Glen seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 8:40.

Paul Raymond, Clerk _________________________________________





Attested to by Glen Williamson, Chair_____________________________