Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the

Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond,  Grader Operator Alden Shute, and Pat Story.

          CLERK’S REPORT:  Paul read the record of the August Board Meeting. One correction on Little Tamarack Lake Road by Alden.  Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.

          ROAD REPORT:   Alden said the roads are pretty much all done before winter. Crooked Lake Road:  Summerland was putting more gravel down today. Schmekeke Lane: It’s still too wet for them to put down a base of rock on this road.  He wants to put down 6 – 8 loads of pit run and then allow the base to settle before adding more gravel.       Alden gave Paul the range-line road report for Crooked Lake Road for billing.  He ordered a cutting edge for the grader.  

          Looking Ahead for Roads:  Alden said he wants to have a long term plan for future work on our roads. River Cabin Road and Mona Drive haven’t had new gravel since we adopted these roads.  Much of the original gravel has been pounded in and worn off by use of the road. He wants to re-gravel the 3,000 feet of River Cabin Road, estimating 36 – 38 loads of gravel for this at $200 per load, aproximately $7,600. We adopted this road 20 years ago in 1996 or 97.  Then in the future he’d like to do the same for Mona Drive, estimating 50 loads.  North Duncan Road:  This road needs a culvert replaced with a larger culvert and two new culverts installed. Road Brushing:  Rootkey did brushing on most roads; Alden would like to schedule brushing every 2 – 3 years.  Pat said that Lost River Road needs brushing; the sumac is getting large. Glen asked Alden to put his future road work and brushing proposal in writing for the board.

          Road Signs:  Todd Lindstrom, R.O.W. Mgr. For Pine Co. Public Works replaced the Pete Anderson Rd. sign.  They also replaced the dead end sign at Mayfield Rd. they have reflector signs and Alden will get some for a drop-off on Schmedeke Lane. The Supervisors said to get extras in case we need them.                 

            New Fence-line by Hall:   Duane Glienke moved his fence-line about a dozen feet closer to the hall.  Paul spoke with him, and he will not move it back, but he has no grievance with the township.  He said he is open to trading part of our park for the acre between the store and the hall. We own the front 17 acres free and clear, and the back 20 acres under conditional use. Per Cathy Clemmer: “The property is under a Conditional Use Deed until such time as the township doesn’t use the property for the public park and picnic grounds purpose.  If the township changes the use, the deed would become null and void and would require a new application for either fee title (free and clear) or another public use.” We understand that he owns the land on the east side of the hall, and he and his father and grandfather had always allowed us to use this land.  Mike said the barbed-wire is actually touching the fire department water tank opening, which could cause injuries when opening it.  He said we need to be able to plow out the tank area so fire trucks can access the water in the winter, and the fence makes it much harder. Alden said he can’t plow out the tank area with the fence there. Paul asked the town’s attorneys, Couri and Ruppe, if the town could exercise eminent domain to gain possession of some of the boundary land, but they said that is a long and complicated process and will definitely make the town a formidable enemy. Mike instructed Paul to research how we can change our conditional use deed into an ownership deed so we actually own the park.

          Road Signs:  Todd Lindstrom, R.O.W. Mgr. For Pine Co. Public Works replaced the Pete Anderson Rd.  sign.  They also replaced the dead end sign at Mayfield Rd. they have reflector signs and Alden will get some for a drop-off on Schmedeke Lane. The Supervisors said to get extras in case we need them.

            OLD BUSINESS: Town Hall upgrade: Drilling Electric has almost completed their work at an estimate of $5,500 and brought electricity and lights and heat to the outhouse.  New 100 AMP service load center with trenching, stage lighting and stage riser outlets. Pat said the board needs to decide what they want to do for the future; a new town hall?  Fully insulating and heating the present hall? Building a new town hall? There was much discussion about our hall, and what we see for the future.                           Outhouse Insulation: Mike said he could insulate the outhouse as a town employee so we don’t have to get a contractor with a million dollars of insurance. Mark Pallow put pressed-board walls in the outhouse without insulation, but the roof is open.  Mike can put a false ceiling in and insulate above it, which should keep it warmer. Glen moved to have Mike do the work and put a new door handle so we can lock the outhouse to keep people from leaving the heater on or dumping RV’s into our holding tank. Gary seconded. Paul’s pumping just pumped it out again.

          Insulate Hall:   Mike said they went up into the attic and there is no insulation up there at all.  He knows a contractor, John of Up North Insulation, who can put down a fly-repellent insulation: 6” deep for an R2 value insulation for $1,250, or 12” for a R42 value at $1,750. They could also spray the exterior of the building with a fly repellant insecticide for $162. Glen moved to hire Up North to put down 12” of insulation to repel flies and keep the building warmer.  Gary seconded.  Passed.

          Stage Area:  Pat has some thoughts to continue the improvements:  Replace the saw horses and various tops in the stage cooking area with Menards unfinished oak base cabinets and install Hard Vinyl Floor squares. Costs: Base Cabinets, unfinished Oak  $757.99. Misc. Base trim & filler, oak $80.00 Vinyl Hard Flooring squares $220.00. Formica Resin counter top with Splash back. $185.00. Discussion on best floor to put down; tile would require a plywood base.  Glen moved to have Mike sand the stage area and then seal and poly it.  Gary seconded; passed.  Paul can help Mike move the grills and piano while he sands half of the stage at a time. Mike said the fire department can get big utility carts for the grills so we can move them easily. The fire department will get rubber mats for the floor so those making pancakes can stand for hours.  Pat said drilling will replace the cord on the electric grill.

           Roof Leak:  Apparently there is still a leak, but very slight. Clay Heller said the size of the pipe may be much bigger than what is required. This could also have an effect of causing condensation which will drip in the hall also.  

          Pressure wash and Bug Bombs:  Paul pressure-washed the hall and outhouse, and set off bug bombs and vacuumed up thousands of dead flies and cleaned up all the sawdust and debris left by the electricians, plus put out pest strips.

          Unemployment Charges:   Paul talked with township attorneys Couri and Ruppe to ask if they would represent Wilma in an appeal of our unemployment charges for a township employee who is never unemployed by us but works year around, but who collects unemployment from another job in the winter.  They charge us, too. They said unemployment law is complicated and difficult to appeal.  They had to pay unemployment insurance for an paralegal who resigned voluntarily because of her next job.

          NEW BUSINESS:   County Township Officers’ Meeting:  Will be Saturday, October 27, at the American Legion in Hinckley, 9 am – noon.

          Wilma Fall Fest:   Will be Saturday, October 20, 6 pm. at the town hall.  We will have a karaoke DJ. instead of the Procrastinators who couldn’t play that date this year. Glen asked for help to get prizes.

          Snowplowing Fees:  Will be due by November board meeting, November 7. Paul will publish and post this.

           Treasurer’s Report and Claims:  Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached to record); Total bills for October $7,408.71, requiring a transfer of $7,500.

          Gary moved to adjourn; Mike seconded.  Meeting adjourned 9:45 p.m.

Report by Paul Raymond____________________________________

Attest:  GlenWilliamson, Chair________________________________