Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Pat Story, and Grader Operator Alden Shute.
Paul read the record of the September board meeting. Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.
ROAD REPORT: Carlson Timber Road Work: Alden said that Carlsons ditched the entire west side of the Pete Anderson Road and put down 60 loads of pit-run gravel over the corduroy, to 6 – 8” deep. Alden thinks they’ve put down as much as $12,000 worth of gravel down and labor on these roads. Alden presented his decision to the board to waive the usual $500 per road Escrow requirement for loggers in Wilma Township for Carlson Timber because of the big investment they have made in our roads, Pete Anderson Road and Schmedeke Lane, $12,000 worth of gravel and road improvements. They did this because of their investment in properties on these roads, to make them more attractive and valuable. Alden gave the clerk his record of work on the range line roads with Danforth, New Dosey and Arna townships for billing. He did routine blading on these roads and on all other township roads, plus tree removal on Mayfield Drive and Little Tamarack Lake Road.
Eagle Head Road Culvert: Alden said there is no choice but to build up the road at the culvert on Eagle Head Road since the road is below the water level, even with the culvert draining properly. The Board advised Alden to bring this up at the annual road inspeciton next May so they can make a decision. He said it would be ok until then.
Parking Lot Gravel Project: The Parking lot was repaved in a professional manner with excellent crushed red rock, leveled and packed neatly up-to and against the Town Hall. Duane Glienke will pay for one load to cover his part of the lot.
OLD BUSINESS: Town Hall Stage Project: Pat said we also need to seal off the foundation of the hall so cold air doesn’t flow through the crawspace under the building. He said we can put an insulated wall around the hall foundation.
Supervisors or Board Members Doing Work for the Township: Questions on whether we need a resolution for officers to do work for the township. We do have a resolution on file for Gary, “A Resolution Authorizing Contract with Interested Officer Under Minn. Stat. #471.88 Sub. 5.
Relationship between Wilma Township and the Contract with DVFD, Inc. Duxbury VFD Chief Mike McCullen met with the Board of Supervisors of Ogema Township to negotiate a contract for response services. He also had a contract for the Mille Lacs Lake Lena Band of Ojibway to sign for medical responses. Our proposal was for $1,000 from Ogema and $2,000 from the tribe; they said they’d agree to $1,500 for both. There will be further meetings.
Township Legal Seminar: Our attorneys Couri and Ruppe offered a free legal seminar September 7 in Rutledge. Mike and Alden attended and brought books back for the board. Both said it was valuable training. Alden was concerned with annexation; Glen said the township association is continually fighting this at the L&R meetings with the state legislature. He asked if the town could get the handbook for traffic signs and maintenance. Paul will get the link from MnDot for Alden and the Board. Topics: Annexation, Township Road authority; working with neighboring townships and county officials; pitfalls in contracts and financing; restrictions on use of township roads; conflicts of interest with township officials.
NEW BUSINESS: Annual MAT Conference: Will be Friday, November 22, 4-8 p.m., and Saturday, November 23, 8 – 4 p.m. Verizon Center, Mankato. One night. Glen and Paul are not attending.
Ordinance or Resolution on Companies Burying Cable On Township ROW: Paul said we do have a resolution, “Resolution Setting Right-of-Way Excavation and Obstruction Procedures.”
Propane Pre-buy: The Board authorized ordering 1200 gallons of propane in a prebuy for $1.29/gallon.
Garbage behind Wilma Township Town Hall: A citizen says, “The storage of junk on the north Side of the Town Hall prevented the rock from being installed when the lot was re-graveled. Are you Proud of your Town Hall appearance? Order a roll-off box and clean out the dump of clutter and junk around the buildings as well as keeping the growth mowed.” Mike said he will haul that old dumpster out to the road with a sign saying “Free” to get rid of it. It is homemade and can’t be dumped by the garbage trucks. The town wants to keep the saw-horses, but everything else can be given away or taken by anyone, including the wheelchair.
Pine County Township Officers’ Meeting: Will be Saturday, October 26 at 9 am at the American Legion in Hinckley. Commissioners’ Meeting: With Township Officers, will be Tuesday, 10/29, 6 pm, at the Courthouse. Paul and Glen want to go.
Wilma Fall Fest: Date set for October 19, pot-luck dinner at 6 p.m. and Procrastinators playing for the evening.
2019-2020 Snowplowing: The deadline for payments to enroll for snowplowing is the first Wednesday in November, Nov. 6, 2019. No change for this season: Standard driveways, $75. Over 700’: $100/season; 1,000 ft. to ½ mile: $175; Over ½ mile, $350. Must have turnaround space. No closed gates. No overhanging trees that can hit the grader. Wilma Township not liable for inadvertent damages while plowing private drives. Paul notified Ackermans to remove overhanging branches on their drive. He got his driveway trimmed and Alden will check all drives before the snows.
Firewise Assistance to Cut Trees: Discussion if the Firewise Program could give the township some assistance in trimming trees. We can ask Linda Gorman. In the past the program has helped the fire department in exchange for them promoting the Firewise Program in the community.
Memorial Garden in Wilma Township: A group wants to purchase some land west of Tamarack Lake for a cemetery/memorial garden for cremation ashes. Better Place Forests is creating America’s first conservation memorial forests. Essentially, customers are able to contribute to the conservation of forestland by purchasing cremation memorial rights to individual trees in a privately owned forest. Each contributor has the exclusive right to rest their ashes, or those of their family, around a living memorial tree. They are located in California but may attend our next board meeting.
Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave the treasurer’s report. Total bills for July are $8,498.31 and she wants to transfer $8,500 from savings to checking. Gary moved to approve her report and to transfer the funds; Glen seconded.
Gary moved to adjourn; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned 8:45 p.m.
Report by Paul Raymond ___________________________________
Attest: GlenWilliamson, Chair_______________________________