Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the

Pledge of Allegiance. Also present Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Grader Operator Alden Shute.

CLERK’S AND TREASURER’S REPORTS: New Payroll Reporting Forms: Patrice explained the new gross payroll reports as per MAT and the Attorney General. The public will get a report with gross payroll; the Treasurer and Clerk will get the traditional report.

Paul read the record of the April Board of Reorganization and board meeting. Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.

ROAD REPORT: Alden reported that he graded about half of our roads, but most were still too wet. Markville’s Road Inspection will be scheduled at their board meeting on Wednesday, May 9, and hopefully Alden can meet them at Pete Anderson Road. Alden is going back to work so we may need to send a supervisor. Clerk Cheryl Wickham will call with the date and time.

Weight Limit Ordinance: The Ordinance has been amended to include a $25 service fee for all escrow payments; new notices drafted and posted.

John Deere Grader Inspection: Alden said he contacted the John Deere maintenance engineer and he said the cost of a trip down and a routine inspection would be more than it’s worth, and to contact them if we have problems with the grader.

Road Construction and Maintenance Training: Alden said he did not attend the University of Minnesota training workshop on gravel road maintenance and construction in Duluth on April 10. He said without the equipment to do ditching and major repairs, the training would be a waste of time.

Off Road Fuel for Fire Trucks: Alden said he has no problem sharing the fuel with the fire department but in the summer he moves to heavier grade fuel that the fire trucks can’t use. He will be ordering new fuel soon. He said the fire department should get their own tank.

Town Hall Driveway Repair Project: Alden said to do the driveway properly, we need to scrape off the clay base and put down a good rock base before we spend the money on the very expensive crushed rock. Mike said Alden has the authority as road manager to have Hopkins come out and give an estimate on what it will cost to scrape off and build a base and to order crushed rock. Alden said he could put down one load of crushed rock before the pancake breakfast along the hall where the mud is worst. He said to do the driveway job the fuel tank and the aluminum can-cage have to be moved because the drainage would be where they are now; discussion on where they can be moved since they are right on the edge of Duane Glienke’s land, if not already on it. Alden said he can talk with Duane and Mike said he can get the snowmobile club to move their fuel tank.

OLD BUSINESS: County-wide Zoning: Kelly Schroeder, Land Services Director, will draft a County Zoning Ordinance which has a “Opt-In feature” – in that it is only valid in a township if the township board chooses for it to be valid.  And if a township does opt-in they also have the opportunity to opt back out. She sent a survey for us to indicate our choice in zoning. Gary moved that we opt out of the zoning ordinance but still ask to be included in deliberations and planning of the ordinance. Glen seconded. Passed. Alden said we want to ensure that unlike the septic ordinance that the county not require that local governments have zoning at least as strict as theirs.

Spring Short Course: Glen and Paul attended at the DECC in Duluth. Paul had clerk’s training on CTAS payroll and publishing and posting notices, and Glen had supervisor training on roads, maintenance and what constitutes a township road, plus how to read and understand CTAS reports. Reviews of big mistakes town boards have made and how to avoid them. Paul brought back materials and study documents for Patrice and for Gary; Glen has extras on the supervisor’s road sessions for Alden and Mike, but he forgot them at home.

NEW BUSINESS: Road Inspection: Glen moved to have the road inspection on Tuesday, May 22 at 10 a.m, the day of the fire department business meeting. Paul will publish and post this. We can notify Jason Palme to meet us at the west range-line roads, and can pick up Eldon Schmedeke when we do Schmedeke Lane and pick up Pat Story when we inspect Lost River Road. Alden said he will ask for the day off, but Hopkins had a late start this year and he may not get it. He asked if he could take Gary out with him before the road inspection to show him the places he feels are priorities for repairs and gravel to show him where his flags are if he can’t make the road inspection. Glen moved to approve that; Mike seconded.

Pine County Board of Commissioners Local Govt. Meeting: Tuesday, May 29, 2018, 6 pm, Pine County Courthouse. Any interested board members may attend and we may car-pool.

Election Judge Training: Clerk/Head Judge Training, Wednesday, June 27, Askov Community Center, 9 am – noon. Regular judge training Wednesday, August 8, 1 – 3 pm, Askov. The primary is August 14. Jeff and Jeanne GrandPre have said they will no longer serve as judges, so Paul said he needs to find a third judge willing to be trained to serve with Toni Williamson and Patrice Winfield. Alden said Laurie is working nights and can’t do it. Gary said he would get the training and Patrice said she will drive and pick up him and Toni on August 8. All judges must be trained every two years.

Pressure-wash Hall: Paul asked for permission to pressure-wash the town hall before the pancake breakfast. Mike moved to approve; Glen seconded.

Town Hall Insulation and Improvement: Glen moved that Alden be authorized to investigate getting insulation blown into the roof of the Town Hall and possibly a new heater, plus some adequate heating in the outhouse for winter and sealing the hall so flies can’t get in. A bird somehow got into the hall and died. Patrice said our windows are not good, but Paul said they are double paned and relatively new.

Duxbury VFD Pancake Breakfast: Will be Sunday, May 27, from 7 to 1 pm. Glen moved to allow the fire department to use the hall. Gary seconded. Passed.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave the treasurer’s report which will be posted on the website. Total bills for March are $3,433.98 plus $150 for debits, and she requests a transfer of $3,600 from savings to checking. Gary moved to approve; Glen seconded.


Gary moved to adjourn; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned 8:45 p.m.

Report by Paul Raymond____________________________________