Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the
Pledge of Allegiance. Also present Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Grader Operator Alden Shute.
APRIL BOARD MEETING: Paul read the record of the April Board meeting. Alden corrected record that he got the tire valve at Glen’s Tire, not Deep Rock. Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.
ROAD REPORT: Alden said he drove out all the roads. Frost boils are worse this year than he has ever seen. North Duncan Road: The pit run gravel has firmed up. The ditch work is holding up. Crooked Lake Road: The new gravel is holding up well. Little Tamarack Lake Road: Where the frost boil that got gravel was is now better, but another smaller one near the landing. McCullen Drive: Scott Quady said there is a bad frost boil near his house; Alden said he didn’t drive that far down, so didn’t see it. He’ll go by tonight to check it out. Corduroy Coming Up: Alden said a lot of roads have corduroy coming up out of the road, even roads he had no idea were built on corduroy. Pete Anderson Road is the worst. He can’t even grade that road there are so many sticks poking through. Alden said these roads need fabric put down before putting down any gravel, but he should be able to build them up with class 5 gravel and not need pit run. He said road restrictions will last at least two more weeks before trucks can go on our roads. Mike said Alden used the town grader to pull the fire department Big Red out of the mud at his house.
Annual Road Inspection: Mike moved to hold the inspection on Monday, May 20, starting at noon at the Duxbury Store. Gary seconded. Alden already took that afternoon off. Glen said we will inspect the success of the red-rock on McCullen Drive at the May road inspection and can decide if it will work on the parking lot and driveway. Paul will write to Jason Palme from Danforth Township so he can join us.
OLD BUSINESS: Grader Hall Furnace: Alden called Federated to come out to fix the furnace, but they have not returned his call. He will call again.
Spring Short Course: Was Friday, April 5 at the DECC in Duluth. Glen, Patrice and Paul attended. Reports: Paul gave power points and reports to Mike and Gary. Mike said there was stuff about beaver abatement that he didn’t know. Paul and Patrice had financial fundamentals; the paper chase (tracking data through the contract process); 10 Commandments of meeting minutes; mapping. Glen had drainage law; ISO Public Protection classification; Beavers and fire contracts and MnDOT mapping and week inspections.
Grader Hall Drain: Alden asked if the fire department can blow out the drain on the floor. Next drill is next Tuesday, May 7. Mike said they’d do it. May need to blow it out from the outside first and then from the inside. Gary said we need to shovel out all the mud and sand so it doesn’t wash right back down the drain. Alden said he can get a better drain cover that doesn’t allow so much dirt and debris to get in.
DSL Internet: Patrice contacted CenturyLink and internet was installed in the hall. Alden will get the repeater from Duane Glienke so we can fix the antenna. Viasat was canceled. The first CenturyLink bill was very high so Patrice spent a lot of time on the phone getting it corrected. They will refund the overcharge. She couldn’t get it on auto-pay yet so had to write a check.
CTAS Backup: Mark Alborado at the State Auditor’s Office and their IT department took over Paul’s computer but was not able to fix it. He did give Paul another way to backup. They will put out an updated CTAS to hopefully fix this error. Mike asked if our CTAS programs are backed up; Patrice always backs up to a flash drive and Paul does plus has Carbonite. Paul used Patrice’s backup for his laptop but not his computer.
NEW BUSINESS: State Park Road Account Grants: The DNR is offering financial assistance to improve roads that provide access to state parks and state forests. We can apply for Mayfield, Mink Farm and Little Tamarack Lake Roads. Priority given to improving access to outdoor recreational facilities. Mike said we need to contact them before we spend too much time writing a proposal to make sure our roads will qualify. There are minimum geometic design standards for board to devise a qualifying project. We also would need a letter of support from the county engineer. The Board can make plans during the road inspection for how much gravel and road improvements we want to apply for. Mike moved to pursue this if we do qualify; Gary seconded.
Local Government Officials Meeting: The Pine County Board of Commissioners are holding the next Pine County Local Government Officials Meeting, on May 28, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at the new North Pine Government Center, 1602 Highway 23 North, Sandstone. Glen and Paul will go, and Gary may. Glen will call him.
Pine County Zoning Ordinance Public Meetings: Will be Monday, May 13, 6:30 p.m. at the Pine County History Museum, 6333 H C Andersen Alle, Askov. Purpose:To provide residents, stakeholders, and township officials information related to the current full draft of the Pine County Ordinance and solicit feedback. Glen said we should send someone; Mike said we’ve agreed that he could go; Glen wants Paul to go also to take notes.
VFD Pancake Breakfast: Mike asked if the Duxbury VFD can use the hall May 26 for the breakfast. Glen moved yes; Gary seconded. Tables for Hall: Mike is going to surplus services and wants to get steel tables for the grills and would like to replace our big folding table in the hall with two or three smaller tables. We may have to buy more chairs. He can check on folding picnic tables also, but they are harder to get into and out of. Glen moved to allow Mike to get whatever he can for the hall. Gary seconded.
Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave the treasurer’s report. She corrected the total bills last month to $4,119.79. Total bills for May are $3,302.13 and she wants to transfer $3,000 from savings to checking. She transferred $5,000 last month by mistake. Gary moved to approve her report and to transfer the funds; Glen seconded.
Gary moved to adjourn; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned 8:40 p.m.
Report by Paul Raymond ___________________________________
Attest: GlenWilliamson, Chair_______________________________