Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present Supervisor Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Grader Operator Alden Shute, and Pat Story.

Paul read the record of the February board meeting. Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.

ROAD REPORT: Alden said he inspected all the roads after the big wind storm and cleared trees that had fallen on roads. He inspected Schmedeke Lane and said Carlson is out of there, and he can begin repairs. They pushed some mud at the end and he will need to go in with a Caterpillar to smooth and fix the road and dig a ditch. Gary said Carlson knocked the road sign/stop sign down on their way out. Paul will notify the county as this is their sign. The blade needs cutting edges before road grading starts; he can have it done for about $354. Glen said this falls within his jurisdiction and he doesn’t need a vote.

2016 Bridge Inspection Report: Heller Drive culvert/bridge: “No critical structural deficiencies or safety hazards, but some leakage and hairline cracks and water seepage in one joint. Bridge signs obscured by brush and some downed trees and brush jammed in inlets.” Alden will clear the brush.

OLD BUSINESS: Township Records: Mike made a trip to pick up a fire-proof safe at Sams, and they did not have one in stock. He will have to special order it next time he is there.

Pete Anderson Road Bridge: MAT Attorney Kent Sulem has told us that, “It sounds as of both towns agree a road exists to a set point, but that the last section including the bridge has not in a long period of time, if ever, been maintained as a town road. State law provides that a platted but unopened road is a cartway, which means the adjacent landowners determine what if any access they need, but it also means it is open for public use unless all parties agree to treat the cartway as a private driveway. Absent a formal extinguishment, the road would remain a town road but after 25 years of no public funds being expended, the road would be presumed abandoned and the town(s) could only expend funds if so authorized by the voters at the annual meeting. A bridge is considered part of the road.  A bridge on a town a road or abandoned but not vacated road would remain a town [right of way].  Anything else would be a private bridge.” When Mike Goetz requested that the township repair the bridge at the two mile mark of the range-line road, we informed him that both Arna and Wilma only claim 1¾ miles of the road, and the remaining ¼ mile is still public right-of-way since neither town vacated that part, but we will not maintain it. Glen directed Paul to write to Goetz with the information from our township attorney, and tell him he needs DNR and Soil and Water approval to fix the bridge. Gary asked for authorization to talk to the DNR tomorrow when he is in town to see their aerial photos to see if the creek is on the range line or if it is in New Dosey.

NEW BUSINESS: March Township Election: Gary and Patrice are up for re-election, Tuesday, March 14, 2017. Paul, Toni and Jeff or Jeanne GrandPre will judge. Patrice is judging at New Dosey.

Annual Meeting Levies Budget and Agenda: Proposed budget and payroll comparison chart for the three neighboring townships will be given to the voters. No increases in levies proposed. Board voted to propose payroll increase for Wilma Township based on Arna and New Dosey rates. Voters determine levies, but the board votes on payroll increases, with township input. Requests from OSAC, Pine County Historical Association and Seven County Senior Federation for continued contracts, $100 each. Request from Family Pathways to speak at annual meeting and to ask for a purchase of service agreement.

Gary said the Tri-townhip Disposal District wants to increase annual rates from $30 to $36, where it used to be. Gary said they want feedback from the citizens at the Annual Meeting.

EAGLE HEAD FIRE STATION: Senator Tony Lourey has a bill in Senate Committee to transfer title to the Eagle Head Fire Station to Wilma Township. They cannot give it to the volunteer fire department, but Wilma can lease it to the department for a small fee. The parcel includes the big tower, so there needs to be a cut-out of this piece of the land, or possibly an arrangement where Wilma leases the tower land to MnDot. MnDot suggests that the big pole barn be torn down as a falling-ice hazard, but this is not a condition of the transfer. There was a discussion about who is paying MnDot for leases, and whether Wilma would be taxed for the land and buildings.

Drafts in Town Hall: Gary said the windows were not shut and latched last fall, and now it’s too cold to completely close them and latch them. He said there are drafts and we need to be sure to secure them in the fall.

BOARD OF APPEAL AND EQUALIZATION: To appeal property tax assessments for 2018 taxes: Monday, April 10, 2017, 1:00 p.m.

Pine Co. Twp. Officers Assn. Meeting: Will be Saturday, March 25, 9 a.m. American. Legion, Hinckley. Glen said we should ask Gigi to get doughnuts, not just the cream pastries.

Spring Short Course: Will be Friday, April 7, Black Bear Casino in Carlton. Registration at 8 a.m., Sessions begin at 9. Register on site. Maybe we can carpool.

Dental Coverage: Gary said the insurance company told him they would pay for his procedure, but the dentist said they only paid $9. Paul will call them and check.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave the treasurer’s report. Claims and bills for March total $1,123.68, and she requests a transfer of. $1,300. Gary moved to approve the report and to transfer the funds; Glen seconded.

Gary moved to adjourn; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned 9:15 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk _____________________________

Attested to by Glen Williamson, Chair_____________________________