Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present: Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Pat Story, and Grader Operator Alden Shute.
Meeting Record: Paul read the record of the February board meeting. Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.
ROAD REPORT: Alden said there was little road work as no snow. He did check on some machinery on Lost River Road to make sure they were not damaging the road.
OLD BUSINESS: Relationship between Wilma and Ogema Township and the Contract with DVFD, Inc. Ogema Township and the Lake Lena Band have proposed a contract with the Duxbury VFD for $1,500 from Ogema and the Band. They will make a decision at their annual meeting March 10.
Presidential Primary 2020: Presidential Primary Election was yesterday, March 3, 2020. All expenses will be paid by the county, including judge training and mileage. Paul, Patrice and Stefanie judged and we had 13 voters.
NEW BUSINESS: Tax-forfeited Land Sales in Wilma Township: Two parcels up for sale: 104 landlocked acres in Section 9, and 53 acres in Section 18 running west of Dollar Lake Road. We have 60 days to appeal or the sales will procede. Mike said he joined the board specifically to protect the rights of citizens to public access to public lands, and he opposes any sale of public tax-forfeited lands which will remove them from the public domain and use. Plus the 160 acre parcel is landlocked and this can lead to a complicated and drawn-out process if the purchasers demand a right-of-way easement as they are entitled to do by law. Paul said they must pay all costs and surveys and time involved in getting a cartway or access. Mike moved that the board adopt a resolution opposing the sale of these parcels for the two reasons he stated and that Paul write this resolution up and send it to the land deparment. Gary seconded. Passed.
Wilma Rate for Range Line Road Work: We currently charge Arna and New Dosey $150/hour for any grader work on Heller Drive and the Pete Anderson and Langstrom Roads, but charge Danforth $100/hour for the same work. Alden said he would like to make all our rates uniform and charge all three townships $100/hour for road work. Mike so moved and Gary seconded, Passed.
March, 10, 2020 Township Election: Affidavits of Candidacy were filed by Gary and Paul. Patrice, Stephanie Rahn and Pat Story will judge. Polls open from 5 to 8 p.m.
Annual Town Meeting: Following the Board of Canvass after the election Tuesday, March 10. Kris Sundberg from Essentia and North Pine Area Hospital District will speak on the advantages of Wilma joining the NAPHD. Mike made a motion that if the MAT attorneys say that it is legal that the vote on whether or not for Wilma Township to join the North Pine Area Hospital District can be a closed ballot vote, that it be decided that way. Gary seconded. Paul will contact the attorneys and will print out a ballot with the question. Pat wanted to speak about the contract that NAPHD has with the hospital according to their financial director Bill Olsen. Mike said he would have an opportunity to speak the night of the meeting.
Proposed 2020 Wages and Levies for 2021: Mike asked that the board do a line item vote on the levies and proposed wages. For Road & Bridge, General, Fire, Park, and General Funds he moved that the levy proposal to the voters stay the same for 2021. Gary seconded each motion. For the meeting rate for Supervisors and Clerk and Treasurer, he moved that the meeting rate stay the same for 2020 as last year. For special reports Mike moved that the Clerk and Treasurer be paid $18/hour, rather than the current $16. Gary seconded. Mike moved that the hourly rate for the Chairman and Supervisors also be increased by $2, to $22.50, and $20 respectively. Gary seconded. Passed. But for judges, Mike moved that the rate remain at $16/ hour since they mostly just sit all day. Gary seconded. Mike moved that the other rates and snowplowing rates remain the same as this year. Gary seconded.
Wilma Septic Administrator: Caleb Anderson is asking the board to make a decision on whether to hire Denny Schlomka to do our septic inspections, with Patrice doing the paperwork, or have the county do it. Patrice said she will have an answer at the annual meeting next week.
Chronic Wasting Disease Town Hall Meeting: The Minnesota Board of Animal Health set a public meeting date of Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. at the North Pine Government Center in Sandstone. Glen can’t go, but he urged Paul and Garyand Mike to go.
MAT Spring Short Course: Will be Friday, April 3, at the DECC in Duluth. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Full agenda, plus new officer training for Stefanie Rahn.
Wilma Board of Review : Monday, 4-13-2020, 1 p.m. at the hall. With Pine County Assessor Lori Houtsma and Wilma Assessor Bob Brewster, to appeal property valuations for 2021 taxes.
MAT Summer Specialized Training: Will be Thursday, June 25, at the DECC in Duluth. No schedule released yet.
Pine County Township Officers’ Meeting: Will be at Hinckley American Legion, Saturday, March 28, 2020, 9 a.m. Full roster of speakers and full agenda.
Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave the treasurer’s report and distributed the financial report for 2019. Total bills for March $2,484, and she wants to transfer $2,500 from savings to checking. Gary moved to approve her report and to transfer the funds; Glen seconded. Gary moved to adjourn; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned 9:30 p.m.
Report by Paul Raymond _________________________________
Attest: Glen Williamson, Chair______________________________