Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present, Supervisor Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Road Manager Mark Pallow, and Grader Operator Alden Shute and Jeff and Jeanne GrandPre.

Paul read the record of the June 1st board meeting. Gary moved to approve; Glen seconded.

ROAD REPORT: Little Tamarack Lake Road Erosion Control Project: We have filed an application to fill in the eroded edge of Little Tamarack Lake Road, where storms and wake have cut into the road. The Army Corps of Engineers is evaluating our application. We need an Individual Public Waters Work Permit. Alden and Hopkins are getting a proposal. No work can be done until we have all the permits. Alden had Hopkins look at it and they have a proposal which is quite a bit different from the one Paul submitted to the DNR. Paul said he had to send a proposal and didn’t know how much gravel, etc. it would take. Alden took all the paperwork and photos and proposal so he and Hopkins can make up an accurate proposal. Hopkins said the area is about 150′. Alden said Cameron from Hopkins said there may be funds from the DNR to protect waterways that we can get. Mark asked if he can do repairs and gravel on the rest of the road that is unaffected; Glen said yes. Culvert and Ditch Projects: Alden said he had bids to replace the culvert on Eagle Head Road for $1,575, including gravel. Hopkins asked if we want a culvert on North Duncan Road where they did ditching. Gary said that land is parking for state projects, and they can do a culvert; we’ve never done culverts for the state or for other entities. The South Duncan Road project will cost $900 for ditching and 3 hours of cat work and two loads of gravel. The Dollar Lake ditch project will cost $350

OLD BUSINESS: Schmedeke Lane and Extension: Paul said at the last meeting Eldon said that he was not asking to make the original Schmedeke Lane 66′ wide, but had requested that the township acquire the easement on both sides of the road to a full 66′ width. Paul asked if the township doesn’t already own the easement on both sides of the road, even if it is 28′ wide? On our other township roads, the town owns the full 66′ width, so we must own some of the right-of-way on Schmedeke Lane. Gary said that is determined by what maintenance the town has done in the right-of-way.

Wilma Township WIFI: Report on WIFI Committee by Glen. He was given ECRDC’s credit card and bought all the equipment to install on our pole, except for one antenna, and the equipment is now in his garage. The costs so far are about $1,200. Glen doesn’t have any more direction from ECRDC on the contract with Exceed or when and who will be installing the equipment. Glen said Exceed will only do the inside installation, not the pole or antennas. Glen said they have accounted for about $9,000 of our $10,000 grant. Paul said Glen will be reimbursed for his time and work from the remaining $1,000, plus Pat and Paul.

NEW BUSINESS: County Payments: Patrice said we get some checks from the county that aren’t broken down into different funds, and she has to do all the percentages herself. She asked that the board vote to allow all unallocated funds to be put into the general fund. Glen so moved; Gary seconded.

Summer Short Courses Mn Assn. Of Townships: Three board members attended on Thursday, June 30, in Carlton, Gary, Patrice and Paul. Gary got re-certified for Boards of Review, Paul got certified for clerk’s election judge training; Patrice took the supervisors/treasurers breakout sessions. Paul gave Glen handouts on conflicts of interest, roads and legal issues. Paul said he learned that he is a full notary, and can notarize non-township documents. Gary said all officers are under conflict of interest regulations and need to fill out affidavits every time they do work not in their regular duties. Gary said that tax-payers can only appeal their classifications and valuations at the boards of appeal.

Township Records: Mike had told Paul he had found some good fire-proof safes for reasonable prices, but there are no updates. Alden said that the Pine County Historical Museum is willing to store our books, but it’s not a secure storage, and a safe is probably better.

Primary Election: The Auditor said we must hold a primary election on August 9th for one judge position, from 10 to 8, with the Automark, plus hold a public Automark test. Paul has asked Cathy Clemmer to find out if we can get any government aid for the cost of this election. Jeanne GrandPre asked if it might not be time to move to mail ballots, to eliminate the costs for judge training and voting. Patrice said even mail-ballot towns have to have judge training, to count the ballots. Paul said some towns that moved to mail-ballots have regretted it and want to change back. Gary said he values the small-town democracy and community values that come from people voting at the town hall. Glen instructed Paul to put the mail-ballot issue on the agenda for the annual town meeting in March. Patrice picked up the Automark in Pine City today.

Election Judge Training: Five judges need to take the judge training in Askov, August 3, 2016, 1 – 3 p.m.: Patrice Winfield, Toni Williamson, Barb Smith, Jeff and Jeanne GrandPre. Jeff said they could drive and pick up Toni, Patrice and Barb. They will pick up our ballots for the primary and our ballot box and voter rosters.

Sentence-to-Serve Work: We changed our request to the STS program from painting the hall to sanding and poly-ing the town hall floors. Paul said we will have to move the tables and chairs out of the hall. Glen moved to authorize this project with a cost ceiling of $400 including all poly, sander rental, and Paul’s time.

2016 Assessment Contract: Bob Brewster has send a new contract. He is raising his fees from $5.50 per parcel to $6.50. 281 non-exempt parcels @ $6.50 = $1,826.50, for 2016 assessments. Glen moved to approve the new contract, since Bob has not raised his prices in nine years. Gary seconded.

Pull-behind Plow: Gary had a request to purchase our pull-behind plow parked in front of the hall. Gary said this may be valuable as an antique, but it is our town’s historical heritage and he opposes selling it. Glen agreed.

Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached). Claims totaled $2,675.50. Glen moved to approve the report, and to pay all the claims, and to transfer $2,700.00 from savings to checking. Gary seconded.

Gary moved to adjourn; Glen seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk _____________________________

Attested to by Glen Williamson, Chair_____________________________