Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present: Supervisor Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Grader Operator Alden Shute, Kim Felton and Cindy Kleinschmidt. 

              Meeting Record:  Paul read the record of the December board meeting.  Mike moved to approve; Gary seconded.

            ROAD REPORT:  Alden plowed twice for snowfalls. He got the grader wing repaired with Gary’s help, but then the boom pulley pin broke so the wing went out.  He just got the part delivered, so he will be fixing it.   Alden asked Paul to double check his billing to Arna Township to be sure the two 18” x 30′ culverts were billed.  They were sold by Hinckley Trailer Sales and installed by Summerland gravel.  Paul will check.

            Dollar Lake Culvert:  Culvert has been damaged at the end.  Alden said he doesn’t know why there is a culvert there; Gary said there used to be flooding from beavers.  Alden will have it repaired in the spring.

            Backup Grader Operator:   Nick Mattson wants to be trained as backup grader operator. Alden will need to train him.  Nick has experience with big machinery.  Mike moved that we hire Nick as backup grader operator and to pay him the mechanic assistant wage ($16/hour) for his training hours with Alden, and regular grader operator rates ($25/hour) if he ever has to take the grader out.   Gary seconded; passed.

            Telcom Escrow:  This was on agenda but did not get discussed. Telecom has completed work on  65377 River Cabin Rd., Job: 20188286 They want a refund of their escrow; Paul asked Alden to inspect the road at that address.

            OLD BUSINESS:    Break-ins in Dairyland, WI:    Mike said they caught the perpetrator of a rash of break-ins in the Dairyland area in Wisconsin.  Gary said that Stew Holtz just south of Tamarack Pine Drive had someone drive into his place through the woods and steal a 3 wheeler and trailer.

            2020 MAT Educational Conference and Annual Meeting:   All sessions were virtual by Zoom for two days of meetings and trainings,  They sent handouts and power-points for every officer on the sessions: CTAS, Township Succession; Winter equipment; Workers’ Comp; Noxious Weeds; Cartways; Mediating Conflicts.  Paul said the training is very good and it is paid training, and that the videos of the sessions for clerks, treasurers, and supervisors are all online at the MAT website and he encouraged the officers to get the training.  Sessions are one hour long.  It will soon be time for the Spring short courses and they will likely be online also.

            NEW BUSINESS:    Elections:    Filing for March 9, 2121 Election:  Mike and Patrice both filed for re-election.  Paul asked if Stefanie Rahn and Gary Vink will judge; both were trained.  So far no one else has filed for the offices. Gary agreed. 5 – 8 p.m.

             Duxbury Store Cigarette License:  2021 cigarette license due for renewal. $10. Mike moved to renew it; Glen seconded.  Gary abstained.  Passed.

            PINE CO. ASSN. OF TOWNSHIPS/MAT DUES:  $339.57 due.  Glen said he can take the check tonight from Patrice.

            2021 Garbage Pickup Schedule:   Paul left copies in the hall and Glen said it will be posted on the website.

            Board of Audit for 2020 Books:  Glen moved to hold the Board of Audit before the February board meeting.  Paul and Patrice need to meet to coordinate and cross-check books before the audit.

             Treasurer’s Report and Claims:   Patrice could not download the new tax tables for 2021 so could not process the payroll.  She did complete the non-taxable claims, which totaled $1,604.02, for a transfer of $1,600. She will work on the download at home and have Glen and Paul come to sign the checks and will do another transfer.

 Report by Paul Raymond _________________________________