Public Automark Test
Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present: Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Pat Story, and Grader Operator Alden Shute.
Meeting Record: Paul read the record of the July board meeting. Mike moved to approve; Gary seconded.
ROAD REPORT: Alden graded Heller Drive and McCullen Drive. Road Construction Projects for 2020: The big gravel project on Lost River Road is completed with 23 loads of gravel put down and graded. The River Cabin Road frost boil at the end was dug out and rock was put down. The Mona Drive project got 13 loads of gravel. Pat Story said the gravel on Lost River Road is a beautiful color and made a good road, but the cul-de-sac didn’t get new gravel. Alden said that’s because he put gravel on that part of the road within the past two years.
Alden said it’s difficult to reach the grader for cleaning and asked if he could purchase a ladder for the township. Glen moved that he be authorized to buy a 8′ fiberglass ladder; Mike seconded. Passed.
OLD BUSINESS: OLD BUSINESS: Pine County Taking Over Wilma’s Septic Inspections and Permits: Pine County has taken over Wilma Township’s septic inspections and permits, effective July 17th. Tim McCullen was their first inspection and permit.
Public Hearing to Solicit Testimony in Consideration of the Reclassification and Sale of 53 Acres of Tax Forfeited Land in Section 18 in Wilma Township: The Board of Commissioners met yesterday at the N. Pine Government Center, Sandstone. Mike attended this meeting and presented Wilma’s position against the sale of public lands in Wilma Township and he said the Commissioners had a long and involved discussion. Some of them seemed very sympathetic to Wilma’s position but only one voted on our side. They said we could petition to acquire the Dollar Lake parcel for the township like we did the park, but Mike said that is not an option for us. Mike was impressed by how informed Steve Chafee was, but he still voted against us. The head of the forestry division was there and Mike spoke for a long time with him. The sale of the landlocked parcel by Glienke’s was voted on and decided earlier, and they advised us that if someone buys it and petitions for a cartway for access that we get a full escrow to cover ourselves for any damages. Mike said they gave him a good hearing and reminded him that there are over 8,000 acres of public land in Wilma Township out of a total of 23,600 acres. Mike said they said we will get 10% of the sale of any tax-forfeited land. They have two more parcels on North Duncan Road, 200 acres, that they want to sell, probably after they clear cut it. Much of the county land is in dedicated memorial forest and cannot be sold.
Contract with Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department: Our annual payment of $4,500 is due, with a new contract to sign. Gary said that was decided at the Annual Meeting; Paul said that only the levy was approved; the board approves contracts. Glen moved that we renew our contract for fire and medical services with the Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department and pay the $4,500 fee; Mike seconded.
Mandatory Judge Training for 2020 Elections: Head Judge/Clerk training was Monday, June 29; regular Judge Training was Monday and Tuesday, July 27 and 28. Paul, Patrice and Gary attended; Glen and Stefanie will take it online.
NEW BUSINESS: Mowing Town Hall: As per Mike’s suggestion, Paul contacted Brock Bloomquist of the Pine Co. Sheriff’s Dept. Sentence -to-Serve program to ask him to mow the hall lawn when he did the County Garage and the Duxbury VFD Fire Dept. Eagle Head Station. He did a good job.
NEW BUSINESS: Primary Election: Will be next Tuesday, August 11, polls open from 10 a.m. To 8 p.m. Paul, Patrice and Stefanie will judge. Automark Public Test: Paul did the test while Patrice was completing the payroll; the new machine was very responsive and it went quickly. Filing Period for November 3, 2020 Election: Kelly Schroeder said deadline to file for the 11/2/2020 election is 5 p.m. Tuesday, August 18, 2020, including for District 3 County Commissioner.
District 7 Meeting: Will be Thursday, August 13 via Zoom. Ballots for Director were mailed to all officers. Link to attend the meeting (The board said anyone who attends will be paid hourly pay): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82197050558, Web ID: 821 9705 0558. If no monitor camera, can view and participate by phone: 312-626-6799, passcode 82197050558#
Paint Town Hall: Mike said the hall needs painting. Paul volunteered to do it, but Mike said it could be dangerous to be so high on a ladder to do the necessary scraping. Paul and Mike inspected the outside; the biggest problem was spider webs in the board joints and pressure washing would clean the hall a great deal, plus remove flaking paint. Most of the paint is still intact. Mike moved that Paul be authorized to pressure-wash the hall and put off a paint job until next year, when STS may have a crew that is able to do it again. Gary seconded.
Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave the treasurer’s report (attached). Total bills for August $14,516.36, and she wants to transfer $15,000 from savings to checking. Gary moved to approve her report and to transfer the funds; Glen seconded. Gary moved to adjourn; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned 9:00 p.m.
Report by Paul Raymond _________________________________
Attest: Glen Williamson, Chair______________________________