Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present Supervisors Mike McCullen, Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Grader Operator Alden Shute..
Paul read the record of the March board meeting. One correction: Mike was present at the meeting. With correction, Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.
ROAD REPORT: Alden has ordered the cutting edge and has to bring the blade in to get it installed. He inspected Eagle Head Road and there is no water from beavers so Mark Ackerman must be taking care of the dam. A county survey marker popped up in the middle of Heller Drive which is a road hazard. Alden contacted the county and pounded the stake back into the road two inches. Mike said we’ll see if it pops up again next year. We don’t know when it was put in.
Backup Grader Operator: Steve Menth is interested and willing. He is on the road a lot. He will work with Alden for training. Mike said Steve may retire in nine months and will be available more, and he will be driving less in the summer.
OLD BUSINESS: Township Records: Mike is still checking at Fleet Farm and Sams. He wants to install the safe in the grader or fire hall garage since they have cement floors and it will be too large to fit in the hall closet.
Pete Anderson Road Bridge: Paul wrote to Mike Goetz with the information from our township attorney, and told him he needs DNR and Soil and Water approval to fix the bridge at the end of the road crossing over to New Dosey Township.
Pine County Township Officer’s Association Meeting: Was Saturday, March 25, at the American Legion, Hinckley. Report by Paul on speakers. Very good and informative meeting.
EAGLE HEAD FIRE STATION: Glen talked with Representative Jason Rarick at the County Township Officers’ meeting and he said MN Dot will not give the town the land and buildings because of the tower. Dave Drake had said at the Duxbury VFD Business meeting that Rarick and Lourey believe the fire department lease on the station is secure for many years. Mike said he wants a clear 20-year lease before we can invest more money in the station.
NEW BUSINESS: Spring Short Course: Will be this Friday, April 7, Black Bear Casino in Carlton. Registration at 8 a.m., Sessions begin at 9. Register on site.
Road Inspection: The board will set the date for the road inspection at the May 3rd Board Meeting.
BOARD OF APPEAL AND EQUALIZATION: To appeal property tax assessments for 2018 taxes: Will be next Monday, April 10, 2017, 1:00 p.m. Gary said his township property taxes doubled for 2018. He wants to have Kelly Schroeder explain why his taxes have doubled. Paul said it’s not because any levy change but because of the property classification. Mike asked if the township will be getting the extra tax revenue.
Township Website Renewal: Gary moved to renew, Aspire to host the town’s website for 2017; Mike seconded. Glen abstained. Glen said our WiFi is being used by a lot of different people, but we are still well below the allowance limit.
Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice needed the board to sign the new Schedule 1 for 2016 because of a coding error that required a revision. She gave the treasurer’s report. Claims and bills for March total $3,875.87, and she requests a transfer of. $4,000. Gary moved to approve the report and to transfer the funds; Mike seconded.
Gary moved to adjourn; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned 9:15 p.m.
Paul Raymond, Clerk _____________________________
Attested to by Glen Williamson, Chair_____________________________