Chairman Glenford Williamson, Sr., called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Wilma Town Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Gary Vink and Michael McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Mark Pallow.

OLD BUSINESS: Bank C.D.’s: Patrice said that in order to put the money into C.D.’s the bank needs a signed claim form from last month, and the C.D. amounts will not show up in the Cash Control Statement but will have a separate Investment Worksheet Statement. The C.D. documents are stored in Patrice’s safe-deposit box, and she has copies.

P.E.R.A.: Patrice researched PERA and downloaded a manual for interested officers. We won’t start it until 2010, if anyone is interested.

Fire Hall Grant: Mike asked Paul to check the status of our application for a grant for a new fire hall. He said they likely will not contact us if we are not awarded a grant, so we need to research it.

Recognition Plaque: Glen said he would like to see the plaque recognizing significant deceased Township citizens by the time of the annual Town Meeting. Possible candidates who were discussed were Belle Anderson, George Anderson, E.E. (Andy) Anderson, Bev Vink, Arnold and Lillian Shute, Betty McCullen, Archie Schmidt, Denny Hanson, and Kenny Peterson. Glen moved that we choose a board to nominate two or three deceased persons of significance to our Township every year, and that they be commemorated on a plaque in the Town Hall. There was no second. Mike said he would like to see how New Dosey is handling their commemorative plaque, and any difficulties they may have had. Mark said he would be glad to check the New Dosey plaque. The motion was tabled.

Wilma Fall Fest: Glen said plans for the Fall Fest October 24th are on schedule. He distributed flyers for board members to put up at businesses. He said he has approached Rich’s Bar, the Gaslight, the End Zone, Ringers, and stopped at Chris’s. He also heard from the Casino. Patrice contacted Ace Hardware and the Organic Carrot, and her father Hollis Nelson and Patrice and Maureen and Mark will donate prizes. Gary will donate maple syrup and Mike’s Fidelity Tackle will have a prize. Mark and Gary will check with Wild Waters Bar and they or Mike will contact the Fishbowl. Paul will paint a big sign to put out in the road in front of the Town Hall. There was a discussion on buying a keg of beer, but liability concerns made this too risky. We will have BYOB.

NEW BUSINESS: Road Report: Gary gave the Road Report. Hopkins Sand and Gravel hauled 420 yards of gravel, which was put on the following roads:
South Duncan Road 70 yards

North Duncan Road 196 yards (this was put up by Hirte’s and up to Thiry’s place. 12 yards were put past Thiry’s by Peno’s.)

Pete Anderson Road 14 yards at end

Langstrom Road 14 yards at end (Paul will check if our townships have billed each other for this annual gravel at the end of these townline roads, and if so, he will bill Arna).

McCullen Road 42 yards

Vink Road 84 yards

T & T Logging has not yet contacted Gary in response to our letter asking them to have a joint road inspection before and after their logging and hauling activities on our roads, so there is no question about damages and our escrow deductions.

Mark said the grader has a flat tire on one of the new tires, and will need to be repaired. Gary said we also need to order 300 gallons of diesel fuel for the grader.

Larry Erickson said he does want to cut the trees by his place on Langstrom Road and he wants the wood, but that he won’t be able to cut them until 2011.

Annual Township Road Certification: This report is due Nov. 1. Gary made some changes to the maps and report, including Short Road.

TREASURER’S REPORT AND BILLS: Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached). Bills were presented:

ECE $ 54.78
Hopkins Sand and Gravel 1,827.00
Paul Raymond (stamps and keys) 18.35
Mark Pallow (expenses) 81.95
Duxbury Volunteer Fire Dept. 3,500.00
U.S. Treasury (3rd Qtr. Wthld.) 303.90
Patrice Winfield (expenses) 4.80
Mark Pallow 157.46
Glen Williamson, Sr. 24.24
Gary Vink 235.49
Mike McCullen 66.95
Paul Raymond 106.20
Patrice Winfield 103.89
Total Bills: $ 5,790.78

Mike moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, to pay all the bills, and to transfer $5,800 from savings into checking. Gary seconded.

County Township Officers Meeting: This will be Sat., Oct. 24 (the same day as Wilma Fall Fest) at 9 a.m. at the Hinckley American Legion. Glen will drive and we will meet at the Duxbury Store at 8:15.

Snowplowing Fees: Fees are due by November 4, our next meeting date. Paul will post and publish this. $75/season; $100 for driveways over 700 feet.

Fire Department Raffle and Party: This will be November 14 at the Duxbury Store Bar. Training is next Tuesday at 5 p.m. in Duxbury.

Mike moved to adjourn. Gary seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.

Paul Raymond, Clerk