Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Gary Vink and Mike McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Road Manager Mark Pallow, and Pat Story and Ben Glocke.
Paul read the record of the April meeting. Gary made one correction; he abstained in the vote on donations to the three public service organizations, not Mike. With that correction, he moved to approve; Glen seconded.
OLD BUSINESS: Schmedeke Lane Extension: Eldon was not at the meeting, so we do not know if or when he will be settling with the county for the land adjoining Schmedeke Lane. Glen asked Paul to write Eldon and tell him the County is waiting for a response from him before they will release the $10,000 to upgrade the Schmedeke Lane extension. Mark said there are land for sale signs at the road.
Wilma Resolution on Land Sales: All Commissioners received our response to the Auditor’s request to rescind our resolution, plus copies of the original resolution. Commissioner Steve Chaffee and Greg Beck will be attending our June board meeting.
Spring Short Course Report: Glen and Paul attended, and said it was one of the best short courses. The legislative update addressed bills and pending legislation affecting townships and MAT: Broadband for rural areas reduced from $100 million to $25 million; Fire fighter credit on state taxes, $500 per firefighter. Using websites for notices, bypassing newspapers.
Clerks/Treasurers: Need to register new hires, like Ben Glocke. @ MN New Hire. Applies to contractors also.
Insurance info for board members: discounts on home and auto, and big discounts on Rx’s: free to sign up: Met Life (medvana.com/metlife). MBA members can get auto and home discounts. Also vision insurance. July township aid: will get two checks in July. Record in Local Govt. Aid.Temporary account, #33401. In Oct. we’ll get our market value credit, PILT. We can keep the old CTAS when the new one comes out and install the new version. Road operators need calendars to keep track of roads and hours and what maintenance done. Meetings can be closed for personnel issues and contracts/bids, (and lawsuits if attorney present). Can close to discuss allegations of a person subject to board authority. Clerks are not subject to the Board, only to the voters. Closed meetings must be recorded. Law or statute authorizing closed meetings must be cited. Closed meetings always start as posted open meetings. They brought back reports and Power Points for the other Supervisors and Treasurer.
NEW BUSINESS: Spring Road Inspection: The Board set Wednesday, May 21, for the road inspection, starting at the store at 10 a.m. Mark said that Mayfield Road is washed out pretty badly and needs some immediate gravel and repair. Gary agreed. Glen moved to authorize Mark to order whatever gravel needed from Hopkins, or whatever they are allowed to haul with the current road restrictions. Mike seconded.
Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department Pancake Breakfast: Will be Sunday, May 25. Gary moved that they be allowed to use the Wilma Town Hall; Glen seconded.
Summer Short Course Registration: Deadline June 11 to pre-register for the Carlton short course on June 26. We aren’t sure who will be attending, so we can register at the June board meeting. $50 per officer if pre-registered.
Filing Notice for State and County Offices: The filing period is May 20 to June 3, 2014, for judges, sheriff, and other state and county offices.
Damage at Two Creeks: While Mark was plowing Two Creeks Campground in February he had to avoid a dumpster and accidentally damaged one of the underground storm shelters. The shelter cannot be repaired, and Glen requested the board to submit a claim to our insurance company for replacement, $4600. Gary said our policy as posted is “Wilma Township is not liable for inadvertent damages while plowing private drives.” Mike said he is concerned that the MAT insurance will tell us we can’t plow private drives any more. Glen said the law is clear that this is permitted, although private driveway grading is not allowed. The board directed Paul to send the claim to the MAT attorneys along with our policy notice, and find out if we can still make an insurance claim. Glen said he does not have property damage insurance for that part of the campground, so can’t file a personal claim. Mike said the board can inspect the damage at the Road Inspection meeting on May 21.
Legal Seminar: Couri/Ruppe Attorneys are holding a free legal seminar for township officers in Rutledge on September 27, from 9 to 4 p.m. We can car-pool. They cover road and liability and all township issues, and give free legal advice.
MAT District Meeting: Will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 3, at Anoka Ramsey College, Cambridge. Register 7 p.m., election 8 p.m. District Director Don Sherper is retiring and has asked Glen to replace him. Glen asked the board to send him and someone to nominate him. There is no tuition. Glen needs to file from June 5 to July 5 for Director. If he is elected, Glen will then be paid by MAT for all meetings and mileage, e.g. County Twp. Officers, Short Courses, District Meetings, State Conventions, which will save the township a lot of money.
Damage on Lost River Road: Pat Storey said that the driveway that blocked Lost River Road flooded, and he fixed it himself. He asked if the township had addressed this issue. Last fall, Pat Storey said someone had filled in the ditch at the cul-de-sac on Lost River Road to create a driveway, and the board said they would try to find out who was responsible. Paul wrote to Leighton Quinn, the project developer who implicated property owner Tom Foster and said: “I talked to Pat Story yesterday when I was up mowing and he did not mention it. Not sure Tom Foster will respond and/or correct the dip if it really is a problem. Personally I have never seen it cause a problem, but I am not up there all the time.” The September 11, 2013 meeting record notes: “Someone filled in the drainage ditch to create a parcel access driveway without putting in a culvert to drain the water, on the west side of Lost River Road just before the cul-de-sac, which created a flooding situation over the road. Mark will inspect this Friday when he checks on the tree locate, and then Paul can contact Mr. Quinn to see if he is aware of this and asking him to have it corrected. We will charge the offender for the gravel and grading needed to repair the road, and if the offender doesn’t put in a culvert, we will at their expense.” Since Pat already repaired the damage, the board did not take action, but they will inspect this more closely at the May 21 road inspection.
Pat had another issue with snowplowing in the recent heavy snowfalls. He said Lost River Road was not plowed out on April 4 or on April 15. Mark checked his records and said he did plow on April 4. But on April 15, the tire fell off the grader, and he was not able to get to Lost River Road, so Pat plowed it himself. He said he did call Mike McCullen, who had assured him the Lost River Road would be plowed. Mike was not aware of the grader issue. Pat asked to be reimbursed for his time, $120. Glen moved to approve; Mike seconded. Mike said this is an extraordinary situation and will not set a precedent; the township cannot allow private parties to plow or grade or do any work on township roads, because we have had so much damage done by well-meaning private citizens. Pat was given Mark’s number, and was told to call the Chairman and Mark if something like this happens again. Pat said he watched the people who lived at the end of River Cabin Road grade the cul-de-sac there and ruin it. The board will inspect this at the road inspection.
Pat said as far as the house at the DNR Eagle Head Station, it looks like MN DOT is going to tear it down; they’ve already started removing lights and fixtures. Tim Faust has not had any influence on their decisions. MN DOT has also said they reserve the right to park their vehicles in the pole barn if necessary; Pat told them that we can’t put our trucks outside whenever they want to use the property.
Langstrom Road Right-of-way: Dennis Schmedeke talked with Duane Glienke about cutting the trees in the right-of-way on Langstrom Road. Dennis wants to be paid for the timber. In 2010 Wilma told Arna Township that we only claim ¼ mile of Langstrom Lane, and we are not responsible for tree removal after that. The L & E Ericson Family Ltd. Partnership told us that they would take care of the trees on the east side of the road sometime in 2011. Gary said if Duane wants to cut the trees and pay Dennis, that’s between them.
Treasurer’s report and bills: Patrice gave the Treasurer’s report (attached) and claims were presented:
Glen Williamson $ 259.04
Patrice Winfield 90.50
Mike McCullen 92.35
Mark Pallow 265.96
Paul Raymond 341.69
Gary Vink 139.45
Seven Co. Senior Federation 100.00
Patrice (expenses) 10.00
MATAT Insurance 1,606.00
OSAC 100.00
Pine Co. Historical Society 100.00
Security Life (Dental) 443.52
ECE 53.87
The Evergreen 22.50
Pine Co. Courier 16.02
Federated Propane 10.68
Gen (expenses) 71.68
Aspire Inc. (website) 300.00
Paul (expenses) 15.93
MAT Short Course tuition 100.00
RDO Equipment 139.81
Total Bills $ 4,279.00
Gary moved to approve the Treasurer’s report and to pay all the claims, and to transfer $4,300 from savings into checking. Mike seconded. Mike moved to adjourn the meeting; Gary seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Paul Raymond, Clerk
attest: Glen Williamson, Chair