Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the Wilma Town Hall with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, and Assistant Grader Operator Alden Shute.
Paul read the record of the February meeting; Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.
OLD BUSINESS: ROAD REPORT: Alden said there is not much to report; he repaired a cable on the blade, and has another repair to do. We’ve only had two plows this season so far.
Road Brushing: We got a bill for $4,32.50 from Central Pine Lumber Co. for brushing our township roads last fall. Mike said he didn’t think they did such a good job, and some brush was cut pretty high. Alden said the roads hadn’t been brushed for 25 years, and you need to do it every five years to keep it down. Some of the brush and trees were very high and thick. Paul needs to bill Arna for 2 hours @ $125/hour for the east Range Line Roads, and New Dosey 1 hour for Heller Drive.
NEW BUSINESS: 2016 Election/Annual Meeting: Glen and Paul are up for election, Tuesday March 8, polls open 5 to 8 p.m. Patrice, Barb Smith, and either Jeff or Jeanne GrandPre will judge. Board of Reorganization can be at the April Board Meeting per MAT. 2017 Proposed Budget for Wilma. No changes were proposed by the Clerk and Treasurer for the budget to propose to the voters on Tuesday. The voters approve levies; board approves wages and other costs. Mike moved that we present the budget proposal with no changes at the Annual Meeting. Gary seconded.
WIFI Committee Report: Glen said we need to schedule another meeting of the WIFI Committee to discuss our options within the $10,000 grant the ECRDC has said we will likely get. Pat got a letter from Mesh Dynamics saying they didn’t think a WIFI system was feasible for our township due to the topology and distance. DSC Communications submitted an estimate of $47,000. Pat wrote that the tower installation is the single highest cost item. Mn DOT requires $700 for the application and another $800 for a study to make sure our signal frequencies will not interfere with theirs, plus we’d need to pay for the equipment and installation. Last month, Pat gave the Board maps showing five nodes in Wilma Township which could reach every home in our town, at a projected cost of $10,300. Glen said we should see if we can beam a signal from the Eagle Head Tower that would reach the Town Hall, and which should also reach five or ten homes in the tower vicinity. He said he doesn’t want us to turn down the grant if there is any way we could put up even a limited system for that amount. Paul has a mailing list of all the registered voters in our town, most of whom would probably want WIFI, for when we are ready to survey people for interest.
Glen said WIFI would be a great selling point for our town. For the first two years, Glen said, we can use the grant to build and sustain the system, but after that runs out, we will either need to fund it ourselves without taxpayer money, or abandon it.
Annual Town Meeting Agenda: We have requests from OSAC, Pine County Historical Association and Seven County Senior Federation for continued contracts, $100 each. Mike moved that we put this on the agenda for the voters.
Pine County Comprehensive Plan Hearings: The County will be creating a Comprehensive Plan for Pine County. They have scheduled three public meetings to get input on priorities for the future of the county, including jobs, natural resources, agriculture, tourism, housing, education and recreation. The County hasn’t indicated how much control they want over township zoning. Dates: Tomorrow, Thursday, March 3, Pine Co. Public Health Bldg., Sandstone; Monday, March 7, Rutledge Community Center; and Thursday March 10, Pine County Courthouse. All meetings at 6 p.m. Our township has in the past wanted local control of blight, zoning, septic and subdivisions, with no county interference. We have no zoning presently except for septic. Paul wrote a resolution to present to the voters for approval, asking that Wilma Township be exempted from any county-wide comprehensive plan, and that we control our own zoning and planning. Mike moved that we have the people vote on it, and that Paul be authorized to attend the hearing on March 3rd in Sandstone as a township representative to find out how much control the county is seeking over local jurisdictions. Gary seconded. Passed.
Annual Meeting Wages: Mike said that several years ago we voted to pay the Supervisors for a full meeting for attending the Board of Canvass and the Annual Meeting. Patrice said she also has to be at the meeting to present the financial report; Mike moved that Patrice be paid by the hour for the Annual Meeting, as well as Alden or Mark, for presenting the road report. If a Supervisor is elected Moderator, they don’t get paid double. Gary seconded. Passed.
Minnesota Township Association Billing: Glen said as the secretary of the County Township Association, he is sent mailing labels for each township for their annual dues, but this year the addresses they used were the Treasurers’ and not the Clerks’, and seven towns have not paid their dues, possibly because the treasurers didn’t tell their clerks. He asked Paul to write or call the MAT to have the notices labels have the clerks’ addresses.
Spring Short Courses Mn Assn. Of Townships: Friday, April 1, in Carlton. Registration starts 8 a.m. Glen will drive, and can take five if Toni, Patrice, Paul and Gary all attend.
Board of Appeal and Equalization: For Wilma Township, Monday, April 11, 1 p.m.
Pine County Township Officers Association Meeting: Scheduled for the day after
Good Friday, March 26, 9 a.m., Hinckley American Legion.
Town Hall Mice: We have mice in the hall, tearing up paper towels. Mike asked Paul to pick up some traps or poison to get rid of them.
Treasurer’s Report and Bills: Patrice gave the Treasurer’s report (attached). Total claims were $5,431.22. Gary moved to approve her report, to pay all the claims, and to transfer $5,500.00 from savings to checking. Mike seconded.
Gary moved to adjourn; Glen seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Paul Raymond, Clerk
_____ ________________________
Attested to by Glen Williamson, Chair