Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Chairman Glen Williamson followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Glen Williamson, Gary Vink, Patrice Winfield and Toni Williamson were in attendance. Mike McCullen arrived about ten minutes later. Also in attendance were Frank Regberger and Mark Pallow.

Minutes read and approved.


Carlson dozed snow off Mayfield Rd. No damage and no escrow noted. On December 12, 2010 Terry Andershall’s road was too soft to plow so they used the Vink’s equipment. On December 14 and the 22nd Arna, Langstrom and Pete Anderson not plowed. Mel Elliott will Plow twice to save time and money this year

Road work was done one Heller Rd on December 2nd, 13th and 22nd for 20 minutes each for a total of $75 due.

An email was read by the Clerk from Patrick and Helena Story complimenting those plowing the snow and thanked them for the excellent road snow removal.

Grader Backup. Mike mentioned we need someone that can be readily available for backup grading. The current backup grader was Bruce Filler, but training is not going well and he was seen heading to the west when backup was needed. Frank Rehberger lives on Tamarack Lake and is retired and willing to be our backup grader. Questions were posed and his answers are as follows. He has been driving trucks for 30-35 years and also used graders, backhoes, etc. He has had no serious accidents and his record is clean with no DUI’s. He was plowing for New Dosey Township with Todd Elliott and was recommended by Mark Pallow, our current grader. We received a copy of his driver’s license for our records. Assistant Grader position will pay $15 per hour.

He has lived here since 2008 and Mark is willing to train as Bruce was unavailable when need for plowing. It was motioned by Mike to have Frank ride with Mark to learn the snow routes. It was seconded by the Chair with the amendment that we get driver licenses for all graders. The motion was passed Treasurer Patrice got needed information and gave the clerk a copy of Frank’s license.

Per Treasurer, Fire Department billing was late, should have been billed in August. Forms and check needed authorization so that we do not pay twice in 2011. It was moved and seconded to make the payment to 2010 and $3500 was paid to the Fire Department for December. Auditor must received copy filled out.

It was noted that we heard from Paul and that he says hello and misses everyone.

Mike spoke on selling the old graders but will discuss this further in Spring.

Storey will send email on Mike’s behalf to get funding for Radios for Fire Department/First Responders.

Clerk needs election Judges by February 10.


Per Mark Pallow, the grader needs batteries and is using Joe Vink’s batteries. The cost will be about $200, he needs a total of four of them. There was discussion on the batteries size by Mark and the Supervisors. The mileage to pick up will be possibly costly. They are large and will mostly be picked up at Deep Rock. It was motioned by Glen that the road manager price out the battery and purchase with Mark assisting. It was seconded by Mike and passed.

Mark also mentioned that he would like to price a door opener for the Fire Department garage. Mike said we really needed to look at it. Mark’s brother in law does this and the board approved him to price it out.

Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report Bills were presented

Joe Vink – Misc Road Work $54.00

US Treasury – Employment, Retirement, Medical $575.62

East Central Energy – Electric Service $56.58

Pine County Courier – Legal Notification $22.56

Glen Williamson – Mileage $8.00

Evergreen – Legal Notification $17.50

Patrice Winfield – Copy Paper $6.40

MN Association of Townships – Dues $327.19

Gary Vink – Road Work and Maintenance $96.24

Joe Vink – Plowing $59.44

Mike McCullen – December Meeting $25.48

Mark Pallow – Plowing $339.60

Toni Williamson – General Clerk Duties $149.07

Patrice Winfield – Treasurer Duties $148.13

Glen Williamson – Meeting and Road Monitoring $58.03

TOTAL $1,943.90

Treasurer requested to transfer $1,950. The transfer was motioned by Mike and seconded by Gary.

Glen thanked Mark for his hard work and professionalism and it was noted that Joe Vink also helped.

Gary and Mike went to look at the Fire Hall. It is leaking and Mike has materials that may help.

Mike motioned to adjourn and it was seconded by Gary. Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm

Toni Williamson
Clerk, Wilma Township
Phone: 320-245-5194