Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at the hall with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present:  Supervisor Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Road Manager Mark Pallow, and Jeff and Jean Grand Pre and Ben Glocke.

Paul read the record of the December meeting; Gary moved to approve; Glen seconded.  Paul had made one correction:  Vink Road, not Mink Farm Road, for T&T activities.

OLD BUSINESS:  Schmedeke Lane Resolution and Agreement:  The Board adopted the resolution to adopt the Schmedeke Lane extension as part of our existing township road.  The Board signed an agreement to present to the county accepting the County’s terms in their entirety, in return for the County contracting WilmaTownship to build up the road and culvert, up to $10,000, with no further demands on the County.  They want Eldon Schmedeke to also sign the agreement, and to purchase the strip of county land bordering the extention for $5,650.    Auditor Cathy Clemmer said not to record the road or send the agreement until the County gets his check.

ROAD REPORT:   T&T Logging Activity on Vink Road:  T&T Logging called Paul, Glen and Mark to request that the township snowplow the full length of the Vink Road so they can have access to their wood and chip wood.  Greg Beck of PineCounty also called to ask that we support T&T and the county on the access.  Mark only plowed as far as Rick and Barb Smith’s as there are no residents beyond that.  Glen asked Mark if he would have plowed further without T&T’s request, and how much extra it will cost to plow the full length of the road.  Mark estimated one hour.  Glen said we should deduct this from T&T’s escrow account.  Mark said he has worked hard to build up a positive relationship with T&T and other loggers and they are cooperating with road inspections and are calling him, and he does not want to jeopardize this.   He said he does plow other township roads that have no residents, such as the South Duncan Road. Glen deferred to the Road Manager and did not move to charge T&T for the plowing.

Snowplow Blades:  Mark said that now when he needs to replace a plow blade like the cutting edge he has to make a special trip to Little Falls Machine.  He asked the board to authorize him to pre-buy grader blades that he could pick up on his trips to his son’s, which would avoid the $147 mileage bill.  Gary moved that Mark be authorized to buy grader blades and all necessary hardware ahead of time and to have Little Falls Machine bill us.  Blades are around $300.

Grader Assistant:  Mark said he would like the town to hire Ben Glocke as assistant grader operator.   He has had difficulty reaching Frank Rehberger, who plows and grades for New Dosey.  Patrice said she will need to copy Ben’s driver’s license and get his SS info.  Glen asked Ben standard interview questions, especially about his traffic and driving record.  It is good.  Gary moved and Glen seconded that the town hire Ben Glocke effective immediately as grader assistant at our standard rate, $15 hour.

NEW BUSINESS:  MAT Resolution Proposal:  Glen moved that Wilma adopt a Resolution in Support of a Comprehensive Omnibus Transportation Finance Bill that was proposed at the MATState Convention.  They want towns to forward their resolutions to MAT to present to the Transportation Committee and the legislature.  Paul will send it in, plus a copy to Rep. Tim Faust.

Cigarette License:  Glen moved that Wilma grant the Duxbury Store a cigarette license for 2014.  Gary took the license for Joe to sign and to pay the fee.

Election Affadavits:   Candidates can file from today until January 14.  Toni will accept any applications after January 6.  Paul and Gary both filed for re-election at the March 11 election and annual town meeting.

Board of Audit:  Glen moved that we set the Board of Audit for February 5, as part of our regular board meeting.  Paul and Patrice will need to close out and reconcile their books and ledgers.  Gary seconded.

MAT Membership:  Glen moved that Wilma remains a member of the Minnesota Association of Townships and pay the dues of $336.62  Gary seconded.  Every township in PineCounty is a member, as are most others.

TREASURER’S REPORT AND BILLS:  Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached).  Claims were presented:

ECE                                                            $          53.87

Pine Co. Courier                                                    21.29

The Evergreen                                                        18.00

US Treasury (4th Quarter withholding)                          437.70

Federated Propane                                                         208.41

Pine Co. Treasurer (Truth/Taxation)                      48.10

Patrice Winfield (expenses)                                    10.00

Pine Co. Association of Townships                     336.62

Duxbury Store                                                       50.00

Mark Pallow (mileage)                                         146.90

Bruno Deep Rock                                                898.70

GaryVink (expenses)                                             45.00

Paul Raymond (expenses)                                      29.87

Joe Vink (expenses)                                               35.00

Little Falls Machine                                              327.58

Paul                                                                      151.46

Patrice                                                                  112.67

Gary                                                                       84.50

Glen                                                                       47.33

Glen moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report and to pay all the claims, and to authorize Patrice to transfer any needed funds from savings into checking.  Gary seconded.

Gary moved to adjourn; Glen seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

                                                          Paul Raymond, Clerk