Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present: Supervisors Mike McCullen and Alden Shute, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Road Manager Alden, and Stefanie Williamson. Stan Riley attended long enough to get an affadavit of candidacy.
Clerk’s Report of December Board Meeting: Paul read the record of the December meeting; Patrice said the actual bills were $4,712, not $5,600 because she voided a double payment to Deep Rock. Corrected, Mike moved to approve; Alden seconded; passed unanimously.
ROAD REPORT: Alden plowed all township roads and subscribed driveways after the two devastating snowstorms. The grader lights and other parts were damaged by so many trees down or over the road. He has a man, Brad Rootke, East Central Logging, who can trim all the overhanging trees at $300/hour. Mike said all our roads probably need trees trimmed. Mike said the cut trees belong to the property owners, but he said if we make a resolution declaring these storms a township emergency we can cut them without contacting the property owners. He moved that we declare the two early December storms a township road right-of-way emergency; Alden seconded; passed. The worst roads are Tamarack Pine Drive, the Mayfield Road and the Vink Road.
County Assistance: Cheryl Wickham told Patrice that Arna is getting some financial assistance for damage. Paul said Denise Anderson of the Sheriff’s Department sent an email 2 weeks ago asking for estimates of damage, but he did not respond because he did not know we had recoverable damage. Her email 12/22 stated: “We are doing a preliminary damage assessment for Pine County due to the storm from 12/13 – 12/15. Allowable expenses are as follows:
“Normal costs to counties and townships are not recoverable expenses. Overtime for emergency plowing for restoration of utilities is recoverable, but not if plows are normally out plowing that area.”
The Pine County Sheriff’s Office said, “We declared a local emergency on 12-20-22 to start the process for disaster declaration.”
Grader Tires: Alden said the tires are bad and he needs to replace two, at $2,000 each. He said he’d shop around for a better price. He said David Storvik has overhanging branches and he can’t plow until they are cut. Paul will contact him. He got some help installing a new water pump on the grader.
OLD BUSINESS: Dumpster Camera: Glen took the new camera to study the manual and program the camera with his cell phone but he said he could not get it to charge. Paul will return it if he can’t charge it.
NEW BUSINESS: Wilma Township Election, Tuesday, March 14, 2023: Patrice and Alden are up for re-election and both filed. People can file for office from January 3 through January 17. ($2 fee). Stan Riley asked for the Affidavit to file. If he runs, Tracy cannot judge so Paul will need two other judges. Patrice cannot judge and only Paul and Tracy are trained. . Polls open from 5 to 8. Stefanie said she will let Paul know if she will judge. She will need the online training if she does. Paul will also ask Cindy Klienschmidt and Maureen Rioux if they would be willing to be trained and judge.
Board of Canvass and Annual Town Meeting: Will follow the election. Board of Reorganization: To swear in newly elected officers and set wages, bank and posting sites for 2023. Alden moved to hold it on April 4 before the board meeting; Mike seconded; passed unanimously.
March, 2023, Meeting Change: The March, 2023 board meeting changed from March 1 to March 8. The Annual meeting is March 14.
Board of Audit for 2022 Books: Usually done before the February board meeting. Last year we held it in March at the board meeting before the annual meeting. Glen moved to have it February 1 before the board meeting; Mike seconded; passed unanimously. So far, both the Treasurer’s and Clerk’s books match.
Board of Review and Equalization: Will be Monday, April 10, 2023, at the Hall at 1 pm. Lori Houitsma and Karen Stumne, our appraiser, will attend. Her phone is 320-591-1639. Paul will post the meeting. Glen said he has worked with Karen on his commercial assessment and believes she is very qualified and good. The Supervisors cannot appeal their assessments at the meeting but have to go to the county. Mike and others have said their assessments have gone way, way up and they want to question them. Commissioners Meeting on Taxes and Assessments: Patrice attended the Commissioners’ meeting to ask why her appraisal has gone up so much and her homestead credit went down. They said all the sales in Wilma/Arna area were very high which reflects on everyone’s property value, and the homestead credit is cut if your home is worth $¼ million and eliminated if it is $½ million. Alden said his values are higher because of the river, yet he can’t do anything with the river within 300′.
Broadband in Pine Co: DEED announced the $15M award To ECE for their proposed projects in Pine, Kanabec & Isanti counties which brings the total of federal, state & private grants for broadband infrastructure projects in Pine County to $13.2M since the Blandin Broadband Accelerate program in the summer of 2021.
Internet Fund: Our internet fund is down to $386, about 6 months. We can use our ARPA funds for this; need a transfer. Mike moved that we request more funds from Blandin; Alden seconded. Paul will contact them.
Country Store and More Cigarette License: The 2023 cigarette license due for renewal. $10. Stan Riley took the form to fill out. Mike moved to authorize his cigarette license; Alden seconded; passed unanimously.
Wilma Recycling: Glen said a man named Todd on the garbage board said that Wilma residents need to start recycling. Mike said the county took our recycling shed away. Patrice said everyone who wants to recycle can being their bottles and cans to the recycling shed in Sandstone.
2023 Garbage Pickup Schedule: Copies were available at meeting but Stan took them accidentally. Paul will contact him.
Training forBoard of Appeal and Equalization Online: Glen completed the course so we are good. One Supervisor must be certified to hold the board.
Treasurer’s Report: (Attached) Patrice said total bills for December are $5,285, and she needs to transfer $5,000. Mike moved to approve her report and to transfer the funds. Alden seconded; passed. Alden moved to adjourn the meeting; Mike seconded; passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:45.