Chairman Glenford Williamson, Sr. called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. at theWilmaTown Hallin Duxbury, with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisors Gary Vink and Michael McCullen, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Deputy Clerk Toni Williamson, Deputy Treasurer Jenn Nelson, Grader Operator Mark Pallow, and Eldon and Marg Schmedeke.
Paul read the record of the August meeting. Garycorrected the record that it was Mike, notGary, who gave the history of the land west of the town hall. With this correction,Garymoved to approve the report; Mike seconded.
OLD BUSINESS: Deputy Treasurer: Paul swore Jenn Nelson in as Deputy Treasurer, to serve in Patrice’s absence. She will be paid the same hourly rate for training and reports, and the full meeting rate should she serve instead of Patrice. Patrice said we need to fill out a new resolution to Northview Bank, to add Jenn and Toni as check signers, and to update all the other signatures. Glen moved that the Board adopt a resolution to list all Supervisors and the Clerk and Treasurer and their Deputies as check signers at Northview Bank. Mike Seconded. Everyone signed the resolution form.
Propane Prebuy: Mike moved to purchase 1,000 gallons of propane, same as last year. Patrice said we ran out of propane last year, and they filled it twice after our prebuy ended. Gary questioned this, but Patrice said this is what they billed. Mark said the fire hall may have lost heat due to the foundation being damaged and crooked. Mike amended his motion to pre-buy 1,200 gallons of propane at $1.99/gallon. Gary seconded. Passed.
District 7 Township Meeting: This year it is atAnokaRamseyCollege inCambridge on Sept. 22. Director Don Sherpa will chair the meeting which will be mostly legislative updates and issues. No board member wants to go.
MAT Annual Meeting: This year it is at the Arrowwood Resort inAlexandria, from November 17-19. Glen said he still wants to go. The Board said to wait until the October meeting. There is no registration info yet in the Township News, and the motel registration can be made until October 15. Glen said he may need to visit his father at that time inFlorida.
Legal Seminar: Our Attorney, Robert Ruppe’s law firm is hosting a free township legal seminar on Saturday, October 1, in Cotton. Mike said he went last year and learned a lot, and said the Board should send Paul this year. They will cover lawsuits, open meeting law, grants, conflicts and contracts, roads, and fire department contracts. Mike moved that either Paul or Patrice be authorized to attend the seminar. Patrice said it would be better to send Paul. Gary seconded. Passed. Paul will register.
FEMA Meeting for Wind Disaster: Mike said he got a last minute call a few weeks ago about a FEMA meeting for compensation for the wind storm July 1. He registered the Duxbury Volunteer Fire Department andWilmaTownship to be eligible for federal funds. He asked that he be reimbursed for mileage and for a half-day meeting. Glen moved that Mike be paid for mileage and the meeting;Gary seconded; passed. Mike said there will be another meeting tomorrow, September 8, inPineCity, and he will represent both the fire department and the town. He asked Paul for the D.U.N.S. numbers for the fire department and the town. Paul didn’t have them on file, but will get them from Dun and Bradstreet, so we can apply for FEMA funds.
Errors and Omissions: Glen asked Patrice if she found out if we are covered for errors and omissions on our blanket policy with MAT. She said not yet.
Fire Hall Foundation: Gary moved that Mike be authorized to hire Ken Coveau to repair the damage to the foundation on the fire hall. We do not need bids. Gary said the fire department should pay half of this cost, but did not make a motion. Paul asked if the fire department helps with the heating; Mike said in no township in our department does the fire department pay for propane as all the fire halls belong to the townships.
Duxbury Road Conditions Letter: Paul did not get the photos from Glen or Eldon Schmedeke so he could include them in a letter to theCountyCommissioners andCountyEngineer. Glen said he will get Paul his photos of the flooding, and Eldon gave Paul 10 photos he took in the spring. Eldon said that he attends the meetings because he never knows if there will be something on the agenda that affects his interests. He asked that if the clerk is aware that there will be an issue regarding the roads in his area, or other pertinent issues, that he be notified. Paul said he will continue to provide Eldon a copy of the meeting records, since he has difficulty hearing everything. Paul will write the letters when he has all the photos.
NEW BUSINESS: Wedding: Grader Operator Mark Pallow asked to use the town hall on Saturday, October 8, from noon until 6 p.m. for his wedding to Maureen Rioux. He and Maureen will clean and set up the hall. Mike moved that the rental fee be waived for Mark and Maureen, but asked that they sign the rental form agreement and clean up afterwards. This will prepare the hall for Fall Fest. Gary seconded. Passed.
Fill Dirt: Mike had a load of dirt dumped by the fire hall, for free. They will use it to raise the slope. The big water tank will be buried next week.
Wilma Fall Fest: This will be Saturday, October 22. There was a discussion on hiring a live band, instead of a DJ. Patrice suggested Papa John’s Band who she heard at the district 7-County Senior Federation meeting, and Glen suggested Denny and Steph Hansen’s band. Both may be available within our budget. Mike moved that the budget for Fall Fest be set at $400, same as other years. Glen seconded. The committee so far is Patrice, Glen, and Toni, and Jenn Nelson said she’d be on it. Paul said he’d help with signs. Mark and Maureen will have the hall set up for decorating.
Bank C.D.’s: Patrice said two CD’s totaling almost $10,000 are coming due, one 12 months and one 6 months. Mike asked if we have enough available cash if we renew these; Patrice said yes. Mike moved to roll over the two C.D.’s. Gary seconded. Passed.
TREASURER’S REPORT AND BILLS: Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached) and claims were presented:
Jenn Julin $ 17.34
Federated Coop (prebuy) 2,398.80
Mike McCullen (expenses) 44.00
Patrice Winfield (internet) 10.00
Paul Raymond (internet) 10.00
Pine Co. Treasurer (Truth in Taxation) 40.61
ECE 52.67
Paul Raymond 120.76
Mike McCullen 89.63
Frank Rehberger 125.95
Gary Vink 70.76
Patrice Winfield 102.84
Glen Williamson 48.36
Jenn Julin 31.31
Total $ 3.162.85
Mike moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report and to pay all the claims, and to transfer $3,200 from savings into checking. Garyseconded.
Garymoved to adjourn the meeting; Mike seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Paul Raymond, Clerk