Chairman Glen Williamson called the Board of Audit meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Also present: Supervisors Mike McCullen and Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Grader Operator Alden Shute, Kim Felton and Cindy Kleinschmidt.

             Board of Audit for 2020 Books:   Paul and Patrice had coordinated and cross-checked their books.  Board reviewed their Schedules for FY 2020. Mike moved to approve the two sets of books; Gary seconded; passed.  The Board all signed Schedules 1 and Cash Control Summaries for 2020.  Paul presented the proposed levies for 2022 taxes and wages for 2021 for any changes by the Board.  No increases were proposed. Gary moved to adjourn the Board of Audit; Mike seconded.

            Glen called the February, 2021 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting to order.

            Meeting Record:  Paul read the record of the January 6 board meeting.  Mike moved to approve; Gary seconded.

            ROAD REPORT:  Alden plowed  once since January. He got the grader wing repaired with Gary’s help, but then the boom pulley pin broke so the wing went out.  He got the part delivered, so he will be fixing it.  

            Alden said the fire department took diesel without writing it down.  Mike said he took 15 gallons and he was going to tell Patrice at the meeting tonight; the fuel was for Kim’s tractor which was needed because of the solid frozen ice drift in front of the fire hall so the trucks could not get out. Mike will have Patrice pay it to the town; Alden said it is $5/gallon.

            NEW BUSINESS:  Annual Town Meeting and Election:   Our regular March board meeting will be Wednesday, March  3.  The election for Supervisor and Treasurer and the Annual Town Meeting will be Tuesday, March 9.  Polls open  5 – 8 p.m.  Paul, Gary and Stefanie will judge. Absentee ballot period open February 5 to March 9.  Glen and Patrice up for re-election.

            Legislative & Research Committee Meeting:  Will be online this year, on Wednesday, February 17. Last year the board sent Patrice to the L&R meeting at the capitol, since she knew so many state officials.  “All town officers are welcome; registration is required: http://bit.ly/LRSpring2021 . There is no cost to attend this event. February 2021 Legislative & Research Committee meetings will be held via virtual Zoom meetings, instead of at the State Capitol.” Some sessions are not relevant to our town. Glen moved that any interested officers be allowed to attend relevant sessions; Mike seconded.


10:15: Transportation Committee legislative panel with Q&A.

10:45: Local Government Committee legislative panel with Q&A

1:00: Transportation subcommittee meeting

1:00: Government Operations subcommittee meeting

2:00: Environment subcommittee meeting

2:00: Taxes subcommittee meeting

2:00: Annexation subcommittee meeting

            Paul asked if we could set a flat hourly rate for all board members for attending Zoom meetings; right now we are paid at our own rate, so some get $18/hour and others $20-22.50.  Mike moved that all officers be paid $20/hour for internet and Zoom meetings and trainings.  Gary seconded.  Passed.

            Pine County Township Officers’ Meeting:   Will be Saturday, March 27, 9 am at the Community Center in Hinckley.  Wilma is hosting and setting up.

            Board of Appeal for Property Tax Valuation:   Will be Monday, April 12, 1 p.m. At the Wilma Town Hall, Duxbury.  To appeal assessment for 2022 taxes. Mike said he will be gone working so Gary and Glen will have to be here.  Glen has been certified, and Gary thinks he may still be also.

            MAT Spring Short Course:  Will be live, on Friday, April 2, at the DECC in Duluth.  No posting yet on schedule or times.   Patrice said the only training that she has found very helpful are the shortcourses.  Paul said we can carpool when we know more about it.

             Treasurer’s Report and Claims:   Patrice gave the Treasurer’s Report (attached). Total bills for February $3,589.87, for a transfer of $3,500.  Gary moved to approve her report and to make the transfer.  Mike seconded; passed.

 Report by Paul Raymond _________________________________

Attest:  Glen Williamson, Chair______________________________