Chairman Glen Williamson called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present Supervisor Gary Vink, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Grader Operator Alden Shute, and Pat Story.
BOARD OF AUDIT: Gary and Glen reviewed and compared the Treasurer’s and the Clerk’s books. Gary moved to approve the books; Glen seconded. They signed the forms.
Paul read the record of the January board meeting. Gary moved to approve; Mike seconded.
ROAD REPORT: Alden said he plowed all roads and private drives who signed up, twice lately, most recently today. There are some problems with the grader. He fixed the wing bracket but it broke again and he will have it welded. The blade needs cutting edges before road grading starts; he can have it done for less than $100. He asked if we could get an air compressor. The fire department has one, stored now at Eagle Head where it is not needed. Gary can get it and bring it over, or Mike.
OLD BUSINESS: Township Records: Mike said in December that he found a fire-proof safe at Sams. Mike absent; no update. Paul wants to put the records in as soon as we get the safe.
Pete Anderson Road Bridge: Mike Goetz had requested that the township repair the bridge at the two mile mark of the range-line road. We informed him that both Arna and Wilma only claim 1¾ miles of the road, and the remaining ¼ mile is still public right-of-way since neither town vacated that part, but we will not maintain it. Mike Goetz did some bridge repairs and then got a letter from Daniel Lodge demanding that the bridge be removed. We have a letter in to Township Attorney Kent Sulem, asking if Goetz is in his rights as a citizen to repair the existing bridge over McDermott Creek since it is a public right-of-way and there was an existing bridge. No response yet.
NEW BUSINESS: Pine County Board of Commissioners Special Local Government Meeting: The Commissioners held a special meeting for township officers on the rural narrative, ramifications of the Office of Economic Development & Pine County, and recent initiatives, and updates on local initiatives. Glen and Paul attended last Wednesday, January 25, at the courthouse. Glen gave a report. One thing that impressed him is that only 53% of money coming into the county is from employed people. The rest is Social Security and other entitlements. Also, that rural areas are not really losing people, except for college-age youths. Some areas are reclassified as urban, but have the same population. Many younger families and older people are moving into rural areas. There were sessions on the new Pine County Comprehensive Plan, including the proposals for county-wide zoning. Several townships with zoning say they are paying huge costs in legal fees from suing and being sued. If there were county-wide zoning, the county would enforce the ordinances. Glen said only three townships in Pine County have no zoning, Wilma, Fleming and Bruno. Pat said county-wide zoning can be a mess. One of the reasons they chose to move to Wilma is because we have no zoning. Discussion of the increase in county levies. Steve Chafee said one reason the county needs more money is they are not boarding out-of-county prisoners at the jail, since it is full of Pine County offenders due to the new sheriff and attorney arresting and prosecuting more crimes. There will be further hearings on the comprehensive plan and when they do draft a zoning ordinance.
March Township Election: Gary and Patrice are up for re-election, Tuesday, March 14, 2017 and both filed. . Reminder that March Town Board Meeting changed to March 8, one week later. Paul will post this. Paul, Toni and Jeff or Jeanne GrandPre will judge. Patrice is judging at New Dosey.
Annual Meeting Levies Budget and Agenda: Proposed budget distributed, and payroll comparison chart for the three neighboring townships. Wilma’s board is paid significantly less than either New Dosey or Arna. Glen moved to increase wages for 2017: Chairman, to $105/meeting; Supervisors $100/meeting. Clerk and Treasurer, $100/meeting; Special reports, $16/hour; Election Judges, $16/hour. General Labor, $16/hour; Grader Operator, $20/hour. These rates are still below New Dosey, who pays their chair and clerk $125/meeting and judging and reports at $20/hour. No increases in levies will be proposed for 2018. Payroll increases will be proposed to the citizens at the annual Town Meeting March 14th, but only the board can ultimately approve any payroll increases or changes at the Board of Reorganization.
Four groups are asking for support from the township, OSAC, Seven County Senior Federation, the Pine County History Museum, and a new one, Family Pathways. Gary said Pathways just had a telethon and raised a lot of money, plus the Wanderers gave them $300. Alden said we’d voted to budget $300 for all extra groups, and if we add more, it needs to come out of the $300.
Glen moved to keep our snowplowing rates the same for 2017 as last year. Gary seconded.
Gary said the Tri-townhip Disposal District wants to increase annual rates from $30 to $36, where it used to be. Gary said they want feedback from the citizens at the Annual Meeting.
ECRDC Meeting: Glen said that as a member of the of the East Central Regional Development Committee Business Loan Board he will help determine who gets revolving business loans. He has access to a lot of groups and businesses offering grants, and would like to take a grant-writing class. Pat said he’s taken several, and you have to know what you’re getting into. Glen would like to apply for grants to insulate and heat our hall so we can have indoor plumbing and for our outhouse to get heat and plumbing. Pat said the narrative is most important when you present a grant proposal. Pat is willing to work with Glen on applying for grants.
Lost River Road: Pat asked that the board allocate some funds to build up and repair the Lost River Road. He says the class 5 applied had a lot of clay and the clay is coming to the surface and making it very slippery. He asked if the town could put aggregate rock on the surface instead of class 5. We have never used aggregate rock except on the fire hall drive way and Gary said it’s difficult to grade, plus is is very expensive. Alden suggested putting screened sand down on the road and then class 5 over the sand. Glen urged Pat to attend the road inspection in May. It will be on line and we can call him.
Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Patrice gave he treasurer’s report. Total bills for January were $5,261.66, and she transferred $4,200. For February, they are$3,206.44 and because of some direct withdrawals, like for dental and the satellite, she transferred $3,400. Gary moved to approve; Glen seconded.
Gary moved to adjourn; Glen seconded. Meeting adjourned 9:15 p.m.
Paul Raymond, Clerk _____________________________
Attested to by Glen Williamson, Chair____________________________