Chairman Mike McCullen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present: Supervisors Glen Williamson and Alden Shute, Treasurer Patrice Winfield, Clerk Paul Raymond, Road Manager Alden Shute, and Jim Bredesen.
Clerk’s Report of July 5 Board Meeting. Patrice asked if the motion regarding board member contact with our township attorneys, Couri&Ruppe, was for only Supervisors or for all board members. Paul said the board had said Supervisors, but Glen said that should be amended to cover all officers, with the same parameters and requirements of the original motion, i.e., That “they must tell them to cap the consultation at $1,000 and they must give a written opinion for the whole board.” Alden moved to approve the report; Glen seconded; passed.
Road Report: Alden said he is ready to do the Tamarack Pine Drive regraveling project with RedRock gravel. He bladed out the holes on Little Tamarack Pine drive.
Bridge Replacement on Markville Road Near Boys Camp: The rotting old bridge was removed and they are putting a big cement culvert in like they did on the Duxbury Road at the Flemming Road a couple of years go. Alden said the pavement won’t be done until next week. Paul asked if we can drive across it when it is still dirt? They cut the phone cable going east and our fiber optic cable was out for two days. Photos of the old bridge torn out:
State, County and Township December Storm Road Emergency: Alden spoke with Jeff Shute from Danforth Township and they are having Rootke cut the trees on Crooked Lake Road and Eagle Head Roads. Danforth Township did submit a Request for Public Assistance for the State Disaster (2022-SD-070) and they will be repaid for almost all of the work. Mike said most of the worst damage is on the Danforth side of the roads.
Deadline: Wayne Lamoreaux, ( “The State Disaster (2023-SD-070) was declared on January 31, 2023. Wilma Township (Pine County) will have (1) year from the date of the declaration to complete all of the work.
OLD BUSINESS: Wlma Town Park Sign: A 5′ X 1′ blue sign with white lettering is being made by M&R Sign Company, who did our weight limit signs. Around $80.
Plans for Park/Liability: in response to citizens asking if the town board has any plans for development or use for the park, e.g., an area cleared and access created so people can have picnics there, Mike had said we could have a liability problem. Heather Tidmore, Director of MATIT, said, “There is a Parks and Recreation Immunity that applies to public entities (State/County Parks) – so by extension that would also apply to township-owned parks.” MAT Attorney Graham Berg-Moberg has a much longer opinion (printed out and given to the officers)
NEW BUSINESS: District 7 Meeting MAT: Thursday, August 10, Director Tammy Carlson, Anoka Ramsey Community College, 300 Spirit River Dr S, Cambridge, MN (District 7 Pine, Kanabec, Isanti, Chisago, Sherburne, Wright, Anoka, Hennepin, Ramsey, Washington Counties). No one is interested in going.
MAT 2023 Annual Conference: December 7 – 9 Rivers’ Edge Conference Center in Duluth. The Pine Co. Township Officers Association may offer scholarships as they did before COVID.
PROPERTY APPRAISAL TO REFLECT COST TO REPAIR/REPLACE BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES WHEN A COVERED LOSS OCCURS: “The Minnesota Association of Townships Insurance and Bond Trust (MATIT) contracted with Overland Solutions/ExL to conduct an independent, on-site appraisal of township property to ensure that the township has coverage sufficient to complete repairs or the replacement of the damaged property. This is particularly important given the increase in the cost of materials and labor.” MATIT met with the clerk on Tuesday July 25 at the hall.
Pine Co. Wanderers and FallFest: Paul asked the board for permission for the Wanderers to hold their October 25 meeting at the Wilma Town Hall. It will be after FallFest (October 21) so Paul will ask them to leave all the tables up from FallFest for the Wanderers to use. Glen moved to allow them; Alden seconded; passed.
Couri&Ruppe Legal Seminar: Will be Saturday, September 16 in Rutledge, 9-4. They will answer all legal questions for free.
Assessment Training: Training for boards of appeal and equalization are available. “Follow the instructions for any board members taking the on-line training. It is strongly encouraged to have more than one member take the training. Registration, usernames, and passwords are no longer required. Visit our Board of Appeal and Equalization Training website and follow the instructions. If you close out of the course before certifying your completion, you will need to retake the course. This new format does not save your progress so you must complete it, or you’ll need to start over.” Glen is certified to July, 2026. Mike and Alden not certified. We have a computer in the hall with internet access for Mike to use.
Treasurer’s Report and Claims: Total bills for August, 5,894.42; request a transfer of $5,900. Glen moved to approve the report and approve the transfer. Alden seconded; Passed.
Glen moved to adjourn; Alden seconded; passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:30
Paul Raymond, Clerk