Chairman Mike McCullen called the meeting to order at the Wilma Town Hall at 10:00 a.m. Also present were Supervisors Glen Williamson, Road Manager/Supervisor Alden Shute, Clerk Paul Raymond, and for portions of the inspection, Danforth Supervisor Jason Palme.
EAGLE HEAD ROAD: Danforth Supervisor Jason Palme joined us for Crooked Lake and Eagle Head Roads. Culvert at ¼ mile completely plugged by beavers. Unplug and have Hopkins dig out big culvert and add 6′ extension (that can be cut off the culvert on Pete Anderson Road). Sink it 6” lower than it is with a gate to block the beavers. Two loads gravel at ¼ mile at low spots south of the culvert. Reinforce cage to keep beavers out. Discussion on who traps beavers for permanent solution.
CROOKED LAKE ROAD: Alden marked three spots to dig the road down 8” and put down rock and cover with class 5 to cure frost boils. At .4 mile mile frost boil; dig out 8” down with grader and regravel, 2 loads gravel and 2 loads rock on the bottom by Summerland. Palme approved. Have Duane Glienke trim trees over road at $35/hour. The County will repay us for purchases of equipment. Alden moved and Glen seconded to have Mike purchase an electric chainsaw and pole chainsaw and extra batteries, and to pay individuals who use their own chainsaw $10 hour for use of saw. Passed. At .6 mile, dig out and rock and gravel at soft spot. One load at 52979 the end of Palme’s driveway.
DOLLAR LAKE ROAD: Write County Highway to widen entrance to Dollar Lake Road and their culvert. At 54265 1 load minus 2”pit run. Trim all trees. Blading and routine maintenance.
VINK ROAD: Trim trees length of road; routine blading.
MINK FARM ROAD: Trim trees. Routine blading, otherwise good.
MAYFIELD ROAD: 1.1 mile trim trees. Trim trees along and at end of road. Routine blading.
LITTLE TAMARACK LAKE ROAD: Fill holes .2 mile past dock. Trim trees. Routine blading.
SHORT ROAD: Routine blading; trim trees.
LOST RIVER ROAD: Top priority for removing trees and debris. Very bad. Alden said Hopkins has jumper truck that can pick up debris and haul it away, and we can dump it in his gravel pit for a big fire, or else rent chipper. Routine blading. Ditches are draining well; no water on road.
RIVER CABIN ROAD: Trim trees. Routine blading.
MONA DRIVE: Routine blading. Trim trees.
KENNY PETERSON ROAD: Routine blading.
MC CULLEN DRIVE: Routine blading. Clear brush and trees.
HELLER DRIVE: Beaver dam .2 mile. Can’t blow it up. Alden moved to build up the road with 2 loads of class 5; Mike seconded; passed. Maybe a culvert in the future. At Tamarack River bridge the County wants us to remove the large trees; Duane will do it. Regular blading.
TAMARACK PINE DRIVE: Major project for 2023 season, to build up and resurface the entire road with red rock gravel. Last year Alden estimated it will need 33 loads of red rock from Roberts or Lineas, about $8,000 for the project. Regular blading and trim trees.
SOUTH DUNCAN ROAD: Trim trees. Routine blading and leveling.
NORTH DUNCAN ROAD: At 57391 1 load gravel over culvert. Trim trees all along road. Someone dumped big cement piers in the ditch on the west side, first property up road, where they can be a hazard and liability. Andrew Pierce, 612-616-9312. Paul will get his address and write or call him. Routine blading.
FUST LANE: Trim trees. Routine blading.
LANGSTROM LANE: Alden said he and Doug alternate taking care of this road and Pete Anderson. Trim trees. Routine blading.
PETE ANDERSON ROAD: Cut trees. Very good road. Routine blading.
SCHMEDEKE LANE: Routine blading. Trim trees.
Glen moved to adjourn; Mike seconded; Meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m. Total 4 hours, 1 1/2 hours overtime.
Chairman Mike McCullen called the meeting to order at the Wilma Town Hall at 10:00 a.m. Also present were Supervisors Glen Williamson, Road Manager/Supervisor Alden Shute, Clerk Paul Raymond, and for portions of the inspection, Danforth Supervisor Jason Palme.
EAGLE HEAD ROAD: Danforth Supervisor Jason Palme joined us for Crooked Lake and Eagle Head Roads. Culvert at ¼ mile completely plugged by beavers. Unplug and have Hopkins dig out big culvert and add 6′ extension (that can be cut off the culvert on Pete Anderson Road). Sink it 6” lower than it is with a gate to block the beavers. Two loads gravel at ¼ mile at low spots south of the culvert. Reinforce cage to keep beavers out. Discussion on who traps beavers for permanent solution.
CROOKED LAKE ROAD: Alden marked three spots to dig the road down 8” and put down rock and cover with class 5 to cure frost boils. At .4 mile mile frost boil; dig out 8” down with grader and regravel, 2 loads gravel and 2 loads rock on the bottom by Summerland. Palme approved. Have Duane Glienke trim trees over road at $35/hour. The County will repay us for purchases of equipment. Alden moved and Glen seconded to have Mike purchase an electric chainsaw and pole chainsaw and extra batteries, and to pay individuals who use their own chainsaw $10 hour for use of saw. Passed. At .6 mile, dig out and rock and gravel at soft spot. One load at 52979 the end of Palme’s driveway.
DOLLAR LAKE ROAD: Write County Highway to widen entrance to Dollar Lake Road and their culvert. At 54265 1 load minus 2”pit run. Trim all trees. Blading and routine maintenance.
VINK ROAD: Trim trees length of road; routine blading.
MINK FARM ROAD: Trim trees. Routine blading, otherwise good.
MAYFIELD ROAD: 1.1 mile trim trees. Trim trees along and at end of road. Routine blading.
LITTLE TAMARACK LAKE ROAD: Fill holes .2 mile past dock. Trim trees. Routine blading.
SHORT ROAD: Routine blading; trim trees.
LOST RIVER ROAD: Top priority for removing trees and debris. Very bad. Alden said Hopkins has jumper truck that can pick up debris and haul it away, and we can dump it in his gravel pit for a big fire, or else rent chipper. Routine blading. Ditches are draining well; no water on road.
RIVER CABIN ROAD: Trim trees. Routine blading.
MONA DRIVE: Routine blading. Trim trees.
KENNY PETERSON ROAD: Routine blading.
MC CULLEN DRIVE: Routine blading. Clear brush and trees.
HELLER DRIVE: Beaver dam .2 mile. Can’t blow it up. Alden moved to build up the road with 2 loads of class 5; Mike seconded; passed. Maybe a culvert in the future. At Tamarack River bridge the County wants us to remove the large trees; Duane will do it. Regular blading.
TAMARACK PINE DRIVE: Major project for 2023 season, to build up and resurface the entire road with red rock gravel. Last year Alden estimated it will need 33 loads of red rock from Roberts or Lineas, about $8,000 for the project. Regular blading and trim trees.
SOUTH DUNCAN ROAD: Trim trees. Routine blading and leveling.
NORTH DUNCAN ROAD: At 57391 1 load gravel over culvert. Trim trees all along road. Someone dumped big cement piers in the ditch on the west side, first property up road, where they can be a hazard and liability. Andrew Pierce, 612-616-9312. Paul will get his address and write or call him. Routine blading.
FUST LANE: Trim trees. Routine blading.
LANGSTROM LANE: Alden said he and Doug alternate taking care of this road and Pete Anderson. Trim trees. Routine blading.
PETE ANDERSON ROAD: Cut trees. Very good road. Routine blading.
SCHMEDEKE LANE: Routine blading. Trim trees.
Glen moved to adjourn; Mike seconded; Meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m. Total 4 hours, 1 1/2 hours overtime. https://photos.google.com/u/1/share/AF1QipOF9XmEFqoGYeLo-SFNAuIW-sAd-5zzZFtesUq65fTQoktcvX_nUVWz_l5ZcsGVqg?key=aHJlY25nXzZlZE9KSVJUckN1d3I2YjhGcnREeTNR